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Experiment rails and detect common FAQ

To create new app in current dir:

rails new .

To push to new repo in github:

* git init
* git add .
* git commit -m "First Push"
* git remote add origin
<https is your github repo url>
* git pull origin master
<if you create a readme in git>
* git push origin master
<you are done>

check status:

* git status / git log

get started with changing index page:

* rake db:create
* rails generate controller home index
<=This will create a controller
& index.html.erb in app/views/home>
* modify routes.rb
change root :to =>"home#index"

Create resources using Scaffold:

* rails generate scaffold Post name:string title:string context:text
<check db/migrate/...rb to view the database structure>
<the def change is the function called when db migrate, creating tables with defined types>
* rake db:migrate

To migrate db:

* rake db:migrate
<this will only effect development>

If need to specify:

* rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

To set validation on creating new record:

* go to app/model/post.rb, and add this into Class:"
validates :names, :presence => true
validates :title, :presence => true,
:length => {:minimum => 5}
This will ensure names and title need to filled before submit.

To load the updated code while in rails console:

* reload!

Before bundle with pg:

* sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

Deploy to heroku:

* add gem 'heroku' in Gemfile
* configure Gemfile:
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite'
group :production do
gem 'pg'
* sudo apt-get install postgresl
<if you dont install postresql locally, you wont able to install pg>
* bundle install
* heroku run rake db:migrate
* type in command:
wget -qO- | sh
heroku login
git add .
git commit -m "init deploy"
heroku create
<will create new app at heroku>
heroku key:add
<if you dont have rsa key stored at heroku yet>
git push heroku master


Experiment rails and detect common FAQ






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