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A pipeline for investigating cospeciation in microbiomes


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A pipeline for investigating cospeciation in microbiomes



Installing the pipeline is very simple :

pip install shand

This will also install some other key packages, if they are not already installed on your system :

You will also need to install a sequence aligner and a tree builder. For now, Shand supports clustal-omega for alignment and fasttree for tree building. You can install these anywhere, as long as they can be located using what's in your PATH variable. Before launching Shand, you can check to make sure they're available by typing :

$ which clustalo
$ which FastTreeMP

Shand will check for these when you launch it and report an error if it can't find them.

Preparing your data

Most sequencing projects are complicated, and so your metadata probably isn't ready to just drop into a pipeline like mothur, QIIME or Shand without meeting some criteria. Shand requires three pices of data :

  • A fasta file of demultiplexed reads that have been scrubbed for chimeras
  • A phylogeny of the host organisms in NEWICK format
  • A CSV or TSV file that links sample names to the taxa in the host tree

There is more than one way to achieve each of these things, and so I will outline in more detail what to do for each one.

Removing chimeras

I use vsearch to perform chimera checking. This step goes a lot faster if a reference database of full-length 16S genes is used (I suggest the SILVA SSU Ref database, but it probably doesn't matter very much which one is used). The rest of the analysis is reference-free.

Here is how I do it :


vsearch --threads [n] --uchime_ref [your_reads.fasta.gz] \
--db SILVA_123_SSURef_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz           \
--chimeras [your_reads_chimeras.fasta]                   \
--nonchimeras [your_reads_nochimeras.fasta]

gzip [your_reads_chimeras.fasta]
gzip [your_reads_nochimeras.fasta]

This takes a couple of days on my rather elderly 16 core machine (Xeon E5520 @ 2.27GHz), circa 2010.

Getting a host phylogeny

Building good phylogenies of plants and animals can be very difficult. My personal heuristic is that if the most recent common ancestor to the members of the clade emerged closer to the present than to the K-T event, I will use a tree from the literature rather than building my own. If you are confident in your ability to build a reliable phylogeny of the hosts, then by all means, do so. Nevertheless, be mindful that Shand will assume that the host phylogeny provided is correct. If you provide a lousy tree, it will give you lousy results.

To make it easier to use phylogenies from the literature, Shand does not require you to prune your host tree. You must, however, take note of how the taxa names are formatted.

Link the microbiome metadata to the host tree

Shand can use QIIME-style mapping files, though it ignores most of the information contained in them. Suppose the reads are named like this in the fasta file :


Shand will split the read name on the underscore ('_'). The string on the left (LOBOLAB1 in this example) should be a sample name in your mapping file. Not all the sample names in your data need to appear in your mapping file, but all sample names in your mapping file must appear in your data. If your data contains reads from several projects, there is no need to split the data into multiple fasta files to use with Shand. It will take longer to index, but that only happens once, and the index is saved to disk.

Shand will build a tree from the unique reads found in your data, and the node names will be based on the first of each unique sequence it finds. So, the read names cannot contain any of the reserved symbols in the NEWICK format :

( ) [ ] ; , whitespace

You must make sure your read names and metadata obey this constraint, or you may get unparseable trees. This will cause kittens to be sad, puppies to go hungry, and the pipline to crash.

The mapping file must have two columns in it that link these sample names to the taxa names that appear in your host tree. For example :

#SampleID   Host
LOBOLAB1    Lobochilotes_labiatus

By default, Shand will assume the first column contains the sample names, the column labeled 'Host' contains the host name, and the seperator is a tab. If you have a QIIME-style mapping file, all you have to do is add a column named 'Host' and populate it with the host taxa names. If not, you can override the sample name column label, the host name column label and the separator.

In more formal terms, you must create a many-to-one relationship from the set of sample names to the set of host taxa.

Running the pipeline

You can run Shand from within Python or from the command line. I recommend running from withing Python using a jupyter notebook. If you have to manipulate your data to get it ready to put into Shand, a notebook will help keep a record of that. The command line utility is available if you want to submit jobs to a cluster or a cloud instance.

Create problem plan

import shand
myproject = shand.Problem() 

By default, Shand will use a single processor. Several steps in the pipeline take advantage of symetric multiprocessing, and so I highly recommend setting the threads option to however many cores your system has :

import shand
myproject = shand.Problem( threads=32 ) 
Attach the read data

First, attach the read data :

myproject.add_reads( 'mydata.fasta' )

If the read names are separated from the read number by something other than an underscore ('_'), you can specify a different separator :

myproject.add_reads( 'mydata.fasta.gz', read_name_sep='|' )

This will use screed to index the reads. A new file with the suffix _screed will be created in the same directory as the reads, so you will need to be able to write to this directory. If your data lives in a directory to which you do not have write access, create a symbolic link to your data in a directory where you can write, and use the path to the link with Shand.

