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salvacarrion committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 9caae51 commit fccb674
Showing 1 changed file with 376 additions and 0 deletions.
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions examples/dev/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
import datetime
import time
import os
import re
import torch

from autonmt.modules.models import Transformer
from autonmt.preprocessing import DatasetBuilder
from autonmt.toolkits import AutonmtTranslator
from autonmt.vocabularies import Vocabulary

from import generate_report
from autonmt.bundle.plots import plot_metrics

from autonmt.preprocessing.processors import preprocess_pairs, preprocess_lines, normalize_lines
from tokenizers.normalizers import NFKC, Strip, Lowercase

def add_prefix(data, ds):
prefix = f"<{ds.src_lang}>-<{ds.trg_lang}>|"

# Check if the data starts with the prefix
if not bool(re.match(r"^<..>-<..>\|", data["lines"][0])):
return [f"{prefix}{l}" for l in data["lines"]]
return data["lines"]

def preprocess_predict(data, ds):
if data["lang"] == ds.src_lang: # Source
return add_prefix(data, ds)
else: # Target
return data["lines"]

def filter_data_fn(x, y, split_name, valid_pairs, past_pairs, ratio_past_data, from_fn=None, **kwargs):
if not valid_pairs: # Add all
return x, y
valid_pairs = set(valid_pairs)
if from_fn in {"translate"}: # Raw data
x, y = zip(*[(l1, l2) for l1, l2 in zip(x, y) if l1[6:8] in valid_pairs])
else: # Encoded data
if split_name in {"train"}:
# x, y = _get_rehearsal_data(x, y, valid_pairs, past_pairs, ratio_past_data)
x, y = zip(*[(l1, l2) for l1, l2 in zip(x, y) if l1[10:12] in valid_pairs])
else: # Dev or test (add all)
x, y = zip(*[(l1, l2) for l1, l2 in zip(x, y) if l1[10:12] in valid_pairs]) # euro [10:12]; scielo [1:3]
return x, y

def _gen_filter_data_fn(split_name, valid_pairs=None, past_pairs=None, ratio_past_data=None):
fn_name = 'xx' if valid_pairs is None else '+'.join(valid_pairs)
return fn_name, (lambda x, y, split_name=split_name, valid_pairs=valid_pairs, past_pairs=past_pairs, ratio_past_data=ratio_past_data, **kwargs: filter_data_fn(x, y, split_name, valid_pairs, past_pairs, ratio_past_data, **kwargs))

def compute_fisher_matrix(trainer, train_ds, learning_rate, batch_size, max_tokens=None, criterion="cross_entropy", num_workers=0):
print(f"=> Computing Fisher information matrix...")
import tqdm
from import DataLoader
import torch.optim as optim

# Preprocess data (loads the data and filters it)
trainer.preprocess(train_ds, apply2train=True, apply2val=False, apply2test=False, force_overwrite=False)

# Prepare dataloader
train_loader = DataLoader(trainer.train_tds,
collate_fn=lambda x: trainer.train_tds.collate_fn(x, max_tokens=max_tokens),
num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True,
batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False,

# Set model to evaluation mode to avoid updating batch norm stats
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model =

# Initialize Fisher information matrix as a dictionary of zeros with the same shape as the model's parameters
fisher_dict = {name: torch.zeros_like(param, device=device) for name, param in model.named_parameters()}
grads_dict = {name: torch.zeros_like(param, device=device) for name, param in model.named_parameters()}

# We will accumulate the gradients over the dataset
for inputs, targets in tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, total=len(train_loader)):
# Move data to the specified device
inputs, targets =,

# Forward
output = model.forward_encoder(inputs)
output = model.forward_decoder(targets, output) # (Batch, Length, Embedding size)

# Compute loss
output = output.transpose(1, 2)[:, :, :-1] # Remove last index to match shape with 'y[1:]'
targets = targets[:, 1:] # Remove <sos>

# Compute the loss
loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(output, targets, reduction='mean')

# Accumulate Fisher information
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
fisher_dict[name] += param.grad ** 2
grads_dict[name] += param.grad


# Normalize by the number of samples
for name in fisher_dict.keys():
fisher_dict[name] = fisher_dict[name].detach().cpu().numpy() / len(trainer.train_tds)
grads_dict[name] = grads_dict[name].detach().cpu().numpy() / len(trainer.train_tds)

return fisher_dict, grads_dict

def get_weights(trainer):
model = trainer.model

# Extract weights and gradients
weights_dict = {}
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
weights_dict[name] = param.detach().cpu().numpy()

return weights_dict, model.state_dict()

def compute_grads(trainer, train_ds, learning_rate, batch_size, max_tokens=None, criterion="cross_entropy", num_workers=0):
print(f"=> Computing gradients...")
import tqdm
from import DataLoader
import torch.optim as optim

# Preprocess data (loads the data and filters it)
trainer.preprocess(train_ds, apply2train=True, apply2val=False, apply2test=False, force_overwrite=False)

