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Sai Sandeep Vaddi edited this page Dec 23, 2019 · 3 revisions

Configuration of Ten Hands can be changed via a config.json file. You can find config.json file at:

  • Windows: C:\Users\[username]\.ten-hands\config.json
  • macOS: ~\.ten-hands\config.json
  • Linux: ~\.ten-hands\config.json

NOTE: You have to restart Ten Hands when you change configuration. Remember that clicking on ❌ button in Ten Hands only hides it to tray. You have to quit from Tray.

Currently, Ten Hands supports following config options.

  1. port: number

    Default: 5010

Which port to run Ten Hands server on. By default, it is set as 5010. If you are unable to start Ten Hands app, try changing the port to some free port and restart Ten Hands.

  1. enableTerminalTheme: (deprecated) boolean

    Default: true

This was a configuration option in an old version of Ten Hands where users can choose not to have theme applied to terminal which increases the speed when changing projects. But, in latest version, this issue is fixed and you do not need it anymore.

  1. globalHotKey: string (Desktop app only)

    Default: CommandOrCtrl+Alt+T

Show/Hide Ten Hands from tray. **Important: **This shortcut only works when Ten Hands is actually running somewhere.

If you want to launch an app when it is not opened yet, please check for OS specific information on creating shortcuts. > In that case, it is advised not to use this globalHotKey option at all. Here is one way to launch an app with shortcut even when app is not running in Windows.

  • Create a shortcut on desktop for Ten Hands.
  • Right click and go to properties.
  • Add a shortcut in Shortcut key section.
  1. showAppRunningTrayNotification: boolean (Windows Desktop app only)

    Default: true

Shows a balloon notification when Ten Hands app closes to tray in Windows. Helps to remember that some tasks might be running in Ten Hands. Set it to false if you find it annoying to see notification every time app is hidden.

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