Attach the metadata

Next, attach the metadata. This could be a QIIME mapping file, or just a CSV file that maps sample names to host taxa. If you have a QIIME-like mapping file with tabs as separators and the host taxa names in a column named 'Host' :

myproject.add_metadata( 'mapping.txt' )    

If you have a separate column for the names that appear in the fasta file containing your reads :

myproject.add_metadata( 'mapping.txt', sample_id_col='ReadNames' )

If the column containing host taxa assignments is named something other than 'Host', you can specify that :

myproject.add_metadata( 'mapping.txt', host_col='Species' )

If you aren't using a tab delimited table, you can specify a different separator :

myproject.add_metadata( 'mapping.csv', sep=',' )

You may, of course, combine any of these options.

Attach the host tree

Next, attach the host tree :

myproject.add_host_tree( 'host_tree.nwk' )

The host tree must be in NEWICK format, and the names must exactly match those that appear in your metadata. The host tree may contain taxa that are not in your sample list; the tree will be sheared to include only the taxa that appear in your metadata. However, if your sample list contains taxa that do not appear in your host tree, Shand will report this as an error.

Run the pipeline

Now that all the data is attached, run the pipeline :

The following operations will then be carried out :

Identify unique reads

All unique sequences that appear more than once in your data will be identified. This discards sequences that cannot be distinguished from sequencing errors. If you want to change this threshold, run the pipeline like so : cutoff=4 ) 

This will discard sequences that appear four or fewer times.

After unique sequnces are identified, four new pandas DataFrames will be attached to the problem object.

  • myproject.count_table : raw counts of each sequence for each sample
  • myproject.abundance_table : relative abundance of each sequence for each sample
  • myproject.host_count_table : raw counts of each sequence for each host
  • myproject.host_abundance_table : relative abundance of each sequence for each host

This is similar to an OTU table, except that no clustering has been performed (if it makes you feel better, you can think of them as OTUs with a 100% identify threshold).

Align unique reads

Shand uses clustal-omega to align sequences. For most datasets, there will be a few tens of thousands of unique sequences to align. clustal-omega produces high quality alignments surprisly quickly, and takes advantage of parallel processing where available. Set the threads option when you create the Problem container to take advantage of this.

Build phylogeny of reads

To infer a phylogenetic tree from the aligned sequences, Shand uses FastTreeMP, the parallel implementation of fasttree by Morgan Price. fasttree is an approximate maximum liklihood method, and some old versions don't always get the branch lengths quite right. For most host-microbe co-speciation studies, the relevant information is the topology of recently diversified clades. I might not use fasttree to make sweeping conclusions about the emergence of phyla, but for this purpose it's perfect.

Compute Hommola correlation for all subtrees

The good stuff, at last! Shand uses a permutation test proposed by Kerstin Hommola to test for correlated phylogenetic topology between interacting host taxa and observed microbial sequences (implemented in scikit-bio). The Hommola test measures a correlation coefficient between host and guest trees through matrix of observed interactions. Briefly, it takes a host tree and a guest tree, and a matrix of observed interactions between host and guest organisms. For every possible pair of interactions, it tests for a linear correlation between the patristic distance in the host tree and the guest tree. To test for the significance of any correlation found, the correlation is also measured for several randomly permuted interaction matrixes linking the same host and guest trees.

The Hommola test holds independent evolution as the null hypothesis. Many of the classic examples of cospeciation in the literature, such as pocket gophers and chewing lice, the relationship between the interacting clades is already known -- a parasite and its host, in the case of the gophers and lice. For these cases, one might reasonably wish to hold a different null. However, we are searching for clades of microbes that are cospeciating with a group of hosts among a very large number of candidate clades. So, we assume independent evolution, and look more closely at clades that appear to violate the null.

This also serves to make the problem more tractable. Correlation and permutatin tests are simple and fast, whereas modeling linked evolution is complex and slow. Hommola's test lets us quickly sift through the microbal clades and reject the ones where the observed interactions and topologies clearly do not support cospeciation. Then we can focus on the handful of promising cases.


Build JPrIME-DLTRS histories for candidate clades


Shand is named for James Shand, the inventor of the modern chainsaw.



A pipeline for investigating cospeciation in microbiomes







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