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autodl irssi automatic re uploading

ryelogheat edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 1 revision


  1. autodl (you need to have at least one trackers irc server configured)

  2. rtorrent (need access to rtorrent.rc & permissions to edit it)

  3. (rtorrent triggers this .sh script which in turn triggers

Things to note

  1. Other auto upload bots exist & the script needs to be heavily improved so the possibility of uploading dupes is real
    • Follow all site rules & consider only uploading to BHD drafts until you are comfortable with the scripts reliability/dupe checking
  2. If you have the system package unrar installed & its available at /usr/bin/unrar we can auto extract from rar archives when uploading
    • This can be used in "Manual mode" if rar files are detected in a folder you are trying to upload
    • Its original purpose though was to extract new Scene releases when being used with this autodl-irssi re-upload
  3. Currently pretty early in the automatic re-uploading script development so be aware it might break at any time & the design of the automatic re-uploading function will likely change heavily in the near future



  1. Set the filters Action to rtorrent

  2. An IMDB ID must be provided (as a label) for each filter

    • This means you need to have a specific TV Show or Movie in mind for each filter IMDB Example
  3. Under the Action tab you need to specify which tracker(s) you want to upload to

    • In the Commands input box paste the following line (Replace ABC_XYZ with the actual trackers you want to upload to)
    • d.custom.set=upload_to_tracker,ABC_XYZ
    • ABC_XYZ can be replaced with any of the trackers that are currently supported e.g. BHD, BLU, R4E, etc
    • If uploading to multiple sites, separate each one with an underscore
  4. The actual matching of releases is left up to you, just keep in mind that each filter needs to be tied to a unique IMDB ID


  1. Locate your rtorrent.rc file & append the following lines
    • method.insert = d.data_path, simple, "if=(d.is_multi_file), (cat,(,/), (cat,(,/,("
    • (Next line) Replace /PATH/TO/ with your actual path to
    • method.set_key =,complete,"execute=/PATH/TO/,$,$d.data_path=,$d.custom1=,$d.custom=upload_to_tracker"
  2. save, exit, and restart rtorrent

  1. Locate & make this file executable chmod +x
  2. Open this file, then make the following changes
    • set log_location_for_autodl_matches to a specific .log file you want logs written to
    • set location_of_auto_upload_py to the full path to
  3. If you are using rtorrent in Docker!
    • Verify that you can actually access the location of from your container
    • Whatever that path is ^^ set that for location_of_auto_upload_py


How it works & its (current) limitations

(Fill in later)