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Directories in Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows

Nikolaos Sagiadinos edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Directories in Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows

The garlic-player creates some directories to store data like cache and configuration files. The native uninstaller of the operating systems do not delete these directories as they are in the user folders. Android > 8 removes them. Here is a list and an explanation of what they are for.

Created Directory and Files


This file stores the UUID and some other config temporary parameter like the content-url, the position of the last used SMIL-file and the task-id needed for update, resets and other maintenance when used with a launcher (currently only android)


These are the cached files when using garlic-player with a http/https url


used for the log-files in directory logs QtWebengine sometimes also stores the web cache there. Except for Android and later iOS. These systems use their native web views.

For Android

  • garlic-player.ini: /data/data/com.sagiadinos.garlic.player/files/garlic-player.ini
  • cache: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.sagiadinos.garlic.player/files/garlic-player/cache
  • logs: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.sagiadinos.garlic.player/files/garlic-player/logs

For Linux

  • garlic-player.ini: ~/.config/SmilControl/garlic-player.ini
  • cache: ~/.cache/garlic-player/
  • logs: ~/.local/share/garlic-player/logs/

For macOS

  • garlic-player.ini: ~/.config/SmilControl/garlic-player.ini
  • cache: ~/Library/Caches/garlic-player/
  • logs: ~/Library/Application Support/garlic-player/logs/

For Windows

  • garlic-player.ini: ~\AppData\Roaming\SmilControl\garlic-player.ini
  • cache: ~\AppData\Local\garlic-player\cache
  • logs: ~\AppData\Local\garlic-player\logs\