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Youtube Search

  • This is an application that runs a cron job to cache a search querry from youtube.
  • Provides search, paginated response functionality
  • Provides an option to add unlimited youtube API credentials, on expiry a new one is taken for the next cron job

Tech Stack

  • NodeJs + Express + Redis + MongoDB

Main Architecture and Process

  • On starting of the server, it calls a function which runs only once
  • The function first caches all present ids in Redis
  • Then it creates a cron job that calls the youtube api in the background
  • If a new video is found which is not in the redis cache its id is pushed in Redis and its info in DB
  • Uses Mongoose Paginate to paginate results and MongoDB Atlas index search to provide search results based on predefined queris

Tinkering Configs

Installation and Setup

  1. Install Docker


  • Create a .env file corrosponding to the values in example.env and put it inside the config folder

  • This project uses MongoDB and Redis as DB and a cache service

  • So you need to create create either a mongo cloud instance and a redis cloud instance and put corrosponding values in the .env file

  • You may refer to and to create your instances

  • set NODE_ENV=development in the .env file

  • You also need to generate google API keys for the project ( refer

  • Once you have access to the keys create a json file withe the title apiKeys.json and put it in the config folder in the format given in exampleAPIKeys.json

  • Now your set up is ready and you are good to go !

Running the code

  • In the same directory which contains the Dockerfile run the following commands
docker build -t '<dir_name>/<project_name>' .
docker run -it -p 8004:8004 '<dir_name>/<project_name>'
  • You can see the API running at


  • If all API keys expire it will stop the application and exit

API Docs

Currently following APIs are supported

  1. Search
  • {{URL}}/v1/api/scrape/search/text?text=virat
  • after text= provide the key word you want to search for
  1. Get All Stored Data in a paginated form
  • {{URL}}/v1/api/scrape/get/storedResults
  • It takes the following params
    • page : pageNumber
    • limit : no of results per page
    • sort : sort by title, publishTime
  • use '-' before a field to sort by descending order

Note :


A cronjob to cache queries from youtube







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