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implementation of to_polynomial
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DavidAyotte committed Jul 7, 2021
1 parent b2517ec commit 461d5f6
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Showing 2 changed files with 176 additions and 54 deletions.
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/modular/modform/
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_morphisms import NumberFieldEmbedding
from sage.structure.element import coercion_model, ModuleElement, Element
from sage.structure.richcmp import richcmp, op_NE, op_EQ
from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix

def is_ModularFormElement(x):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3525,3 +3526,98 @@ def is_homogeneous(self):
return len(self._forms_dictionary) <= 1
is_modular_form = is_homogeneous #alias

def _homogeneous_to_polynomial(self, names, gens):
If ``self`` is a homogeneous form, return a polynomial `P(x_0,..., x_n)` corresponding to ``self``.
Each variable `x_i` of the returned polynomial correspond to a generator `g_i` of the
list ``gens`` (following the order of the list)
- ``names`` -- a list or tuple of names (strings), or a comma separated string;
- ``gens`` -- (list) a list of generator of ``self``.
OUTPUT: A polynomial in the variables ``names``
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(1)
sage: gens = M.gen_forms()
sage: M.0._homogeneous_to_polynomial('x', gens)
sage: M.1._homogeneous_to_polynomial('E4, E6', gens)
sage: p = ((M.0)**3 + (M.1)**2)._homogeneous_to_polynomial('x', gens); p
x0^3 + x1^2
sage: M(p) == (M.0)**3 + (M.1)**2
sage: (M.0 + M.1)._homogeneous_to_polynomial('x', gens)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the given graded form is not homogeneous (not a modular form)
M = self.parent()
k = self.weight() #only if self is homogeneous
poly_parent = M._polynomial_ring(names, gens)
monomials = M._monomials_of_weight(k, gens, poly_parent)

# initialize the matrix of coefficients
matrix_data = []
for f in monomials.values():
mat = Matrix(matrix_data).transpose()

# initialize the column vector of the coefficients of self
coef_self = vector(self[k].coefficients(range(0, self[k].parent().sturm_bound()))).column()

# solve the linear system: mat * X = coef_self
soln = mat.solve_right(coef_self)

# initialize the polynomial associated to self
iter = 0
poly = 0
for p in monomials.keys():
poly += soln[iter, 0]*p
iter += 1
return poly

def to_polynomial(self, names='x', gens=None):
Return a polynomial `P(x_0,..., x_n)` such that `P(g_0,..., g_n)` is equal to ``self``
where `g_0, ..., g_n` is a list of generators of the parent.
- ``names`` -- a list or tuple of names (strings), or a comma separated string. Correspond
to the names of the variables;
- ``gens`` -- (default: None) a list of generator of the parent of ``self``. If set to ``None``,
the list returned by :meth:`~sage.modular.modform.find_generator.ModularFormsRing.gen_forms`
is used instead
OUTPUT: A polynomial in the variables ``names``
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(1)
sage: (M.0 + M.1).to_polynomial()
x0 + x1
sage: (M.0^10 + M.0 * M.1).to_polynomial()
x0^10 + x0*x1
The returned polynomial is not necessarily unique:
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(10))
sage: f = M.0 + M.1**2 + M.2*M.0
sage: p = f.to_polynomial('x, y, z, w, u'); p
2*x*z + 5*z^2 + x
sage: M.from_polynomial(p) == f
M = self.parent()
if gens is None:
gens = M.gen_forms()

# sum the polynomial of each homogeneous part
return sum(M(self[k])._homogeneous_to_polynomial(names, gens) for k in self.weights_list())

