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dimpase committed Nov 12, 2016
2 parents edfeed1 + 12ed381 commit df0c845
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Showing 3 changed files with 303 additions and 2 deletions.
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/graphs/generators/
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
# and Emily A. Kirkman
# Copyright (C) 2009 Michael C. Yurko <>
# Copyright (C) 2016 Rowan Schrecker <>
# (Rowan Schrecker supported by UK EPSRC grant EP/K040251/2)
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2680,3 +2683,262 @@ def TuranGraph(n,r):'Turan Graph with n: {}, r: {}'.format(n,r))

return g

def MuzychukS6Graph(n, d, Phi='fixed', Sigma='fixed', verbose=False):
Return a strongly regular graph of S6 type from [Mu07]_ on `n^d((n^d-1)/(n-1)+1)` vertices
The construction depends upon a number of parameters, two of then, `n` and `d`, mandatory,
and `\Phi` and `\Sigma` are mappings defined in [Mu07]_.
Let `m=\frac{n^d-1}{n-1}+1`. Then these graphs have parameters
`(mn^d, n^{d-1}(m-1) - 1,\mu - 2,\mu)`, with `\mu=\frac{n^{d-1}-1}{n-1}n^{d-1}`.
Let `L` be the complete graph on `M:=\{0,..., m-1\}` with the matching
`\{(2i,2i+1) | i=0,...,m/2\}` removed.
- ``n`` (integer)-- a prime power
- ``d`` (integer)-- must be odd if `n` is odd
- ``Phi`` is an optional parameter of the construction; it must be either
- 'fixed'-- this will generate fixed default `\Phi_i`, for `i \in M`, or
- 'random'-- `\Phi_i` are generated at random, or
- A dictionary describing the functions `\Phi_i`; for `i \in M`,
Phi[(i, T)] in `M`, for each edge T of `L` on `i`.
Also, each `\Phi_i` must be injective.
- ``Sigma`` is an optional parameter of the construction; it must be either
- 'fixed'-- this will generate a fixed default `\Sigma`, or
- 'random'-- `\Sigma` is generated at random.
- ``verbose`` (Boolean)-- default is False. If True, print progress information
.. TODO::
Implement the possibility to explicitly supply the parameter `\Sigma`
of the construction.
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3, 3).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(378, 116, 34, 36)
sage: phi={(2,(0,2)):0,(1,(1,3)):1,(0,(0,3)):1,(2,(1,2)):1,(1,(1,
....: 2)):0,(0,(0,2)):0,(3,(0,3)):0,(3,(1,3)):1}
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(2,2,Phi=phi).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(16, 5, 0, 2)
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(2,2,Phi='random',Sigma='random').is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(16, 5, 0, 2)
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3,3,Phi='random',Sigma='random').is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(378, 116, 34, 36)
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3,2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: n must be even or d must be odd
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(6,2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: n must be a prime power
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3,1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: d must be at least 2
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3,3,Phi=42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Phi must be a dictionary or 'random' or 'fixed'
sage: graphs.MuzychukS6Graph(3,3,Sigma=42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Sigma must be 'random' or 'fixed'
.. [Mu07] M. Muzychuk.
A generalization of Wallis-Fon-Der-Flaass construction of strongly regular graphs.
J. Algebraic Combin., 25(2):169–187, 2007.
### TO DO: optimise
### add option to return phi, sigma? generate phi, sigma from seed? (int say?)

from sage.combinat.designs.block_design import ProjectiveGeometryDesign
from sage.misc.prandom import randrange
from sage.misc.functional import is_even
from sage.arith.misc import is_prime_power
from sage.graphs.generators.basic import CompleteGraph
from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
from sage.matrix.special import ones_matrix
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from time import time
from __builtin__ import range # we cannot use xrange here

assert is_even(n * (d-1)), 'n must be even or d must be odd'
assert is_prime_power(n), 'n must be a prime power'
assert d > 1, 'd must be at least 2'
t = time()

