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Utility package to connect multiple mongo databases. Supports SSH tunneling.


  • Connect single db by configuring mongdb url in MONGO_URL env var.

    export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost/test

    Code to connect the above db & get mongo collection instance.

    const { connect, getCollection } = require('native-mongo-util');
    (async () => {
      try {
        await connect({ poolSize: 20 }); // connect to db with options to MongoClient
        const userCollection = getCollection('user');
        const allUsers = await userCollection.find().toArray();
      } catch (err) {
        console.log('Error ocurred while connecting DB', err);
        throw err;
  • Connecting other mongo db

    const { newConnection } = require('native-mongo-util');
    (async () => {
      try {
        const mongoURL = 'mongodb://localhost/someOtherDB';
        const connection = newConnection(mongoURL, { poolSize: 20 }); // Provide mongo uri & MongoClient options
        await connection.connect(); // connect to someOtherDB
        const studentsCollection = connection.getCollection('students'); // get students collection from someOtherDB connection.
        const allUsers = await studentsCollection.find().toArray();
      } catch (err) {
        console.log('Error ocurred while connecting DB', err);
        throw err;


  • exports.newConnection(mongoURL, options) Function will create & return new Connection class instance. mongoURL is valid mongodb connection string. options is MongoClient options

  • async exports.connect(options) Async function that connects to mongodb, using MONGO_URL env var. MongoClient options can also be passed. Returns Mongodb DB class instance

  • exports.getCollection(collectionName) Returns Mongodb collection (Collection instance) for collectionName.

  • async exports.getClient() Returns Mongodb MongoClient class instance

  • exports.getDBName() Returns connected mongodb name

  • Class Connection methods

    • constructor(mongoURL, options) Valid mongodb connection string and MongoClient options
    • async connect() Async method connects to mongodb, using mongoURL for the same instance. Returns Mongodb DB class instance
    • getCollection(collectionName) Returns mongodb collection.
    • getDBName() Returns db name
    • async getClient() Returns Mongodb MongoClient instance.

Environment Variables

  • MONGO_URL Mongo connection url
  • PROCESS_EXIT_ON_MONGO_ERROR Prevent node process exit on any Mongo error. Default value is true.
  • SSH_HOST ssh hostname or ip
  • SSH_USER ssh user for remote connection
  • SSH_PASSWORD ssh connection password
  • SSH_KEY_PATH ssh private key path like ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Either of SSH_PASSWORD or SSH_KEY_PATH must be provided depending on remote server auth mode.

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