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PowerVQE: An Open Framework for Quality Enhancement of Compressed Videos

🚀 Note: Please refer to PowerQE for improved function. This repository is archived.

0. Content

1. Introduction

We implement some widely-used quality enhancement approaches for compressed videos based on the powerful MMEditing project. These approaches are commonly used for comparison in this field are as follows:

  • STDF (AAAI 2020): Enhancing compressed videos with feature-wise deformable convolutions, instead of frame-wise motion estimation and compensation.
  • MFQEv2 (TPAMI 2019): Enhancing frames in compressed videos by taking advantage of neighboring good-quality frames.
  • DCAD (DCC 2017): The first approach to post-process the decoded videos with a deep-learning-based method. It also sets up good experimental settings.
  • DnCNN (TIP 2017): Widely used approach for decompression and denoising.

We also implement some SR baseline models for quality enhancement as follows:

Furthermore, we incorporate some image-oriented models into PowerVQE, which are detailed in this section:

2. Performance

[TensorBoard] [Pre-trained models]

RGB-PSNR results on the test set of the LDVv2 dataset for the NTIRE 2022 video quality enhancement challenge are as follows:

[Table Here]
Index Video name Width Height Frames Frame rate LQ DCAD DnCNN STDF MFQEv2 EDVR BasicVSR++
1 001 960 536 250 25 32.433 32.872 32.901 32.971 33.039 33.163 33.342
2 002 960 536 300 30 30.182 30.587 30.624 30.719 30.824 30.978 31.686
3 003 960 536 300 30 29.047 29.670 29.700 29.678 29.981 29.890 30.488
4 004 960 536 250 25 34.313 35.105 35.209 35.324 35.448 35.774 36.196
5 005 960 536 600 60 30.492 30.919 30.953 31.048 31.108 31.335 31.693
6 006 960 536 300 30 28.994 29.450 29.503 29.484 29.588 29.785 30.117
7 007 960 536 240 24 28.845 29.359 29.373 29.472 29.581 29.696 29.865
8 008 960 504 240 24 31.798 32.640 32.706 32.831 32.835 33.119 33.389
9 009 960 536 250 25 29.857 30.628 30.656 30.751 30.842 30.999 31.140
10 010 960 504 600 60 34.646 35.531 35.598 35.621 35.591 35.666 35.634
11 011 960 536 600 60 26.300 26.662 26.735 26.718 26.666 26.804 26.926
12 012 960 536 600 60 22.867 23.334 23.324 23.467 23.437 23.319 23.391
13 013 960 536 300 30 28.424 28.787 28.793 28.886 29.222 29.190 29.805
14 014 960 536 300 30 31.214 31.820 31.853 31.909 32.022 32.209 32.451
15 015 960 536 300 30 29.032 29.495 29.527 29.497 29.601 29.681 30.461
Ave. 29.896 30.457 30.497 30.558 30.652 30.774 31.106
Delta PSNR 0.561 0.601 0.662 0.756 0.878 1.209

Y-PSNR results on the test set (QP=37) of the MFQEv2 dataset are as follows:

