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Alderico Gallo edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

Topology creation

The first step before creating blueprints with NFVCL is the creation of the OpenStack topology. With this step the OpenStack server will be registered in OSM and NFVCL.

POST /v1/topology/

Example request body:

  "id": "topology",
  "callback": null,
  "vims": [
      "name": "OS-LAB",
      "vim_type": "openstack",
      "schema_version": "1.0",
      "vim_url": "http://os-lab.maas:5000/v3",
      "vim_tenant_name": "exampleuser",
      "vim_user": "exampleuser",
      "vim_password": "examplepassword",
      "config": {
        "insecure": true,
        "APIversion": "v3.3",
        "use_floating_ip": false
      "networks": [
      "routers": [],
      "areas": [
  "kubernetes": [],
  "networks": [
      "name": "dmz-internal",
      "external": false,
      "type": "vxlan",
      "vid": null,
      "dhcp": true,
      "ids": [],
      "cidr": "",
      "gateway_ip": "",
      "allocation_pool": [],
      "reserved_ranges": [],
      "dns_nameservers": []
      "name": "data-net",
      "external": false,
      "type": "vxlan",
      "vid": null,
      "dhcp": true,
      "ids": [],
      "cidr": "",
      "gateway_ip": null,
      "allocation_pool": [],
      "reserved_ranges": [],
      "dns_nameservers": []
  "routers": [],
  "pdus": [],
  "prometheus_srv": []

The name field is the name of the topology.

In the vims list in the object representing the OpenStack server this fields need to be changed to fit your configuration:

  • vim_url: OpenStack API URL
  • vim_tenant_name: OpenStack Project name
  • vim_user: OpenStack user
  • vim_password: OpenStack user password
  • networks: List with the names of the OpenStack networks that will be used by blueprints, at least one network is required.
  • areas: List of area id covered by this topology

The networks list contain the details of the networks listed in vims[0].networks.

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