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simple task and project manager, with time manager and kanban board

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TaskBox - Simple Task Manager


TaskBox is a simple task manager application built using React, Chakra UI, and other modern technologies. It allows you to manage your tasks efficiently by providing a clean and intuitive user interface.

The challenge was to use only the React Context API and useReducer to manage the application states that started as a simple time manager and evolved into a more complete task manager.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Context API
  • useReducer
  • LocalStorage
  • Chakra UI
  • Emotion (for styling)
  • react-beautiful-dnd (for task reordering)
  • date-fns (for date manipulation)
  • framer-motion (for animations)
  • react-hook-form (for form handling)
  • react-router-dom (for routing)
  • use-sound (for sound effects)
  • uuid (for generating unique IDs)
  • zod (for data validation)

How to Run the Project

Before running the project, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system.

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change into the project directory: cd taskbox
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install or yarn
  4. Start the development server: npm run dev or yarn dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Available Commands

  • npm run dev: Starts the development server.
  • npm run build: Builds the production version of the app.
  • npm run lint: Lints the source code using ESLint.
  • npm run prettier: Formats the source code using Prettier.
  • npm run preview: Previews the production build locally.
  • npm run test: Runs tests using vitest.

To Do

  • Improve the kanban board to allow editing tasks and adding sections.
  • Remove emojis from the project
  • Improve usability adding some design interactions
  • Put edit task as task menu option
  • UI improvements
  • Back-end


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the terms of the license.