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Programming Language Implementation

With this README file you should also have found these:

Makefile :  A makefile for the COMP90045 project 2014

ast.c :     Defines Iz Abstract Syntax Trees in C; actually
            the bulk of definitions are in ast.h

ast.h :     Many possible design choices - this is just one
            possible way of defining the data structures that
            make up the ast

liz.l :     A lex specification for Iz

missing.h : A header file that makes up for bison shortcomings

piz.y :     A bison specification for Iz

pretty.c :  A pretty-printer - actually not really; for now
            this is just a stub

pretty.h :  A header file for pretty.c

std.h :     A header file with some standard C macros

wiz.c :     The driver program

To get started, study these files, in particular liz.l, ast.h, and piz.y. On a Unix machine you should be able to just type


and that should generate some files for you, including liz.c, piz.c, piz.h, and the executable wiz. (There will also be a file piz.output that may be useful for piz.y debugging later on.)

Write a small Iz test program, like this:

int k; read k;

Say this program is in file test.iz; now you should be able to run

wiz -p test.iz

and something will happen (actually nothing very interesting, because there is no real pretty-printer yet). But at least you should not get error messages.

If your Unix system doesn't seem to recognise `wiz', that could be because your PATH variable hasn't been set correctly. For now, just try instead

./wiz -p test.iz


Programming Language Implementation






No releases published
