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trac #8714 -- Implements Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm
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dcoudert authored and nathanncohen committed Dec 5, 2013
1 parent 0c6fcdf commit 8259b18
Showing 1 changed file with 235 additions and 20 deletions.
255 changes: 235 additions & 20 deletions src/sage/graphs/
Expand Up @@ -12327,6 +12327,177 @@ def triangles_count(self, algorithm='iter'):
raise ValueError("Algorithm '%s' not yet implemented. Please contribute." %(algorithm))

def __bellman_ford__(self, s, key=None, weight=None):
Returns dictionaries of distances from s and predecessors keyed by

This method implements a Bellman-Ford like single source shortest paths
algorithms. It iterates only on vertices for which shortest path from
source has been improved at previous iteration. The method can accept
negative weigths but it raises an error when a negative weight cycle is

This method is valid for Graph and DiGraph with multiple edges and


- ``s`` -- source node.

- ``key`` -- (default: ``None``) by default, edge labels are assumed to
be numbers. When edge labels are dictionaries, then ``key`` is the key
to access edge weights.

- ``weight`` -- (default: ``None``) is an optional dictionary of edge
weights keyed by edges. This is useful for functions modifying edge
weights without modifying the graph. When such dictionary is given,
edge labels are ignored.


- ``dist`` -- a dictionary keyed by targets recording the shortest path
distance from source to target. If the target is unreachable from
source, then the distance is set to Infinity.

- ``predecessor`` -- a dictionary keyed by targets recording the predecessor
of target in the shortest path from source to target. When target is
unreachable from source, the predecessor is useless.


Giving a PetersenGraph::

sage: G = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: G.__bellman_ford__(0)
({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 2},
{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 4, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 1, 7: 5, 8: 5, 9: 4})
sage: for u,v,_ in G.edges():
... G.set_edge_label(u,v,{'key':2})
sage: G.__bellman_ford__(0,'key')
({0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 4, 7: 4, 8: 4, 9: 4},
{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 4, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 1, 7: 5, 8: 5, 9: 4})

Giving a digraph of Imase and Itoh with some negative edge weights::

sage: D = digraphs.ImaseItoh(8,2)
sage: for u,v,_ in D.edges():
... D.set_edge_label(u,v,2)
sage: D.__bellman_ford__(0)
({0: 0, 1: 4, 2: 4, 3: 4, 4: 6, 5: 6, 6: 2, 7: 2}, {0: 0, 1: 7, 2: 6, 3: 6, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 0, 7: 0})
sage: D.set_edge_label(0,6,-1)
sage: D.set_edge_label(0,7,-1)
sage: D.__bellman_ford__(0)
({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 3, 5: 3, 6: -1, 7: -1}, {0: 0, 1: 7, 2: 6, 3: 6, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 0, 7: 0})

DiGraph with a negative weight cycle::

sage: D = digraphs.ImaseItoh(8,2)
sage: for u,v,_ in D.edges():
... D.set_edge_label(u,v,1)
sage: D.add_cycle(range(3))
sage: for u in range(3):
... D.set_edge_label(u,(u+1)%3,-1)
sage: D.__bellman_ford__(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Negative-weight cycle detected.


Giving wrong source node::

sage: G.__bellman_ford__(10,'key')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The source node must be in the input (Di)Graph.

Giving wrong key::

sage: G.__bellman_ford__(0,'MS')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'Wrong key for accessing edge weights.'

Unrecognized edge labels::

sage: G = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: for u,v,_ in G.edges():
... G.set_edge_label(u,v,'1')
sage: G.__bellman_ford__(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Edge label of unknown type
from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RR

if not s in self:
raise ValueError("The source node must be in the input (Di)Graph.")