# Prepare dataloader
train_loader = DataLoader(trainer.train_tds,
collate_fn=lambda x: trainer.train_tds.collate_fn(x, max_tokens=max_tokens),
num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True,
batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False,

# Prepare model, criterion and optimizer
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model =
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

# Reset model

# Accumulate gradients
for x, y in tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, total=len(train_loader)):
batch =,
loss, _ = model._step(batch, 0, log_prefix=None)

# Extract weights and gradients
weights_dict = {}
grad_dict = {}
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
weights_dict[name] = param.detach().cpu().numpy()
grad_dict[name] = param.grad.detach().cpu().numpy()

return weights_dict, grad_dict, model.state_dict()

def regularization_fn(model, loss, alpha, **kwargs):
d_tasks = kwargs.get("d_tasks")
reg_type = kwargs.get("reg_type")

# Apply regularization
if reg_type is None:
elif reg_type == "l1":
for task_id in d_tasks.keys():
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
old_weight = torch.tensor(d_tasks[task_id]["weights"][name]).to(param.device)
loss += ((param - old_weight).abs()).sum() * alpha
elif reg_type == "l2":
for task_id in d_tasks.keys():
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
old_weight = torch.tensor(d_tasks[task_id]["weights"][name]).to(param.device)
loss += ((param - old_weight).pow(2)).sum() * alpha
elif reg_type == "ewc":
for task_id in d_tasks.keys():
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
fisher = torch.tensor(d_tasks[task_id]["fisher"][name]).to(param.device)
old_weight = torch.tensor(d_tasks[task_id]["weights"][name]).to(param.device)
loss += (fisher * (param - old_weight).pow(2)).sum() * alpha
raise ValueError(f"Unknown value '{reg_type}' for reg_type")

# Preprocess functions
normalize_fn = lambda x: normalize_lines(x, seq=[NFKC(), Strip(), Lowercase()])
preprocess_raw_fn = lambda data, ds: preprocess_pairs(data["src"]["lines"], data["trg"]["lines"], normalize_fn=normalize_fn, min_len=1, max_len=None, remove_duplicates=False, shuffle_lines=False)
preprocess_splits_fn = lambda data, ds: preprocess_pairs(add_prefix(data["src"], ds), data["trg"]["lines"], normalize_fn=normalize_fn, shuffle_lines=False)
preprocess_predict_fn = lambda data, ds: preprocess_lines(preprocess_predict(data, ds), normalize_fn=normalize_fn)

# BASE_PATH = "/Users/salvacarrion/Documents/Programming/datasets/translate" # Local
BASE_PATH2 = "/home/scarrion/datasets/translate" # Remote
BASE_PATH3 = "/app/data" # Docker
# BASE_PATH3 = "/Users/salvacarrion/Documents/Programming/datasets/optimus" # Docker
BASE_PATH = BASE_PATH2 if os.environ.get("DEBUG", 0) else BASE_PATH3

def main():
# Create preprocessing for training
builder = DatasetBuilder(
# Root folder for datasets

# Set of datasets, languages, training sizes to try
{"name": "europarl", "languages": ["en-xx"], "sizes": [("original", None)]},

# Set of subword models and vocab sizes to try
{"subword_models": ["bpe+bytes"], "vocab_sizes": [8000]},

# Preprocessing functions

# Additional args
).build(make_plots=False, force_overwrite=False)

# Create preprocessing for training and testing
tr_datasets = builder.get_train_ds()
ts_datasets = builder.get_test_ds()
default_ds = tr_datasets[0]

# CF vars
filter_tr_pairs = [["fr"]] # Training data
filter_ts_pairs = [["es"], ["fr"]] # For each model
sequential_tr = True

for ratio_past_data in [1.0]: #[0.0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0]:
for reg_type in ["ewc"]:
# Tmp vars
past_pairs = []
d_tasks = {}

# Load initial checkpoint
run_prefix = "cf-ft__tr_[]->[es]__reg_(none)"
ckp_base_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, f"europarl/en-xx/original/models/autonmt/runs/{run_prefix}_bpe+bytes_8000/checkpoints")
state_dict_path = os.path.join(ckp_base_path, f'')
weights_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(ckp_base_path, f''))
grads_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(ckp_base_path, f''))
fisher_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(ckp_base_path, f''))
d_tasks[run_prefix] = {"weights": weights_dict, "gradients": grads_dict, "fisher": fisher_dict}

scores = []
for i, new_tr_pairs in enumerate(filter_tr_pairs):
_filter_ts_pairs = ["xx" if x is None else '+'.join(x) for x in filter_ts_pairs]

# Prettify past task and new tasks
_past_pairs = [p[0] if p else "xx" for p in past_pairs]
tr_pairs_old_str = ','.join(_past_pairs) if past_pairs else ""
tr_pairs_new_str = '+'.join(new_tr_pairs) if new_tr_pairs else "xx"
ts_pairs_str = '|'.join(_filter_ts_pairs)

