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Code Composer Studio Installation for Linux

Rutvik Kevadiya edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 4 revisions

Installation Instructions

CCS requires a 64-bit distribution of Linux. 32-bit distributions are not supported with current versions of CCS.

Pre-Installation Steps:

Update system:

sudo apt-get update

Install dependent libraries:

sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 libusb-0.1-4 libgconf-2-4 libncurses5 libpython2.7 libtinfo5

Installing Code Composer Studio:

Download the Code Composer Studio setup files using this link.

Open a terminal window using Ctrl + Alt + t and run the following command to navigate to the directory where the setup is downloaded:

cd ~/Downloads

Extract the setup archive:

tar -xvzf CCS12.0.0.00009_web_linux-x64.tar.gz 

Run the installation wizard:


Follow the steps in the wizard and when prompted, select custom installation. When prompted to select components to install, select SimpleLink MSP432 low power + performance MCUs. Leave the debug probes at default selection, i.e., Spectrum Digital Debug Probes and Boards.

Post-Installation Steps:

Run the following command in a terminal to navigate to the installation directory of Code Composer Studio (Assuming it is installed in your home directory):

cd ~/ti/ccs1200/ccs/install_scripts

Install the drivers:

sudo ./ 

Restart your system.

Running Code in Code Composer Studio in Linux:

Executing code in CCS in Linux is very similar to that in Windows. But, keep one thing in mind, Windows uses backslashes, just as DOS did. For example, the path to a user's directory on Windows is C:\Users\Name. However, Linux uses forward slashes and the path to a user's home directory is /home/name.

So, before executing code in CCS in Linux, check the #include statements and make sure that the path consists forward slashes. For example,

// The following include statement will work on Windows
#include "..\inc\TExaS.h"

// The following include statement will work on Linux
#include "../inc/TExaS.h"