[Table Here]
Index Video Name Width Height Frames Frame rate LQ DCAD DnCNN STDF STDF-Y MFQEv2 EDVR BasicVSR++
1 Kimono 1920 1080 240 24 34.397 34.661 34.686 34.737 34.908 35.149 35.299 35.849
2 Park Scene 1920 1080 240 24 31.629 31.800 31.809 31.836 32.002 32.146 32.137 32.606
3 Cactus 1920 1080 500 50 32.486 32.765 32.779 32.835 33.023 33.069 33.172 33.479
4 BQ Terrace 1920 1080 600 60 31.289 31.653 31.656 31.676 31.764 31.766 31.812 32.055
5 Basketball Drive 1920 1080 500 50 33.382 33.723 33.751 33.796 33.929 34.004 34.143 34.541
6 Race Horses 832 480 300 30 30.161 30.475 30.496 30.495 30.574 30.718 30.723 31.060
7 BQ Mall 832 480 600 60 31.353 31.777 31.803 31.842 32.100 32.143 32.225 32.704
8 Party Scene 832 480 500 50 27.925 28.259 28.271 28.387 28.552 28.480 28.498 28.761
9 Basketball Drill 832 480 500 50 31.646 32.140 32.171 32.231 32.384 32.340 32.482 32.694
10 Race Horses 416 240 300 30 29.375 29.750 29.767 29.792 29.941 30.130 30.138 30.494
11 BQ Square 416 240 600 60 28.365 28.947 28.957 29.154 29.338 29.239 29.198 29.474
12 Blowing Bubbles 416 240 500 50 27.876 28.188 28.202 28.342 28.509 28.486 28.479 28.815
13 Basketball Pass 416 240 500 50 30.551 30.960 30.986 31.065 31.299 31.367 31.496 31.860
14 Four People 1280 720 600 60 34.673 35.231 35.265 35.297 35.516 35.387 35.573 35.834
15 Johnny 1280 720 600 60 36.412 36.917 36.960 36.983 37.210 36.990 37.228 37.390
16 Kristen And Sara 1280 720 600 60 35.949 36.530 36.553 36.620 36.875 36.695 36.864 37.185
Ave. 31.717 32.111 32.132 32.193 32.370 32.382 32.467 32.800
Delta PSNR 0.394 0.415 0.476 0.653 0.665 0.750 1.083


  1. For simplicity, all models except for the STDF-Y model are trained with RGB data. The Y-PSNR results are obtained from the RGB data.

  2. The STDF model trained on RGB data performs worse than the STDF-Y model. I guess the increasing channel number (Y->RGB) also increases the learning difficulty of DCN (which learns offset and mask for each channel separately).

3. Environment

PowerVQE depends on PyTorch, MMCV and some other packages. Here is my code:

git clone --depth=1
cd powervqe/mmediting/

conda create -n powervqe python=3.8 pytorch=1.10 cudatoolkit=11.3 torchvision -c pytorch -y && \
conda activate powervqe

pip3 install openmim && mim install mmcv-full
pip3 install -e .

pip3 install scipy tqdm lmdb
#pip3 install setuptools==59.5.0


|-- mmediting/
`-- toolbox_data/

4. Datasets

We provide the built FFmpeg 5.0.1 for converting MKV to PNG. You can download it on Baidu Pan.

cd <your-ffmpeg-dir>

# download ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz

tar -xvf ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz

You can also use your own FFmpeg.

4.1 LDVv2 Dataset

We use the LDVv2 dataset for training, validation, and testing. This dataset is also used for the NTIRE 2022 challenge on video quality enhancement.

The LDVv2 dataset includes 240 videos for training, 15 videos for validation, and 15 videos for testing. Each raw video is compressed by HM 16.20 with the LDP, QP=37 setting.

You can first download this dataset on Dropbox or Baidu Pan.

To convert MKV to PNG, the suggested commands are as follows:

cd <your-data-dir>

# download ldv_v2/

cd ldv_v2/
chmod +x ./

# suppose the ffmpeg is located at ldv_v2/../ffmpeg-5.0.1-amd64-static/ffmpeg
# then you should run:
#./ ../
./ <your-ffmpeg-dir>

If you want to train DCAD or DnCNN, you should select some frames from each video to form the training and validation sets. Here are the suggested commands:

cd toolbox_data/
python -label train -src-dir <your-data-dir>/ldv_v2/
python -label valid -src-dir <your-data-dir>/ldv_v2/

4.2 MFQEv2 Dataset

We use the MFQEv2 dataset for testing in addition to the LDVv2 test set.

The test set includes 16 videos. Each raw video is compressed by HM 16.20 with the LDP, QP=37 setting.

You can first download this dataset on Dropbox or Baidu Pan.

