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O3R Colored Pointcloud

This package allows user to visualize 3D colored pointcloud using ifm O3R camera system.

Supported hardware

Name Type
OVP800 Video Processing Unit (VPU)
O3R225 3D camera


Further instructions to install

Camera connections

O3Rxxx has 2 outputs, 2D-Image and 3D-Data.

When using 1 Camera, connect it to the following ports:

Port Name Camera Output
Port 0 2D-Image
Port 2 3D-Data

When using 2 Cameras, connect it to the following ports:

Port Name Camera 1 Output Camera 2 Output
Port 0 2D-Image ------------
Port 2 3D-Data ------------
------------ ------------ ------------
Port 1 ------------ 2D-Image
Port 3 ------------ 3D-Data

Rest of the configuration is set to default as provided by ifm and also available on their website. There is a config folder which has required parameters pre-configured.

Building package

  1. Clone this repository to ros_ws/src. (Preferable in the same location as ifm3d-ros2 package)

  2. Open ros_ws in termanal and run the following:

    rosdep update
    rosdep install -y -r -q --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro humble
  3. Build ROS (2) package: o3r_color_pcl_ros2 and source it

    colcon build --packages-select o3r_color_pcl_ros2
    source install/setup.bash
  4. There are following launch files available to test:

    Check the example launch files to modify as per requirements.

Name Description Command Cloud output topics
example_o3r_2d_and_3d_launch Example file to run 1 camera. ros2 launch o3r_color_pcl_ros2 Cloud published on '/pcl/colored'
example_two_o3r_heads_launch Example file to run 2 cameras. ros2 launch o3r_color_pcl_ros2 Left cloud published on '/pcl/left_camera_cloud' & Right cloud published on '/pcl/right_camera_cloud'
  1. Use RVIZ2 to visualize the colored pointcloud. Make sure to set correct Fixed Frame and Color Transform as RGBF32.

Available Launch file parameters

Param Name Default value Options Description
uncompressed false true, false Flag to enable subscription to uncompressed image
timer_period 0.5 double value Colored pointcloud stream speed.


When running two cameras, use the following static transforms to visualise.

Replace (distance_from_mid_point_between_cameras) and (height_from_ground):

Please be aware of camera's coordinate system. Refer this.

ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher --frame-id base_link --child-frame-id right_camera_3d_optical_link --y -(distance_from_mid_point_between_cameras) --z (height_from_ground)

ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher --frame-id base_link --child-frame-id left_camera_3d_optical_link --y (distance_from_mid_point_between_cameras) --z (height_from_ground)

Sample image

Sample RVIZ2_1 Sample RVIZ2_2


ifm O3R color pointcloud publisher ROS2








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