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Scheduled monthly dependency update for August #35

wants to merge 6 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Aug 1, 2018

Update pydantic from 0.8 to 0.12.1.



* fix schema generation for fields defined using ``typing.Any`` 237


* add ``by_alias`` argument in ``.dict()`` and ``.json()`` model methods 205
* add Json type support 214
* support tuples 227
* major improvements and changes to schema 213


* add ``NewType`` support 115
* fix ``list``, ``set`` & ``tuple`` validation 225
* separate out ``validate_model`` method, allow errors to be returned along with valid values 221


* support Python 3.7 216, thanks layday
* Allow arbitrary types in model 209, thanks oldPadavan


* make ``list``, ``tuple`` and ``set`` types stricter 86
* **breaking change**: remove msgpack parsing 201
* add ``FilePath`` and ``DirectoryPath`` types 10
* model schema generation 190
* JSON serialisation of models and schemas 133


* add ``Config.allow_population_by_alias`` 160, thanks bendemaree
* **breaking change**: new errors format 179, thanks Gr1N
* **breaking change**: removed ``Config.min_number_size`` and ``Config.max_number_size`` 183, thanks Gr1N
* **breaking change**: correct behaviour of ``lt`` and ``gt`` arguments to ``conint`` etc. 188
for the old behaviour use ``le`` and ``ge`` 194, thanks jaheba
* added error context and ability to redefine error message templates using ``Config.error_msg_templates`` 183,
thanks Gr1N
* fix typo in validator exception 150
* copy defaults to model values, so different models don't share objects 154


* allow custom ``get_field_config`` on config classes 159
* add ``UUID1``, ``UUID3``, ``UUID4`` and ``UUID5`` types 167, thanks Gr1N
* modify some inconsistent docstrings and annotations 173, thanks YannLuo
* fix type annotations for exotic types 171, thanks Gr1N
* re-use type validators in exotic types 171
* scheduled monthly requirements updates 168
* add ``Decimal``, ``ConstrainedDecimal`` and ``condecimal`` types 170, thanks Gr1N


* tweak email-validator import error message 145
* fix parse error of ``parse_date()`` and ``parse_datetime()`` when input is 0 144, thanks YannLuo
* add ``Config.anystr_strip_whitespace`` and ``strip_whitespace`` kwarg to ``constr``,
by default values is ``False`` 163, thanks Gr1N
* add ``ConstrainedFloat``, ``confloat``, ``PositiveFloat`` and ``NegativeFloat`` types 166, thanks Gr1N

Update pycodestyle from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0.




New checks:

* Add W504 warning for checking that a break doesn't happen after a binary
operator. This check is ignored by default. PR 502.
* Add W605 warning for invalid escape sequences in string literals. PR 676.
* Add W606 warning for 'async' and 'await' reserved keywords being introduced
in Python 3.7. PR 684.
* Add E252 error for missing whitespace around equal sign in type annotated
function arguments with defaults values. PR 717.


* An internal bisect search has replaced a linear search in order to improve
efficiency. PR 648.
* pycodestyle now uses PyPI trove classifiers in order to document supported
python versions on PyPI. PR 654.
* 'setup.cfg' '[wheel]' section has been renamed to '[bdist_wheel]', as
the former is legacy. PR 653.
* pycodestyle now handles very long lines much more efficiently for python
3.2+. Fixes 643. PR 644.
* You can now write 'pycodestyle.StyleGuide(verbose=True)' instead of
'pycodestyle.StyleGuide(verbose=True, paths=['-v'])' in order to achieve
verbosity. PR 663.
* The distribution of pycodestyle now includes the license text in order to
comply with open source licenses which require this. PR 694.
* 'maximum_line_length' now ignores shebang ('!') lines. PR 736.
* Add configuration option for the allowed number of blank lines. It is
implemented as a top level dictionary which can be easily overwritten. Fixes
732. PR 733.


* Prevent a 'DeprecationWarning', and a 'SyntaxError' in future python, caused
by an invalid escape sequence. PR 625.
* Correctly report E501 when the first line of a docstring is too long.
Resolves 622. PR 630.
* Support variable annotation when variable start by a keyword, such as class
variable type annotations in python 3.6. PR 640.
* pycodestyle internals have been changed in order to allow 'python3 -m
cProfile' to report correct metrics. PR 647.
* Fix a spelling mistake in the description of E722. PR 697.
* 'pycodestyle --diff' now does not break if your 'gitconfig' enables
'mnemonicprefix'. PR 706.

Update pyflakes from 1.6.0 to 2.0.0.



- Drop support for EOL Python <2.7 and 3.2-3.3
- Check for unused exception binding in `except:` block
- Handle string literal type annotations
- Ignore redefinitions of `_`, unless originally defined by import
- Support `__class__` without `self` in Python 3
- Issue an error for `raise NotImplemented(...)`

Update pytest from 3.5.0 to 3.7.0.