To convert MKV to PNG, the suggested commands are as follows:

cd <your-data-dir>

# download mfqe_v2/

cd mfqe_v2/
chmod +x ./

# suppose the ffmpeg is located at mfqe_v2/../ffmpeg-5.0.1-amd64-static/ffmpeg
# then you should run:
#./ ../
./ <your-ffmpeg-dir>

Note: The MFQEv2 dataset originally has 18 test videos. Among them, two videos with 2K resolution, i.e., PeopleOnStreet and Traffic, are abandoned, since most approaches cannot test them with a GPU with 16 GB memory.

4.3 Create a Symbolic Link

cd mmediting/

# suppose your data dir is /mnt/usr/data
# then you should run:
#ln -s /mnt/usr/data ./
ln -s <your-data-dir> ./

Note that the <your-data-dir> should be an absolute path.


`-- mmediting/
    `-- data/
        |-- ldv_v2/
        |   |-- train_gt/
        |   |   |-- 001/
        |   |   |   |-- f001.png
        |   |   |   `-- ...
        |   |   `-- ...
        |   |-- train_lq/
        |   |-- valid_gt/
        |   |-- valid_lq/
        |   |-- test_gt/
        |   `-- test_lq/
        `-- mfqe_v2
            |-- test_gt/
            |   |-- BasketballDrill_832x480_500/
            |   |   |-- f001.png
            |   |   `-- ...
            |   `-- ...
            `-- test_lq/

5. Training

The suggested commands are the same as those in MMEditing.

Change the data['train_dataloader']['samples_per_gpu'] in the config file according to your GPU number (It is strongly suggested to copy the config file and rename it according to your GPU number), then run:

cd mmediting/

chmod +x ./tools/

# suppose your config file is located at ./configs/restorers/basicvsr_plusplus/
# and the gpu number is 4
# then you should run:
#conda activate powervqe && \
#PORT=29500 \
#./tools/ ./configs/restorers/basicvsr_plusplus/ 4
conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29500 \
./tools/ <config-path> <gpu-number>

5.1 Special Case of the MFQEv2 models

To train the MFQEv2 models, you should first train the non-PQF model and then the PQF model:

cd mmediting/

# non-PQF
conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29500 \
./tools/ ./configs/restorers/mfqev2/ 4

conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29500 \
./tools/ ./configs/restorers/mfqev2/ 4

6. Test

You can download the pre-trained models at the latest Releases.

The suggested commands are the same as those in MMEditing.

Change the data['test']['lq_folder'] and data['test']['gt_folder'] in the config file, then run:

cd mmediting/

chmod +x ./tools/

# suppose:
# your config file is located at:
# ./configs/restorers/basicvsr_plusplus/
# your pre-trained model is located at:
# ./work_dirs/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/iter_500000.pth
# you want to use 4 gpus
# you want to save images at ./data/enhanced/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/500k/ldv
# then you should run:
#conda activate powervqe && \
#PORT=29500 \
#./tools/ \
#./configs/restorers/basicvsr_plusplus/ \
#./work_dirs/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/iter_500000.pth \
#4 \
#--save-path ./data/enhanced/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/500k/ldv_v2
conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29510 \
./tools/ \
<config-path> \
<model-path> \
<gpu-number> \
--save-path <img-save-path>

6.1 Special Case of the MFQEv2 models

To test the MFQEv2 models, you should test the non-PQF and PQF models separately and save the enhanced frames to the same dir. Take testing over the LDVv2 dataset as an example:

# test non-PQFs over the LDVv2 dataset
conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29500 \
./tools/ \
./configs/restorers/mfqev2/ \
./work_dirs/mfqev2_ldv_v2_non_pqf/iter_600000.pth \
4 \
--save-path ./data/enhanced/mfqev2_ldv_v2/600k/ldv_v2

# test PQFs over the LDVv2 dataset
conda activate powervqe && \
PORT=29500 \
./tools/ \
./configs/restorers/mfqev2/ \
./work_dirs/mfqev2_ldv_v2_pqf/iter_600000.pth \
4 \
--save-path ./data/enhanced/mfqev2_ldv_v2/600k/ldv_v2