# We set generic iterators
directed = self.is_directed()
if directed:
neighbor_iterator = self.neighbor_out_iterator
ee = lambda x,y: (x,y)
neighbor_iterator = self.neighbor_iterator
ee = lambda x,y: (x,y) if x<y else (y,x)

W = lambda x:weight[x]
if weight is None:
# We store edge weights in a dictionary. In case of multi-edges, we
# store only the smallest value. If no edge weights are given, we
# set them to 1.
weight = {}
for u,v,wt in self.edge_iterator():
if wt:
if key and isinstance(wt,dict):
wt = wt[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Wrong key for accessing edge weights.")
if not wt in RR:
raise TypeError("Edge label of unknown type")
weight[u,v] = min(wt, weight[u,v] if (u,v) in weight else Infinity)
# At least one edge weight is missing, so we set all edge
# weights to 1.
W = lambda x:1

# We initialize distances and predecessors dictionaries
dist = {}
predecessor = {}
for v in self.vertex_iterator():
dist[v] = Infinity
predecessor[v] = v
dist[s] = 0

# We now compute distances from s using Bellman-Ford like algorithm.
A = set([s])
B = set()
cpt = 0
N = self.order()
while A:
while A:
u = A.pop()
for v in neighbor_iterator(u):
if directed or v!=predecessor[u]:
if dist[u] + W(ee(u,v)) < dist[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u] + W(ee(u,v))
predecessor[v] = u

cpt += 1
if A and cpt==N:
# We have a negative-weight cycle
raise ValueError("Negative-weight cycle detected.")

return dist, predecessor

def shortest_path(self, u, v, by_weight=False, bidirectional=True):
Returns a list of vertices representing some shortest path from u
Expand All @@ -12335,9 +12506,9 @@ def shortest_path(self, u, v, by_weight=False, bidirectional=True):

- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first
search. If True, takes edge weightings into account, using
Dijkstra's algorithm.
- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first search. If True, takes
edge weightings into account, using Dijkstra's algorithm or
Bellman-Ford when negative edge weigths are detected.

- ``bidirectional`` - if True, the algorithm will
expand vertices from u and v at the same time, making two spheres
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12366,8 +12537,17 @@ def shortest_path(self, u, v, by_weight=False, bidirectional=True):
if u == v: # to avoid a NetworkX bug
return [u]
import networkx
from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
if by_weight:
if bidirectional:
if any(w<0 for _,_,w in self.edge_iterator()):
dist, pred = self.__bellman_ford__(u)
if dist[v]!=Infinity:
L = [v]
while L[0]!=u:
L.insert(0, pred[L[0]])
L = False
elif bidirectional:
L = self._backend.bidirectional_dijkstra(u,v)
except AttributeError:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12404,9 +12584,9 @@ def shortest_path_length(self, u, v, by_weight=False,


- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first
search. If True, takes edge weightings into account, using
Dijkstra's algorithm.
- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first search. If True, takes
edge weightings into account, using Dijkstra's algorithm or
Bellman-Ford when negative edge weigths are detected.

- ``bidirectional`` - if True, the algorithm will
expand vertices from u and v at the same time, making two spheres
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12436,6 +12616,9 @@ def shortest_path_length(self, u, v, by_weight=False,
if weight_sum is None:
weight_sum = by_weight
if by_weight and any(w<0 for _,_,w in self.edge_iterator()):
dist,_ = self.__bellman_ford__(u)
return dist[v]
path = self.shortest_path(u, v, by_weight, bidirectional)
length = len(path) - 1
if length == -1:
Expand All @@ -12456,9 +12639,9 @@ def shortest_paths(self, u, by_weight=False, cutoff=None):


- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first
search. If True, uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest
paths by weight.
- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first search. If True, uses
Dijkstra's algorithm to find find the shortest paths by weight or
Bellman-Ford when negative edge weigths are detected.