Deprecations and Removals

- `2639 <>`_: ``pytest_namespace`` has been deprecated.

See the documentation for ``pytest_namespace`` hook for suggestions on how to deal
with this in plugins which use this functionality.

- `3661 <>`_: Calling a fixture function directly, as opposed to request them in a test function, now issues a ``RemovedInPytest4Warning``. It will be changed into an error in pytest ``4.0``.

This is a great source of confusion to new users, which will often call the fixture functions and request them from test functions interchangeably, which breaks the fixture resolution model.


- `2283 <>`_: New ``package`` fixture scope: fixtures are finalized when the last test of a *package* finishes. This feature is considered **experimental**, so use it sparingly.

- `3576 <>`_: ``Node.add_marker`` now supports an ``append=True/False`` parameter to determine whether the mark comes last (default) or first.

- `3579 <>`_: Fixture ``caplog`` now has a ``messages`` property, providing convenient access to the format-interpolated log messages without the extra data provided by the formatter/handler.

- `3610 <>`_: New ``--trace`` option to enter the debugger at the start of a test.

- `3623 <>`_: Introduce ``pytester.copy_example`` as helper to do acceptance tests against examples from the project.

Bug Fixes

- `2220 <>`_: Fix a bug where fixtures overridden by direct parameters (for example parametrization) were being instantiated even if they were not being used by a test.

- `3695 <>`_: Fix ``ApproxNumpy`` initialisation argument mixup, ``abs`` and ``rel`` tolerances were flipped causing strange comparsion results.
Add tests to check ``abs`` and ``rel`` tolerances for ``np.array`` and test for expecting ``nan`` with ``np.array()``

- `980 <>`_: Fix truncated locals output in verbose mode.

Improved Documentation

- `3295 <>`_: Correct the usage documentation of ``--last-failed-no-failures`` by adding the missing ``--last-failed`` argument in the presented examples, because they are misleading and lead to think that the missing argument is not needed.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `3519 <>`_: Now a ```` file is created in ``.pytest_cache`` to make it clear why the directory exists.



Bug Fixes

- Invoke pytest using ``-mpytest`` so ``sys.path`` does not get polluted by packages installed in ``site-packages``. (`742 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Use ``smtp_connection`` instead of ``smtp`` in fixtures documentation to avoid possible confusion. (`3592 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Remove obsolete ``__future__`` imports. (`2319 <>`_)

- Add CITATION to provide information on how to formally cite pytest. (`3402 <>`_)

- Replace broken type annotations with type comments. (`3635 <>`_)

- Pin ``pluggy`` to ``<0.8``. (`3727 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Fix ``ImportWarning`` triggered by explicit relative imports in
assertion-rewritten package modules. (`3061

- Fix error in ``pytest.approx`` when dealing with 0-dimension numpy
arrays. (`3593 <>`_)

- No longer raise ``ValueError`` when using the ``get_marker`` API. (`3605

- Fix problem where log messages with non-ascii characters would not
appear in the output log file.
(`3630 <>`_)

- No longer raise ``AttributeError`` when legacy marks can't be stored in
functions. (`3631 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- The description above the example for ``pytest.mark.skipif`` now better
matches the code. (`3611

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Internal refactoring: removed unused ``CallSpec2tox ._globalid_args``
attribute and ``metafunc`` parameter from ``CallSpec2.copy()``. (`3598

- Silence usage of ``reduce`` warning in Python 2 (`3609

- Fix usage of ``attr.ib`` deprecated ``convert`` parameter. (`3653



Bug Fixes

- Fix regression in ``Node.add_marker`` by extracting the mark object of a
``MarkDecorator``. (`3555

- Warnings without ``location`` were reported as ``None``. This is corrected to
now report ``<undetermined location>``. (`3563

- Continue to call finalizers in the stack when a finalizer in a former scope
raises an exception. (`3569

- Fix encoding error with ``print`` statements in doctests (`3583

Improved Documentation

- Add documentation for the ``--strict`` flag. (`3549

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Update old quotation style to parens in fixture.rst documentation. (`3525

- Improve display of hint about ``--fulltrace`` with ``KeyboardInterrupt``.
(`3545 <>`_)

- pytest's testsuite is no longer runnable through ``python test`` --
instead invoke ``pytest`` or ``tox`` directly. (`3552

- Fix typo in documentation (`3567



Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where stdout and stderr were logged twice by junitxml when a test
was marked xfail. (`3491

- Fix ``usefixtures`` mark applyed to unittest tests by correctly instantiating
``FixtureInfo``. (`3498

- Fix assertion rewriter compatibility with libraries that monkey patch
``file`` objects. (`3503

Improved Documentation

- Added a section on how to use fixtures as factories to the fixture
documentation. (`3461 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Enable caching for pip/pre-commit in order to reduce build time on
travis/appveyor. (`3502

