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samking committed Jul 16, 2013
2 parents 44064aa + dcfef05 commit 43ba759
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 0 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This will assign Drupal permissions as described at
# TODO: check if the owner is a valid user.
# TODO: check to see if www-data is actually the default server user on their
# system.
# TODO: check to see if the path they provide is a valid Drupal install

import argparse
import getpass
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import sys

class DefaultHelpParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""An argument parser that will provide help by default on error."""

def error(self, message):
"""On error, print out the error message and then the help text."""
sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % message)

def print_and_run(args):
"""Prints a command and runs it."""
print ' '.join(args)

def fix_general_permissions(owner, server_user, drupal_path):
"""Fix the permissions for all files in the root Drupal folder."""
print_and_run(['sudo', 'chown', '-R', owner + ':' + server_user, drupal_path])
# there is no shell parsing these commands, so we don't need to worry about
# the curly braces or semicolon being interpreted by the shell
print_and_run(['find', drupal_path, '-type', 'd', '-exec',
'chmod', 'u=rwx,g=rx,o=', '{}', ';'])
print_and_run(['find', drupal_path, '-type', 'f', '-exec',
'chmod', 'u=rw,g=r,o=', '{}', ';'])

def fix_misc_permissions(drupal_path):
"""Fix the permissions for .git, .gitignore, and random text files in the
install folder."""
files = ['.git', '.gitignore', 'CHANGELOG.txt', 'COPYRIGHT.txt',
'INSTALL.mysql.txt', 'INSTALL.sqlite.txt', 'INSTALL.pgsql.txt',
'INSTALL.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'MAINTAINERS.txt', 'README.txt',
for filename in files:
print_and_run(['chmod', '-R', 'u=rwx,og=', filename])

def fix_sites_permissions(owner, server_user, drupal_path):
"""Fix the permissions for all files in the sites folder. Must be in the root
Drupal folder to start."""
sites_path = drupal_path + '/sites'
print_and_run(['find', sites_path, '-type', 'd', '-name', 'files', '-exec',
'chmod', 'ug=rwx,o=', '{}', ';'])
for directory in glob.iglob(sites_path + '/*/files'):
print_and_run(['find', directory, '-type', 'd', '-exec',
'chmod', 'ug=rwx,o=', '{}', ';'])
print_and_run(['find', directory, '-type' 'f', '-exec',
'chmod', 'ug=rw,o=', '{}', ';'])

def main():
parser = DefaultHelpParser(
description='Fix drupal permissions and print out commands as we go',
'--owner', default=getpass.getuser(),
help='The user to be assigned as the owner. This is probably you. ' +
'For security purposes, it should not be the Apache or server ' +
'user. If it is not you, you will need to run this as sudo.')
'--server-user', default='www-data',
help='The username of the web server serving Drupal files. For an ' +
'Apache install on Ubuntu, this will be www-data.' )
# required because we don't want to assume that they know what they're doing
'--drupal-path', required=True,
help='The drupal directory where permissions will be fixed. If you ' +
'run this script from the drupal directory, you can just use "."')
args = parser.parse_args()
owner = args.owner
server_user = args.server_user
drupal_path = args.drupal_path
fix_general_permissions(owner, server_user, drupal_path)
fix_sites_permissions(owner, server_user, drupal_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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