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Rhys edited this page Dec 25, 2020 · 11 revisions

How do I play this?

You don't play it. This is a tool for DMs to use in roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons, and Pathfinder.

Where are the statblocks?

This is a roleplaying tool. We leave the nitty gritty to the DM, so this can be as system-agnostic as possible.

What is this made with?

It is built with Twine, an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. The core features of Eigengrau's Generator will always be free (nothing will be behind a paywall forever, though certain features may be released early to those that financially support the generator).

How is it supported, then?

By the love of my Patreon supporters. This is a passion project, primarily. It's okay if it doesn't make a buttload of money. I mean, that would be nice.

Shut up and take my money?

Patreon, GitHub, Ko-Fi.

Where's the login?

There is no log in. We do not need any data from you to start.

People keep talking about seeds. What is a seed?

The seed is the bit after, usually in the form of #adjectiveadjectiveanimal. It's taken and turned into numbers, which generate the town- This ensures that you always get the same town when you put in the same url.

Where's the back button?

Unfortunately, due to software limitations, browser back-button support is not possible. Believe me, we want it as badly as you.

What's with the weird animals at the end of the URL?

We stole that from gfycat. It's the seed that we use to generate the world.

Are there multiple towns?

Not at the moment, but you can save to disk to keep a town if you want to roll up another!

How is there so much stuff in it?

Lots and lots of writing, and a concerted effort by the community. Maybe a bunch of stuff off Reddit, too.

My writing is on here?

Sorry about that! Occasionally text is contributed without the author's knowledge. Please raise an issue and we will rectify it immediately.

I don't like being tracked. Can I use this without Google tracking me?

Absolutely. You can download and run a local copy and disable telemetry or click Disable Analytics in the settings.

Have you heard of Watabou's City Generator / Azgaar's Map Generator? You should _____!

We know and love both of those! And pretty much every other generator used for RPGs, unless it's one that's very new. We are always open to collaborating with others, but have deliberately omitted any feature-duplication; Watabou and Azgaar have damn near perfected their respective forms, and we see little benefit in trying to cram everything into one. Our main interest is in cross-platform compatibility.

Have you got an API?

No. Not yet, at least; we're very keen to open up the generator to API requests, but that involves a rather significant re-jigging of things.

Is there a sci-fi version?

No. This is for fantasy, and is built out of a novel's worth of hand-written text with fantasy settings in mind.

Are you going to translate this into ________?

No. For the same reasons that the generator will not support sci-fi, other languages are not feasible due to the sheer amount of text that is in the generator, which is built with English in mind- the generator's data is all context-free, and thus has been built specifically to accomodate the English structure.

Why do I need to give exact steps to reproduce a bug?

You might think that the bug is very obvious, but you're only looking at the one generated town at a time. We are dealing with thousands of towns, and there might be multiple points where a bug can creep in. We need exact steps to reproduce the bug because it helps us find where along the chain it has broken down. While it might take you an extra twenty seconds to write up the exact steps, we deal with all of the bugs- multiply the time spent writing those extra steps by the number of issues currently open, and you'll see that it can be quite a time drain on us to find the bug, which means less time spent fixing the bugs.

We don't mean to be rude by closing your issue and telling you that we'll reopen if you provide exact steps- it's simply a matter of scale, and we appreciate that you took the time to report a bug- just make sure it's a usable report!

I want to build something new using your code.

Okay, great! We would ask that you think long and hard about whether you actually need to create a new project, or if what you're planning is something that can be integrated into the existing project.