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The VASSAL Team is happy to announce the release of VASSAL 3.2.2, which
which fixes several problems found in earlier versions.


* If you save a module, game, or log in VASSAL 3.2, you will NOT be able
  to open it afterwards with VASSAL 3.1. We recommend keeping a backup
  copy of any pre-3.2 files you plan to modify in 3.2 until you've
  verified that everything works to your satisfaction.

* If you found it necessary to set a very large maximum heap (> 512MB)
  for a module with VASSAL 3.1, it should now be possible with VASSAL 3.2
  to set a much lower maximum heap and achieve similar or better display
  performance. 512MB should now be adequate for most modules.

* VASL 5.9.2 and earlier are not compatible with VASSAL 3.2. Work to
  update VASL for 3.2 is ongoing.



For Linux:

For Mac OS X:

For Windows:

For other operating systems:

Source code:

Compatibility Notes

* VASSAL 3.2 is backwards compatible. VASSAL 3.1 is NOT forwards
  compatible. This means that modules, logs, and saves from VASSAL 3.1
  should work in 3.2, but there is no guarantee that modules, logs, and
  saves from 3.2 will work in 3.1. Therefore, if you write a module,
  log, or save file in 3.2 DO NOT expect to be able to load it in 3.1.

* Current versions of VASL and VSQL are not compatible with VASSAL 3.2.
  Work to update VASL for 3.2 is ongoing.

New Features in 3.2

* Levels within a Layer can be moved up or down the level list using
  buttons. [RFE 1919]

* Mass Piece Loader activated by 'Add Multiple Pieces' and 'Add Multiple
  Cards' options in right-click menu in Editor. Specify a folder of
  images, specify a counter template and Vassal will automatically load
  the images and generate units. [RFE 1927]

* Description field added to Toolbar Menu and Multi-Action button
  components. [RFE 1885]

* Specify Keystrokes by name - Key Commands can be entered as single Key
  Strokes as in earlier versions of Vassal, or can be given a 2 or more
  character names. Named Key Strokes are essentially 'invisible' to
  users. Vassal guarantees that a unique real keyStroke will be
  allocated to each uniquely named Keystroke. [RFE 1928]

* Decks can specify by Property Expression which pieces are allowed to
  be dropped onto them. Pieces which may not be added are returned to
  where the drag started. [RFE 1935]

* Decks can now specify a Hotkey for the Reverse and FaceUp/Down command
  and can customize the Reverse and Re-shuffle menu command names.
  [RFE 1938]

* Counters now support the DeckPosition property. If a piece is not in a
  Deck, 0 is returned. If a piece is in a Deck, then the position of the
  piece relative to the top of the Deck is returned. The top piece
  returns 1, the next piece down returns 2 etc. [RFE 1937]

* Support for MP3 sound files. [RFE 1934]

* Fix Display/Color handling for Grids and Numberings. Allow Numbering
  to be visible when grid not visible in Zones. [RFE 1917]

* Implementation of BeanShell allowing arbitrarily complex Java
  expressions to be used in Property Match Expressions, In-line Java
  expressions and new Calculated Property trait. [RFE 1801]

* Display the Log File Comments in the Chat Window when a log file is
  opened or continued. [RFE 1939]

* Global Key Commands created on a Map now have an option to affect
  counters on all Maps, not just the Map they are created on.
  [RFE 1902]

* Traits that move a counter (Send To Location, Return to Deck, Moved
  Fixed Distance, Pivot) now update the same location Oldxxxxxx
  properties that Drag and Drop movement does. [RFE 1792]

* Added repeat (loop) option to Trigger Action and Multi-action button.
  [RFE 1876]

* Ensure all commands generated by a single user action are undone by a
  single click of the undo action. [RFE 2816016]

* Option to allow non-owning players to move Restricted Access pieces.
  [RFE 1789]

* Add 'Snap to Grid?' option to HexGrid and SquareGrid, defaulting to
  Yes. Allows Grid Snapping to be turned off for the whole grid.
  [RFE 2842811]

* Streamlined room creation: automatic synchronization on room entry
  [RFE 1784]

* New scenario updater [RFE 1899]

* Allow Dynamic Property Select Value list to be dynamic [RFE 1926]

* All scaling is now high-quality. Low-quality scaling (in hardware)
  caused too many graphics glitches on Windows.