6.2 Special Case of BasicVSR++ over the MFQEv2 Dataset

To test over the MFQEv2 dataset for BasicVSR++, a 32GB-memory GPU is needed. Besides, we use the following script:

cd mmediting/toolbox_test/

conda activate powervqe && \
python -gpu 0 \
-inp-dir '../data/mfqe_v2/test_lq' \
-out-dir '../data/enhanced/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/300k/mfqe_v2/' \
-config-path '../configs/restorers/basicvsr_plusplus/' \
-model-path '../work_dirs/basicvsrpp_ldv_v2/iter_300000.pth'

6.3 Special Cases of DCAD and DnCNN

To test each video subfolder for DCAD or DnCNN, the demo pipeline is more recommended than the test pipeline. Take DCAD as an example:

cd mmediting/toolbox_test/

# test over the LDVv2 dataset
conda activate powervqe && \
python -gpu 0 \
-inp-dir '../data/ldv_v2/test_lq' \
-out-dir '../data/enhanced/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/ldv_v2/' \
-config-path '../configs/restorers/dcad/' \
-model-path '../work_dirs/dcad_ldv_v2/iter_500000.pth' \

# test over the MFQEv2 dataset
conda activate powervqe && \
python -gpu 0 \
-inp-dir '../data/mfqe_v2/test_lq' \
-out-dir '../data/enhanced/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/mfqe_v2/' \
-config-path '../configs/restorers/dcad/' \
-model-path '../work_dirs/dcad_ldv_v2/iter_500000.pth' \

6.4 PSNR Calculation

Finally, we can get the PSNR results. Take DCAD as an example:

cd toolbox_data/

# RGB-PSNR over the LDVv2 dataset

conda activate powervqe && \
python \
-gt-dir '../mmediting/data/ldv_v2/test_gt' \
-enh-dir '../mmediting/data/enhanced/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/ldv_v2' \
-ignored-frms '{"002":[0]}' \
-save-dir './log/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/ldv_v2'

# Y-PSNR over the MFQEv2 dataset

conda activate powervqe && \
python \
-gt-dir '../mmediting/data/mfqe_v2/test_gt' \
-enh-dir '../mmediting/data/enhanced/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/mfqe_v2' \
-save-dir './log/dcad_ldv_v2/500k/mfqe_v2' \

Note: We ignore the PSNR of the first frame of video 002 in the LDVv2 dataset since it is a black frame and the PSNR is inf.

For the STDF-Y model:

conda activate powervqe && \
python \
-gt-dir '../mmediting/data/mfqe_v2/test_gt' \
-enh-dir '../mmediting/data/enhanced/stdf_y_ldv_v2/1m/mfqe_v2' \
-save-dir './log/stdf_y_ldv_v2/1m/mfqe_v2' \

7. Q&A

7.1 Main Differences from the Original Papers

To improve the performance of DCAD,

  1. The training patch size is changed from 38 to 128.
  2. The LR is changed from 1 to 1e-4.
  3. The optimizer is changed from AdaDelta to Adam.

To improve the performance of DnCNN,

  1. The training patch size is changed from 40 to 128.
  2. The LR is changed from 0.1 to 1e-4.
  3. The optimizer is changed from SGD to Adam.
  4. Different from PowerQE, the batch normalization is turned on. It benefits the convergence of DnCNN.

To simplify the training of EDVR,

  1. The input frames are 4x downsampled by strided convolutions. Downsampling can result in lower GPU consumption and faster training speed. Besides, we can use an SR model for quality enhancement this way.
  2. The scheduler is changed from the multi-step CosineRestart to a single-step CosineRestart.

To simplify the training of MFQEv2,

  1. Instead of conducting PQF detection, we assume that PQFs are located at the first, fifth, ninth, and... frames.
  2. Instead of training a ME-MC subnet from scratch, we use a pre-trained SpyNet.

