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Installing Media Tree

This install guide assumes you are familiar with Python and Django.


Make sure to install these packages prior to installation:


All required Python packages can easily be installed using pip (or, alternatively, easy_install). After installing it, you may simply enter the following command to install the dependencies:

$ pip install django==1.3.1 South django-mptt==0.5.1 PIL

In case you get a permission error, you will probably have to run the shell commands in this install guide with root permissions, i.e. enter sudo pip install … instead, and sudo python install respectively.

Getting the code

For the latest stable version (recommended), use pip:

$ pip install django-media-tree

Alternatively, if you would like to use the latest development version, you can also install it using pip:

$ pip install -e git://

or download it from and run the installation script:

$ python install

Demo project

A demo project is included for you to quickly test and evaluate Django Media Tree. Just change into the folder demo_project and run the development server:

$ python runserver

Then open http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Basic setup

Please follow these steps to use Media Tree with your own application.

  • In your project settings, add mptt and media_tree to the INSTALLED_APPS:

        # ... your other apps here
  • If you are using django.contrib.staticfiles (recommended), just run the usual command to collect static files:

    $ python collectstatic


    Please refer to the Django documentation on how to set up the static files app if you have not done that yet.

    If you are not going to use the staticfiles app, you will have to copy the contents of the static folder to the location you are serving static files from.

  • Create the database tables:

    $ python syncdb

    Alternatively, if you are using South in your project, you'll have to use a slightly different command:

    $ python syncdb --all $ python migrate media_tree --fake
  • Configuring media backends (optional): If you want thumbnails to be generated, which will usually be the case, you need to install the appropriate media backend that takes care of this. Currently, easy-thumbnails is the only recommended and officially supported 3rd-party application.

    After you've installed the easy_thumbnails module, configure Media Tree to use it by defining MEDIA_TREE_MEDIA_BACKENDS in your project settings:



    In principle, Media Tree can work together with any other thumbnail generating app, provided that you write the appropriate media backend class to support it. Please have a look at one of the backends under media_tree.contrib.media_backends if you are interested in using your own specific 3rd-party app.

  • Optional: Also add any Media Tree extensions that you are planning to use to your INSTALLED_APPS:

        # ... your other apps here


    See :ref:`bundled-extensions` for a list of default extensions included in the project.

Note on django-mptt

A version of django-mptt newer than 0.4.2 is required because there is an issue with older versions not indenting the folder list correctly. Either install a recent version:

$ pip install django-mptt==0.5.1

or, if for some reason you can't install a recent version, you can resolve the situation by putting legacy_mptt_support in your INSTALLED_APPS before mptt. This will be deprecated in the future:

  # ... your other apps here
  'media_tree.contrib.legacy_mptt_support', 'mptt', 'media_tree',

Installing icon sets

By default, Media Tree only comes with plain file and folder icons. If you would like to use custom icon sets that are more appropriate for your specific media types, you can install them like a Django application.

The following ready-to-use modules contain some nice icons:

You will need to configure Media Tree to use an icon set as follows.

  • In order to install an icon set, simply add the respective module to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

        # ... your other apps here
  • If you are using django.contrib.staticfiles (recommended), just run the usual command to collect static files:

    $ ./ collectstatic

    If you are not using the staticfiles app, copy the contents of the static folder to the static root of your project.

  • Define MEDIA_TREE_ICON_DIRS in your project settings, and add the static path containing the new icon files, e.g.:

        'my_custom_icons/64x64px', # the new folder under your static root
        'media_tree/img/icons/mimetypes', # default icon folder


    You can add several icon sets to this tuple, and for each media file the first appropriate icon that is encountered will be used. Please notice that on the last line we are specifying the default icon location, which will be used as a fallback in case no appropriate icon is found in one of the custom sets.