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.NET-based backend of Just-Another-Blogsite. A RestAPI implementation of a blog site that supports authentication and authorization and can provide response data in a variety of formats with content-negotiation.

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A RestAPI implementation of a blog site that supports authentication and authorization and can provide response data in a variety of formats with content-negotiation. This is a .NET-based backend of this application.

Quick Overview



    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            GET (Get all blogs)
                            POST (Post a blog)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            GET (Get a specific blog)
                            PUT (Update a blog)
                            DELETE (Delete a blog)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            GET (Get all users)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            POST (User signup)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            POST (User login)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            POST (User logout)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            POST (Verify if a user is logged in)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            GET (Get a specific user)
                            PUT (Update a user)
                            DELETE (Delete a user)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            POST (User search with a search parameter)


    Supported Methods and Functionalities:
                            GET (Get user specific blogs)
  • Types of Contents Served

        Accept: application/json
        Accept: application/xml
        Accept: text/plain
        Accept: text/html

Quick start

  1. Get to the workplace.

    After cloning this repository navigate into to Controller project directory (Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api/) and load it in your IDE/Editor

    cd directory_name
    code .  #to open in vscode
  2. Open the source code and start editing

    • If project folder is first opened in VS Code, a notification will apprear: "Required assets to build and debug are missing. Add them?". Select Yes.

    • Run the app by entering the following command in the command shell

      dotnet run

    By default this server will be running at http://localhost:7234!

Project Structure

├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api.UnitTests/
  ├── Controllers/
    ├── BlogControllerUnitTests.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api.UnitTests.csproj
  ├── Usings.cs
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api/
  ├── Controllers/
    ├── AuthController.cs
    ├── BlogController.cs
    ├── UserController.cs
  ├── Filters/
    ├── PaginationFilter.cs
  ├── Middlewares/
    ├── CustomExceptionHandlingMiddleware.cs
  ├── Properties/
    ├── launchSettings.json
  ├── Utils/
    ├── Formatters/
      ├── BlogHtmlOutputFormatter.cs
      ├── BlogPlainTextOutputFormatter.cs
      ├── BlogXmlOutputFormatter.cs
      ├── UserHtmlOutputFormatter.cs
      ├── UserPlainTextOutputFormatter.cs
      ├── UserXmlOutputFormatter.cs
  ├── Wrappers/
    ├── PagedResponse.cs
    ├── Response.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api.csproj
  ├── Program.cs
  ├── appsettings.Development.json
  ├── appsettings.json
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Database/
  ├── Configurations/
    ├── BlogConfiguration.cs
    ├── UserConfiguration.cs
  ├── Context/
    ├── DataContext.cs
  ├── Migrations/
    ├── 20220811050543_v1.Designer.cs
    ├── 20220811050543_v1.cs
    ├── DataContextModelSnapshot.cs
  ├── Models/
    ├── Blog.cs
    ├── User.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Database.csproj
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository.UnitTests/
  ├── Repositories/
    ├── BlogRepositoryUnitTests.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository.UnitTests.csproj
  ├── Usings.cs
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository/
  ├── Contracts/
    ├── IBlogRepository.cs
    ├── IUserRepository.cs
  ├── Repositories/
    ├── BlogRepository.cs
    ├── UserRepository.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository.csproj
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service.UnitTests/
  ├── Services/
    ├── BlogServiceUnitTests.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service.UnitTests.csproj
  ├── Usings.cs
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service/
  ├── AutoMapperProfiles/
    ├── BlogProfile.cs
    ├── UserProfile.cs
  ├── Contracts/
    ├── IAuthService.cs
    ├── IBlogService.cs
    ├── IUserService.cs
  ├── DtoValidators/
    ├── BaseDtoValidator.cs
    ├── BlogPostDtoValidator.cs
    ├── BlogUpdateDtoValidator.cs
    ├── LoginDtoValidator.cs
    ├── SignupDtoValidator.cs
    ├── UserUpdateDtoValidator.cs
  ├── Dtos/
    ├── BlogDetailsDto.cs
    ├── BlogPostDto.cs
    ├── BlogUpdateDto.cs
    ├── LoginDto.cs
    ├── SignupDto.cs
    ├── UserDetailsDto.cs
    ├── UserUpdateDto.cs
  ├── Exceptions/
    ├── BadRequestException.cs
    ├── ForbiddenException.cs
    ├── NotFoundException.cs
    ├── UnauthorizedException.cs
  ├── Services/
    ├── AuthService.cs
    ├── BlogService.cs
    ├── UserService.cs
  ├── Utilities/
    ├── Contracts/
      ├── IAuthChecker.cs
    ├── AuthChecker.cs
    ├── PasswordHash.cs
  ├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service.csproj
├── Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api.sln
  1. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api/: This directory contains Controller project for Just-Another-Blogsite. This project interacts with Service Project. Pagination filter, error handling middleware, custom response formatters, pagination wrappers are also included here.

  2. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service/: This directory contains Service project for Just-Another-Blogsite. All the business logics are included here. DTOS, DTO validators, AutoMapper profiles, exceptions, service interfaces and implementations are included here.

  3. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository/: This directory contains Repository project for Just-Another-Blogsite. Interaction with database is done here and this project interacts with the Database project. Repository interfaces and implementations are included here.

  4. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Database/: This directory contains Database project for Just-Another-Blogsite. Database models, configurations, context and migrations scripts are included here.

  5. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Api.UnitTests/: This directory contains unit tests for the Controller project.

  6. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Service.UnitTests/: This directory contains unit tests for the Service project.

  7. Cefalo.JustAnotherBlogsite.Repository.UnitTests/: This directory contains unit tests for the Repository project.


.NET-based backend of Just-Another-Blogsite. A RestAPI implementation of a blog site that supports authentication and authorization and can provide response data in a variety of formats with content-negotiation.







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