7.2 How to Use the Latest MMEditing

Here are some important files to run our codes. You can simply copy these files to the latest MMEditing repo.

  • mmediting/toolbox_test
  • mmediting/demo/
  • mmediting/configs/restorers/<your-interested-configs>.py
  • mmediting/mmedit/apis/
  • mmediting/mmedit/datasets/pipelines/
  • mmediting/mmedit/datasets/<your-interested-datasets>.py
  • mmediting/mmedit/models/backbones/sr_backbones/<your-interested-backbones>.py
  • mmediting/mmedit/models/restorers/<your-interested-restorers>.py

7.3 Support for Image Datasets

Prepare your image dataset. Take the DIV2K dataset as an example. Layout:

`-- mmediting/
    `-- data/
        `-- div2k/
            |-- train_hq/
            |   |-- 0001.png
            |   |-- ...
            |   `-- 0800.png
            |-- train_lq/
            |   |-- qp27
            |   |   |-- 0001.png
            |   |   |-- ...
            |   |   `-- 0800.png
            |   |-- qp32
            |   |-- qp37
            |   |-- qp42
            |   |-- qf20
            |   |   |-- 0001.jpg
            |   |   |-- ...
            |   |   `-- 0800.jpg
            |   |-- qf30
            |   |-- qf40
            |   `-- qf50
            |-- valid_hq/
            |   |-- 0801.png
            |   |-- ...
            |   `-- 0900.png
            `-- valid_lq/
                |-- qp27
                |   |-- 0801.png
                |   |-- ...
                |   `-- 0900.png
                |-- qp32
                |-- qp37
                |-- qp42
                |-- qf20
                |   |-- 0801.jpg
                |   |-- ...
                |   `-- 0900.jpg
                |-- qf30
                |-- qf40
                `-- qf50

Example config files are presented in mmediting/configs/ for some approaches as follows,

You can download the pre-trained models at the latest Releases.

Note that for simplicity, we first train the QP=37 and QF=50 models, and then fine-tune them to get other models.

7.4 Support for LMDB

We can use LMDB to accerlate the IO. Specifically, we can store training patches and test images (optional) into LMDB files.


  • Fast IO speed.
  • We can combine a large number of image patches into a few big LMDB files.
  • Patches are prepared for training.
    • There is no need to randomly crop the patches during the training.
    • We can decide how to crop the patches (e.g., frames, patch size, cropping stride, etc.) in advance of the training.
  • All images (PNG, JPG, etc.) can be stored as PNG.


  • We have to prepare the LMDB files with extra time, computation and storage.
  • Once the LMDB file is generated, the training patches cannot be changed.
  • The data pipeline should be modified for LMDB IO.

Take the DIV2K dataset as an example.

cd mmediting/

# train
conda activate powervqe && \
python tools/data/super-resolution/div2k/ \
--n-thread 16 \
--data-root ./data/div2k --data-type train \
--if-hq \
--if-lq --lqs qp27 qp32 qp37 qp42 qf20 qf30 qf40 qf50 \
--extract-patches --crop-size 128 --step 64 \

# valid
conda activate powervqe && \
python tools/data/super-resolution/div2k/ \
--n-thread 16 \
--data-root ./data/div2k --data-type valid \
--if-hq \
--if-lq --lqs qp27 qp32 qp37 qp42 qf20 qf30 qf40 qf50 \

After preparing the LMDB files, you should change the data path and pipeline in your config. Please refer to mmediting/configs/restorers/cbdnet/ for examples.

7.5 Use Pre-commit Hook to Polish Code

  1. Install pre-commit hook: pip install -U pre-commit
  2. Config pre-commit hook based on powervqe/.pre-commit-config.yaml: cd powervqe && pre-commit install
  3. Polish code before each commit and PR: cd powervqe && pre-commit run --all.

8. Licenses

We adopt Apache License 2.0. For other licenses, see MMEditing.

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