134 changes: 80 additions & 54 deletions src/sage/modular/modform/
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial import MPolynomial
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element import Polynomial
#from sage.symbolic.expression import Expression
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing

from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.element import Element
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,101 +320,122 @@ def ngens(self):
return len(self.gen_forms())

def _weights_of_generators(self):
def _polynomial_ring(self, names, gens):
Return the polynomial ring of which ``self`` is a quotient.
- ``names`` -- a list or tuple of names (strings), or a comma separated string
- ``gens`` -- (list) a list of generator of ``self``.
OUTPUT: A polynomial ring.
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(1)
sage: gens = M.gen_forms()
sage: M._polynomial_ring('E4, E6', gens)
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in E4, E6 over Rational Field
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(8))
sage: gens = M.gen_forms()
sage: M._polynomial_ring('g', gens)
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in g0, g1, g2 over Rational Field
return PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), len(gens), names)

def _weights_of_generators(self, gens):
Return a list of the weights of generators of the given ``ModularFormsRing``
sage: ModularFormsRing(1)._weights_of_generators()
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(1)
sage: M._weights_of_generators(M.gen_forms())
[4, 6]
sage: ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(6))._weights_of_generators()
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(6))
sage: M._weights_of_generators(M.gen_forms())
[2, 2, 2]
return [self.gen(i).weight() for i in range(0, self.ngens())]
return [gens[i].weight() for i in range(0, len(gens))]

def _monomials_of_weight(self, weight):
def _monomials_of_weight(self, weight, gens, poly_parent):
Returns the list of all homogeneous monomials of weight ``weight`` given by products of generators.
Returns the dictionnary of all homogeneous monomials of weight ``weight`` given by
products of generators. The keys of the dictionnary are the monomials living in
`poly_parent` and the values are the modular forms associated to these polynomials.
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(1)
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(10)
[1 - 264*q - 135432*q^2 - 5196576*q^3 - 69341448*q^4 - 515625264*q^5 + O(q^6)]
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(12)
[1 - 1008*q + 220752*q^2 + 16519104*q^3 + 399517776*q^4 + 4624512480*q^5 + O(q^6),
1 + 720*q + 179280*q^2 + 16954560*q^3 + 396974160*q^4 + 4632858720*q^5 + O(q^6)]
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(24)
[1 - 2016*q + 1457568*q^2 - 411997824*q^3 + 16227967392*q^4 + 6497071680960*q^5 + O(q^6),
1 - 288*q - 325728*q^2 + 11700864*q^3 + 35176468896*q^4 + 6601058210880*q^5 + O(q^6),
1 + 1440*q + 876960*q^2 + 292072320*q^3 + 57349833120*q^4 + 6660135541440*q^5 + O(q^6)]
sage: gens = M.gen_forms()
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(24, gens, QQ['E4, E6'])
{E6^4: 1 - 2016*q + 1457568*q^2 - 411997824*q^3 + 16227967392*q^4 + 6497071680960*q^5 + O(q^6),
E4^3*E6^2: 1 - 288*q - 325728*q^2 + 11700864*q^3 + 35176468896*q^4 + 6601058210880*q^5 + O(q^6),
E4^6: 1 + 1440*q + 876960*q^2 + 292072320*q^3 + 57349833120*q^4 + 6660135541440*q^5 + O(q^6)}
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(6))
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(4)
[q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6),
q^3 - 2*q^4 + 8*q^5 + O(q^6),
q^2 - 2*q^3 + 3*q^4 + 24*q^5 + O(q^6),
q^2 + 10*q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6),
q + 5*q^3 + 22*q^4 + 6*q^5 + O(q^6),
1 + 48*q^3 + O(q^6)]
sage: gens = M.gen_forms()
sage: M._monomials_of_weight(4, gens, QQ['g0, g1, g2'])
{g2^2: q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6),
g1*g2: q^3 - 2*q^4 + 8*q^5 + O(q^6),
g0*g2: q^2 - 2*q^3 + 3*q^4 + 24*q^5 + O(q^6),
g1^2: q^2 + 10*q^4 - 4*q^5 + O(q^6),
g0*g1: q + 5*q^3 + 22*q^4 + 6*q^5 + O(q^6),
g0^2: 1 + 48*q^3 + O(q^6)}
W = WeightedIntegerVectors(weight, self._weights_of_generators()).list()
# create the set of "weighted exponents"
W = WeightedIntegerVectors(weight, self._weights_of_generators(gens)).list()
if len(W) == 0:
raise ValueError("there is no modular forms of the given weight (%s) for %s"%(weight,
gens = self.gen_forms()
list_of_monomials = []