# Set run prefix
alias = "cf-ft"
tr_pairs_str = f"tr_[{tr_pairs_old_str}]->[{tr_pairs_new_str}]"
tr_pairs_str += f"+[{tr_pairs_old_str}]x[{ratio_past_data}]" # if ratio_past_data else ""
tr_pairs_str += f"__reg_" + (reg_type.lower().strip() if reg_type else "(none)")
run_prefix = f"{alias}__{tr_pairs_str}"

# Set data and stuff
new_tr_pair_str = new_tr_pairs[0] if new_tr_pairs else "xx" # Trick: Only one pair
monitor = f'val_{new_tr_pair_str}_loss/dataloader_idx_{_filter_ts_pairs.index(new_tr_pair_str)}'

# Print info
print(f"=> Training model...")
print(f"\t- TRAINING ({i + 1}/{len(filter_tr_pairs)}): {tr_pairs_str}")
print(f"\t- TESTING ({len(filter_ts_pairs)}): {ts_pairs_str}")
print(f"\t- MODEL PREFIX: {run_prefix}")
print(f"\t- LOSS MONITOR: {monitor}")

# Instantiate vocabs and model
src_vocab = Vocabulary(max_tokens=350).build_from_ds(ds=default_ds, lang=default_ds.src_lang)
trg_vocab = Vocabulary(max_tokens=350).build_from_ds(ds=default_ds, lang=default_ds.trg_lang)
model = Transformer(src_vocab_size=len(src_vocab), trg_vocab_size=len(trg_vocab), padding_idx=src_vocab.pad_id)
model.regularization_fn = lambda model, loss: regularization_fn(model, loss, d_tasks=d_tasks, reg_type=reg_type, alpha=ratio_past_data)

# Load previous state_dict
if state_dict_path:
print(f"\t- Loading previous state_dict")

# Define trainer
runs_dir = default_ds.get_runs_path(toolkit="autonmt")
run_name = default_ds.get_run_name(run_prefix=run_prefix) # + f"__{int(time.time())}"
trainer = AutonmtTranslator(model=model, src_vocab=src_vocab, trg_vocab=trg_vocab,
runs_dir=runs_dir, run_name=run_name,
filter_tr_data_fn=_gen_filter_data_fn("train", valid_pairs=new_tr_pairs, past_pairs=past_pairs, ratio_past_data=None),
filter_vl_data_fn=[_gen_filter_data_fn("val", valid_pairs=p) for p in filter_ts_pairs],
filter_ts_data_fn=[_gen_filter_data_fn("test", valid_pairs=p) for p in filter_ts_pairs],

# Train model
wandb_params = dict(project="continual-learning-multi", entity="salvacarrion", reinit=True), max_epochs=5, learning_rate=0.001, optimizer="adam", batch_size=256, seed=None, monitor=monitor,
patience=10, num_workers=0, accelerator="auto", strategy="auto", save_best=True, save_last=True,
print_samples=1, wandb_params=wandb_params)

# Test model
# m_scores = trainer.predict(ts_datasets, metrics={"bleu"}, beams=[1], load_checkpoint="best",
# preprocess_fn=preprocess_predict_fn, eval_mode="all", force_overwrite=False)
# # Add extra metrics
# for ms in m_scores:
# ms['train_dataset'] = default_ds.dataset_name
# ms['vocab__merged'] = default_ds.merge_vocabs
# ms['train__lang_pair'] = f"[{tr_pairs_old_str}]->[{tr_pairs_new_str}]"
# ms['test__lang_pair'] = "Invalid"
# scores.append(m_scores)

# Compute fisher matrix
# Load best model
checkpoints_path = trainer.get_model_checkpoints_path()
checkpoint_path__best = trainer._get_checkpoints(checkpoints_path, mode="best")

# Save weights and state
weights_dict, state_dict = get_weights(trainer), os.path.join(checkpoints_path, f'')), os.path.join(checkpoints_path, f''))

# Compute fisher matrix
fisher_dict, grads_dict = compute_fisher_matrix(trainer, default_ds, learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=256), os.path.join(checkpoints_path, f'')), os.path.join(checkpoints_path, f''))
# ############################################################

# Add new pairs to past pairs
if sequential_tr:
state_dict_path = os.path.join(checkpoints_path, f'')
d_tasks[run_prefix] = {"weights": weights_dict, "gradients": grads_dict, "fisher": fisher_dict}
state_dict_path = None

# Make report
output_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, f".outputs/autonmt/cf_ft__reg_l1-l2-ewc")
df_report, df_summary = generate_report(scores=scores, output_path=output_path)

# Print summary

# # Plot metrics
# plots_path = os.path.join(output_path, "plots")
# plot_metrics(output_path=plots_path, df_report=df_report, plot_metric="translations.beam1.sacrebleu_bleu_score",
# xlabel="MT Models", ylabel="BLEU Score", title="Model comparison")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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