#build L, L_i and the design
m = int((n**d-1)/(n-1) + 1) #from m = p + 1, p = (n^d-1) / (n-1)
L = CompleteGraph(m)
L.delete_edges([(2*x, 2*x + 1) for x in range(m/2)])
L_i = [0]*m
for x in range(m):
L_i[x] = L.edges_incident(x, labels=False)
Design = ProjectiveGeometryDesign(d, d-1, GF(n, 'a'), point_coordinates=False)
projBlocks = Design.blocks()
atInf = projBlocks[-1]
Blocks = [[x for x in block if x not in atInf] for block in projBlocks[:-1]]
if verbose:
print('finished preamble at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t))
t1 = time()

#sort the hyperplanes into parallel classes
ParClasses = [Blocks]
while ParClasses[0]:
nextHyp = ParClasses[0].pop()
for C in ParClasses[1:]:
listC = sum(C,[])
for x in nextHyp:
if x in listC:
del ParClasses[0]
if verbose:
print('finished ParClasses at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#build E^C_j
E = {}
v = ZZ(n**d)
k = ZZ(n**(d-1))
ones = ones_matrix(v)
for C in ParClasses:
EC = matrix(QQ, v)
for line in C:
for i in line:
for j in line:
EC[i, j] = 1/k
EC -= ones/v
E[tuple(C[0])] = EC
if verbose:
print('finished E at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#handle Phi
if Phi == 'random':
Phi = {}
for x in range(m):
temp = range(len(ParClasses))
for line in L_i[x]:
rand = randrange(0, len(temp))
Phi[(x, line)] = temp.pop(rand)
elif Phi == 'fixed':
Phi = {}
for x in range(m):
val = 0
for line in L_i[x]:
Phi[(x, line)] = val
assert isinstance(Phi, dict), \
"Phi must be a dictionary or 'random' or 'fixed'"
assert set(Phi.keys()) == \
set([(x, line) for x in range(m) for line in L_i[x]]), \
'each Phi_i must have domain L_i'
for x in range(m):
assert m - 2 == len(set([val
for (key, val) in Phi.items() if key[0] == x])), \
'each phi_i must be injective'
for val in Phi.values():
assert val in range(m-1), \
'codomain should be {0,..., (n^d - 1)/(n - 1) - 1}'
phi = {}
for x in range(m):
for line in L_i[x]:
phi[(x, line)] = ParClasses[Phi[(x, line)]]
if verbose:
print('finished phi at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#handle sigma
sigma = {}
if Sigma == 'random':
for x in range(m):
for line in L_i[x]:
[i, j] = line
temp = phi[(j, line)][:]
for hyp in phi[(i, line)]:
rand = randrange(0, len(temp))
sigma[(i, j, tuple(hyp))] = temp[rand]
sigma[(j, i, tuple(temp[rand]))] = hyp
del temp[rand]
elif Sigma == 'fixed':
for x in range(m):
for line in L_i[x]:
[i, j] = line
temp = phi[(j, line)][:]
for hyp in phi[(i, line)]:
val = temp.pop()
sigma[(i, j, tuple(hyp))] = val
sigma[(j, i, tuple(val))] = hyp
raise ValueError("Sigma must be 'random' or 'fixed'")
if verbose:
print('finished sigma at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#build V
edges = [] ###how many? *m^2*n^2
for (i, j) in L.edges(labels=False):
for hyp in phi[(i, (i, j))]:
for x in hyp:
newEdges = [((i, x), (j, y))
for y in sigma[(i, j, tuple(hyp))]]
if verbose:
print('finished edges at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()
V = Graph(edges)
if verbose:
print('finished V at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#build D_i, F_i and A_i
D_i = [0]*m
for x in range(m):
D_i[x] = sum([E[tuple(phi[x, line][0])] for line in L_i[x]])
F_i = [1 - D_i[x] - ones/v for x in range(m)]
#as the sum of (1/v)*J_\Omega_i, D_i, F_i is identity
A_i = [0]*m
for x in range(m):
A_i[x] = ((v-k)/v)*ones - k*F_i[x]
#we know A_i = k''*(1/v)*J_\Omega_i + r''*D_i + s''*F_i,
#and (k'', s'', r'') = (v - k, 0, -k)
if verbose:
print('finished D, F and A at %f (+%f)' % (time() - t, time() - t1))
t1 = time()

