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New channel: static error rate
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David Lucas committed Apr 21, 2015
1 parent 3f66f35 commit df9fd2c
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/coding/
Expand Up @@ -263,3 +263,169 @@ def transmit_unsafe(self, message):
raise NotImplementedError

class ChannelStaticErrorRate(AbstractChannel):
Constructs a channel which adds a static number of errors to each message
it transmits. The input space and the output space of this channel
are the same.
- ``space`` -- the space of both input and output
- ``number_errors`` -- the number of errors added to each transmitted message
It can be either an integer of a tuple. If a tuple is passed as
argument, the number of errors will be a random integer between the
two bounds of the tuple.
We construct a ChannelStaticErrorRate which adds 2 errors
to any transmitted message::
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 40)
sage: n_err = 2
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan
Static error rate channel creating 2 error(s)
We can also pass a tuple for the number of errors::
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 40)
sage: n_err = (1, 10)
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan
Static error rate channel creating between 1 and 10 errors

def __init__(self, space, number_errors):
If the number of errors exceeds the dimension of the input space,
it will return an error::
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 40)
sage: n_err = 42
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: There might be more errors than the dimension of the input space
super(ChannelStaticErrorRate, self).__init__(space, space)
no_err = number_errors if not hasattr(number_errors, "__iter__") else number_errors[1]
if no_err > space.dimension():
raise ValueError("There might be more errors than the dimension of the input space")
self._number_errors = number_errors

def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of ``self``.
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 50)
sage: n_err = 42
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan
Static error rate channel creating 42 error(s)
if not hasattr(self.number_errors(), "__iter__"):
return "Static error rate channel creating %s error(s)"\
% self.number_errors()
no_err = self.number_errors()
return "Static error rate channel creating between %s and %s errors"\
% (no_err[0], no_err[1])

def _latex_(self):
Returns a latex representation of ``self``.
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 50)
sage: n_err = 42
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan._latex_()
'\\textnormal{Static error rate channel, creating }42 \\textnormal{ error(s)}'
if not hasattr(self.number_errors(), "__iter__"):
return "\\textnormal{Static error rate channel, creating }%s \\textnormal{ error(s)}"\
% self.number_errors()
no_err = self.number_errors()
return "\\textnormal{Static error rate channel, creating between %s and %s errors}"\
% (no_err[0], no_err[1])

def __eq__(self, other):
Checks if ``self`` is equal to ``other``.
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 50)
sage: n_err = 42
sage: Chan1 = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan2 = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan1 == Chan2
return isinstance(other, ChannelStaticErrorRate)\
and self.input_space() == other.input_space()\
and self.number_errors() == other.number_errors()

def transmit_unsafe(self, message):
Returns ``message`` with as many errors as ``self._number_errors`` in it.
If ``self._number_errors`` was passed as a tuple for the number of errors, it will
pick a random integer between the bounds of the tuple and use it as the number of errors.
This method does not check if ``message`` belongs to the input space of``self``.
- ``message`` -- a vector
- a vector of the output space
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 6)
sage: n_err = 2
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: msg = F((4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42))
sage: Chan.transmit_unsafe(msg) # random
(4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 42)
number_errors = _tuple_to_integer(self.number_errors())
V = self.input_space()
n = V.dimension()
error_vector = _random_error_vector(n, V.base_ring(),\
_random_error_position(n, number_errors))
return message + error_vector

def number_errors(self):
Returns the number of errors created by ``self``.
sage: F = VectorSpace(GF(59), 6)
sage: n_err = 3
sage: Chan = channels.ChannelStaticErrorRate(F, n_err)
sage: Chan.number_errors()
return self._number_errors

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