- ``cutoff`` - integer depth to stop search.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12486,8 +12669,24 @@ def shortest_paths(self, u, by_weight=False, cutoff=None):

if by_weight:
import networkx
return networkx.single_source_dijkstra_path(self.networkx_graph(copy=False), u)
if any(w<0 for _,_,w in self.edge_iterator()):
from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
dist, pred = self.__bellman_ford__(u)
path = {u:[u]}
for v in self.vertex_iterator():
if dist[v] is Infinity:
path[v] = []
P = []
w = v
while not w in path:
P.insert(0, w)
w = pred[w]
path[v] = path[w] + P
return path
import networkx
return networkx.single_source_dijkstra_path(self.networkx_graph(copy=False), u)
return self._backend.shortest_path_all_vertices(u, cutoff)
Expand All @@ -12501,10 +12700,9 @@ def shortest_path_lengths(self, u, by_weight=False, weight_sums=None):


- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first
search. If True, takes edge weightings into account, using
Dijkstra's algorithm.
- ``by_weight`` - if False, uses a breadth first search. If True, takes
edge weightings into account, using Dijkstra's algorithm or
Bellman-Ford when negative edge weigths are detected.


Expand All @@ -12516,6 +12714,9 @@ def shortest_path_lengths(self, u, by_weight=False, weight_sums=None):
sage: G.shortest_path_lengths(0, by_weight=True)
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 2}
if by_weight and any(w<0 for _,_,w in self.edge_iterator()):
dist,_ = self.__bellman_ford__(u)
return dist
paths = self.shortest_paths(u, by_weight)
if by_weight:
weights = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12548,7 +12749,7 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =

Implies ``by_weight == True``.

- ``algorithm`` -- four options :
- ``algorithm`` -- five options :

* ``"BFS"`` -- the computation is done through a BFS
centered on each vertex successively. Only implemented
Expand All @@ -12560,6 +12761,9 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =
* ``"Floyd-Warshall-Python"`` -- through the Python implementation of
the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

* ``"Bellman-Ford-Python"`` -- through the Python implementation of
the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

* ``"auto"`` -- use the fastest algorithm depending on the input
(``"BFS"`` if possible, and ``"Floyd-Warshall-Python"`` otherwise)

Expand All @@ -12575,11 +12779,12 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =

.. NOTE::

Three different implementations are actually available through this method :
Four different implementations are actually available through this method :

* BFS (Cython)
* Floyd-Warshall (Cython)
* Floyd-Warshall (Python)
* Bellman-Ford (Python)

The BFS algorithm is the fastest of the three, then comes the Cython
implementation of Floyd-Warshall, and last the Python
Expand All @@ -12588,6 +12793,7 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =
1, or equivalently the length of a path is its number of
edges). Besides, they do not deal with graphs larger than 65536
vertices (which already represents 16GB of ram).
The Bellman-Ford algorithm is able to handle negative edge weights.

.. NOTE::

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12657,7 +12863,8 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =
sage: d1, _ = g.shortest_path_all_pairs(algorithm="BFS")
sage: d2, _ = g.shortest_path_all_pairs(algorithm="Floyd-Warshall-Cython")
sage: d3, _ = g.shortest_path_all_pairs(algorithm="Floyd-Warshall-Python")
sage: d1 == d2 == d3
sage: d4, _ = g.shortest_path_all_pairs(algorithm="Bellman-Ford-Python")
sage: d1 == d2 == d3 == d4

Checking a random path is valid ::
Expand All @@ -12677,7 +12884,7 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =
sage: g.shortest_path_all_pairs(algorithm="Bob")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The algorithm keyword can only be set to "auto", "BFS", "Floyd-Warshall-Python" or "Floyd-Warshall-Cython"
ValueError: The algorithm keyword can only be set to "auto", "BFS", "Bellman-Ford-Python", "Floyd-Warshall-Python" or "Floyd-Warshall-Cython"
if default_weight != 1:
by_weight = True
Expand All @@ -12696,10 +12903,18 @@ def shortest_path_all_pairs(self, by_weight=False, default_weight=1, algorithm =
from sage.graphs.distances_all_pairs import floyd_warshall
return floyd_warshall(self, distances = True)

elif algorithm == "Bellman-Ford-Python":
dist = {}
pred = {}
for u in self.vertex_iterator():
dist[u], pred[u] = self.__bellman_ford__(u)
return dist, pred

elif algorithm != "Floyd-Warshall-Python":
raise ValueError("The algorithm keyword can only be set to "+
" \"BFS\", "+
"\"Bellman-Ford-Python\", "+
"\"Floyd-Warshall-Python\" or "+

Expand Down

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