# for each weighted exponents, establish an association between the monomials
dict_of_monomials = {}
for exponents in W:
monomial = 1
monomial_forms = 1; monomial_poly = 1
iter = 0
for e, g in zip(exponents, gens):
g = self(g) # TODO: fix f**pow if f is a ModularFormsElement
monomial *= g**e
return list_of_monomials
monomial_forms *= self(g)**e
monomial_poly *= poly_parent.gen(iter)**e
iter += 1
dict_of_monomials[monomial_poly] = monomial_forms
return dict_of_monomials

def _generators_variables_dictionnary(self, pol, gen=None):
def _generators_variables_dictionnary(self, poly_parent, gens):
Utility function that returns a dictionnary giving a correspondence between
Utility function that returns a dictionnary giving an association between
polynomial ring generators and generators of modular forms ring.
- ``pol`` -- A multivariate polynomial
- ``gen`` -- list (default: ``None``) of generators of the modular forms ring
- ``poly_parent`` -- A polynomial ring
- ``gen`` -- list of generators of the modular forms ring
sage: M = ModularFormsRing(Gamma0(6))
sage: x,y,z = polygens(QQ, 'x,y,z')
sage: M._generators_variables_dictionnary(y*x^2+y^2+x*z^3)
sage: P = QQ['x, y, z']
sage: M._generators_variables_dictionnary(P, M.gen_forms())
{z: q^2 - 2*q^3 + 3*q^4 + O(q^6),
y: q + 5*q^3 - 2*q^4 + 6*q^5 + O(q^6),
x: 1 + 24*q^3 + O(q^6)}
sage: M._generators_variables_dictionnary('e')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: `pol` must be a polynomial
if not isinstance(pol, (Polynomial, MPolynomial)):
raise TypeError("`pol` must be a polynomial")
if pol.base_ring() != self.base_ring():
raise ValueError("the base ring of `pol` must be the same as the base ring of the modular forms ring")
nb_var = pol.parent().ngens()
if poly_parent.base_ring() != self.base_ring():
raise ValueError('the base ring of `poly_parent` must be the same as the base ring of the modular forms ring')
nb_var = poly_parent.ngens()
if nb_var > self.ngens():
raise ValueError("the number of variables of the given polynomial (%s) cannot exceed the number of generators of the modular forms ring (%s)"%(nb_var, self.ngens()))
if gen is None:
gen = self.gen_forms()
return {pol.parent().gen(i) : self.gen(i) for i in range(0, nb_var)}
raise ValueError('the number of variables of the given polynomial ring (%s) cannot exceed the number of generators of the modular forms ring (%s)'%(nb_var, self.ngens()))
return {poly_parent.gen(i) : self(gens[i]) for i in range(0, nb_var)}

def from_polynomial(self, pol, gen=None):
def from_polynomial(self, pol, gens=None):
Convert the given polynomial ``pol`` to a graded form living in ``self``. If
``gen`` is ``None`` then the list of generators given by the method :meth: gen_forms
will be used. Otherwise, ``gen`` should be a list of generators.
``gens`` is ``None`` then the list of generators given by the method :meth: gen_forms
will be used. Otherwise, ``gens`` should be a list of generators.
- ``pol`` -- A multivariate polynomial
- ``gen`` -- list (default: ``None``) of generators of the modular forms ring
- ``gens`` -- list (default: ``None``) of generators of the modular forms ring
OUTPUT: A GradedModularFormElement given by the polynomial relation ``pol``.
Expand All @@ -436,7 +458,11 @@ def from_polynomial(self, pol, gen=None):
* add conversion for symbolic expressions?
dict = self._generators_variables_dictionnary(pol, gen)
if not isinstance(pol, (MPolynomial, Polynomial)):
raise TypeError('`pol` must be a polynomial')
if gens is None:
gens = self.gen_forms()
dict = self._generators_variables_dictionnary(pol.parent(), gens)
return pol.substitute(dict)

def _element_constructor_(self, forms_datas):
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