#add the edges of the graph of B to V
for i in range(m):
V.add_edges([((i, x), (i, y)) for x in range(v)
for y in range(v) if not A_i[i][(x, y)]])'Muzychuk S6 graph with parameters ('+str(n)+','+str(d)+')')
if verbose:
print('finished at %f (+%f)' % ((time() - t), time() - t1))
return V
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/graphs/
Expand Up @@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ def __append_to_doc(methods):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1999,6 +2000,7 @@ def quadrangulations(self, order, minimum_degree=None, minimum_connectivity=None
line_graph_forbidden_subgraphs = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.line_graph_forbidden_subgraphs)
MathonPseudocyclicMergingGraph = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.MathonPseudocyclicMergingGraph)
MathonPseudocyclicStronglyRegularGraph = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.MathonPseudocyclicStronglyRegularGraph)
MuzychukS6Graph = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.MuzychukS6Graph)
MycielskiGraph = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.MycielskiGraph)
MycielskiStep = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.MycielskiStep)
NKStarGraph = staticmethod(sage.graphs.generators.families.NKStarGraph)
Expand Down
41 changes: 39 additions & 2 deletions src/sage/graphs/strongly_regular_db.pyx
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,42 @@ def is_mathon_PC_srg(int v,int k,int l,int mu):
return (MathonPseudocyclicStronglyRegularGraph,t)
def is_muzychuk_S6(int v, int k, int l, int mu):
Test whether some Muzychuk S6 graph is (v, k, l, mu)-strongly regular.
- ``v, k, l, mu`` (integers)
A tuple ``t`` such that ``t[0](*t[1:])`` builds the required graph if it exists,
and ``None`` otherwise.
sage: from sage.graphs.strongly_regular_db import is_muzychuk_S6
sage: t = is_muzychuk_S6(378, 116, 34, 36)
sage: G = t[0](*t[1:]); G
Muzychuk S6 graph with parameters (3,3): Graph on 378 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(378, 116, 34, 36)
sage: t = is_muzychuk_S6(5, 5, 5, 5); t
cdef int n, d
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
n_list = [n for n in range(l-1) if ZZ(n).is_prime_power()]
for n in n_list:
d = 2
while n**d * ((n**d-1)/(n-1)+1) <= v:
if v == n**d * ((n**d-1)/(n-1)+1) and k == n**(d-1)*(n**d-1)/(n-1) - 1\
and l == mu - 2 and mu == n**(d-1) * (n**(d-1)-1) / (n-1):
from sage.graphs.generators.families import MuzychukS6Graph
return (MuzychukS6Graph, n, d)
d += 1
def is_orthogonal_array_block_graph(int v,int k,int l,int mu):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1512,9 +1548,9 @@ def is_taylor_twograph_srg(int v,int k,int l,int mu):
def is_switch_skewhad(int v, int k, int l, int mu):
Test whether some `switch skewhad^2+*` is `(v,k,\lambda,\mu)`-strongly regular.
Test whether some ``switch skewhad^2+*`` is `(v,k,\lambda,\mu)`-strongly regular.

The `switch skewhad^2+*` graphs appear on `Andries Brouwer's database
The ``switch skewhad^2+*`` graphs appear on `Andries Brouwer's database
<>`__ and are built by
adding an isolated vertex to the complement of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2851,6 +2887,7 @@ def strongly_regular_graph(int v,int k,int l,int mu=-1,bint existence=False,bint
# Going through all test functions, for the set of parameters and its
Expand Down

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