* The Invisible trait now supports adjustable transparency.

* Map images are tiled the first time modules are loaded, to create an
  image cache. This should dramatically reduce the amount of memory
  needed to run modules.

* Improved display of properties in the Editor [RFE 4323]:

  - Display all available properties from all components structured in the
    same way as the components of the module are built instead of all the
    global properties being dumped in one menu.
  - Available Global properties now appear without having to start a game.
    Previously, globals like Deck and Zone properties where not available
    unless you had started a game.
  - Property and component names are sorted, except for the Piece Property
    menu where the traits are displayed in the same order they exist in the
  - If a menu has too many options to fit on the screen, it is now
    scrollable, instead of stretching off the screen and leaving some
    properties inaccessible.

* Improvements to Layer trait [RFE 4717]:
  - Follow Property name may be a BeanShell expression.
  - Improved layout for Layer dialog in Editor.

* Notify user when image loading fails [RFE 1887]

The following bugs in 3.2.2 are fixed in 3.2.3:

* 9910: ESC key interpreted as "No" instead of "Cancel" at save prompts
* 9905: User Guide item missing from Help menu
* 9882: ImageIO munges colors of 3-component JPEGs without JFIF markers
* 9825: Macs with Retina displays unable to paint map tiles at non-power-
  of-two zoom levels
* 9700: Unit activation improperly recorded
* 9681: NPE in Zone.getMutablePropertiesContainerId()

The following bugs in 3.2.1 are fixed in 3.2.2:

* 9637: Faulty base64 encoding when synchronizing with game server
* 9636: Mask trait opens too large if images are large

The following bugs in 3.2.0 are fixed in 3.2.1:

* 9600: UnsupportedClassVersionError for net.iharder.Base64 on Java 5
* 9596: Sub-commands list in SubMenu properties dialog doesn't resize
* 9595: DataArchive should not collect image filenames case-insensitively
* 9593: NPE in GameRefresher.processGamePiece()
* 9589: NPE in Embellishment.myGetKeyCommands()
* 9555: NoSuchFieldError in ExpressionInterpreter.evaluate()
* 9511: NPE in BooleanConfigurer.setValue()
* 4159: NPE in javax.swing.BoxLayout.preferredLayoutSize()

For changes prior to 3.2.1, see the change log.

Please report all bugs in 3.2.2, even if they are bugs which you've already
reported against other versions. We take your bug reports seriously---they're
the reason we've been able to fix so many bugs.

Minimum Requirements

VASSAL 3.2 requires the Java Runtime Envrionment to run.

Linux: Java 6 or later is required for using VASSAL on Linux.

MacOS X: The recommended minimum Java version for using VASSAL on MacOS
X is 1.5.0_08 (a.k.a. Java 5 Update 8) for Macs where Java 6 is
unavailable, and Java 6 or later for Macs where Java 6 is available.

Windows: The recommended minimum Java version for Windows is 1.6.0_21
(a.k.a. Java 6 Update 21). Windows users installing VASSAL with the
Windows installer will be prompted to update Java if what they have is
older than 1.6.0_37. After upgrading Java on Windows, you must restart
your computer in order for Java programs to work properly.

If you've installed Java 7 on Windows and thereafter VASSAL fails to
launch: The Java 7 installer does not uninstall Java 6, and having both
installed simultaneously prevents both from working properly. Therefore,
check whether you also still have Java 6 installed. If so, removing Java
6 and rebooting will most likely solve your problem.

Help us test

Should you find any problems/oddities/bugs, please tell us so that we can
fix them for a future release of VASSAL.

Report bugs here in the Technical Support & Bugs category at the VASSAL

or by email to