- Switch pytest to the src/ layout as we already suggested it for good practice
- now we implement it as well. (`3513

- Fix if in tests to support 3.7.0b5, where a docstring handling in AST got
reverted. (`3530 <>`_)

- Remove some python2.5 compatibility code. (`3529




- Revamp the internals of the ``pytest.mark`` implementation with correct per
node handling which fixes a number of long standing bugs caused by the old
design. This introduces new ``Node.iter_markers(name)`` and
``Node.get_closest_mark(name)`` APIs. Users are **strongly encouraged** to
read the `reasons for the revamp in the docs
or jump over to details about `updating existing code to use the new APIs
<>`_. (`3317

- Now when ``pytest.fixture`` is applied more than once to the same function a
``ValueError`` is raised. This buggy behavior would cause surprising problems
and if was working for a test suite it was mostly by accident. (`2334

- Support for Python 3.7's builtin ``breakpoint()`` method, see `Using the
builtin breakpoint function
<>`_ for
details. (`3180 <>`_)

- ``monkeypatch`` now supports a ``context()`` function which acts as a context
manager which undoes all patching done within the ``with`` block. (`3290

- The ``--pdb`` option now causes KeyboardInterrupt to enter the debugger,
instead of stopping the test session. On python 2.7, hitting CTRL+C again
exits the debugger. On python 3.2 and higher, use CTRL+D. (`3299

- pytest not longer changes the log level of the root logger when the
``log-level`` parameter has greater numeric value than that of the level of
the root logger, which makes it play better with custom logging configuration
in user code. (`3307 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- A rare race-condition which might result in corrupted ``.pyc`` files on
Windows has been hopefully solved. (`3008

- Also use iter_marker for discovering the marks applying for marker
expressions from the cli to avoid the bad data from the legacy mark storage.
(`3441 <>`_)

- When showing diffs of failed assertions where the contents contain only
whitespace, escape them using ``repr()`` first to make it easy to spot the
differences. (`3443 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Change documentation copyright year to a range which auto-updates itself each
time it is published. (`3303

Trivial/Internal Changes

- ``pytest`` now depends on the `python-atomicwrites
<>`_ library. (`3008

- Update all URLs to (`3431

- Detect `pytest_` prefixed hooks using the internal plugin manager since
``pluggy`` is deprecating the ``implprefix`` argument to ``PluginManager``.
(`3487 <>`_)

- Import ``Mapping`` and ``Sequence`` from ``_pytest.compat`` instead of
directly from ``collections`` in ````. Add ``Mapping``
to ``_pytest.compat``, import it from ``collections`` on python 2, but from
```` on Python 3 to avoid a ``DeprecationWarning`` on Python
3.7 or newer. (`3497 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Reset ``sys.last_type``, ``sys.last_value`` and ``sys.last_traceback`` before
each test executes. Those attributes are added by pytest during the test run
to aid debugging, but were never reset so they would create a leaking
reference to the last failing test's frame which in turn could never be
reclaimed by the garbage collector. (`2798

- ``pytest.raises`` now raises ``TypeError`` when receiving an unknown keyword
argument. (`3348 <>`_)

- ``pytest.raises`` now works with exception classes that look like iterables.
(`3372 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Fix typo in ``caplog`` fixture documentation, which incorrectly identified
certain attributes as methods. (`3406

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Added a more indicative error message when parametrizing a function whose
argument takes a default value. (`3221

- Remove internal ``_pytest.terminal.flatten`` function in favor of
``more_itertools.collapse``. (`3330

- Import some modules from ```` instead of ``collections`` as
the former modules trigger ``DeprecationWarning`` in Python 3.7. (`3339

- record_property is no longer experimental, removing the warnings was
forgotten. (`3360 <>`_)

- Mention in documentation and CLI help that fixtures with leading ``_`` are
printed by ``pytest --fixtures`` only if the ``-v`` option is added. (`3398

Update pytest-isort from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0.




* Register marker to work with pytest's strict mode
* Add "official" support for Python 3.5 and 3.6

Update pytest-mock from 1.7.1 to 1.10.0.




* Add support for the recently added ``assert_called`` method in Python 3.6 and ``mock-2.0``. Thanks `rouge8`_ for the PR (`115`_).

.. _115:



* Add support for the recently added ``assert_called_once`` method in Python 3.6 and ``mock-2.0``. Thanks `rouge8`_ for the PR (`113`_).

.. _113:



* Add aliases for ``NonCallableMock`` and ``create_autospec`` to ``mocker``. Thanks `mlhamel`_ for the PR (`111`_).

.. _111:

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pyup-bot commented Sep 1, 2018

Closing this in favor of #36

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Sep 1, 2018
@samuelcolvin samuelcolvin deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2018-08-01 branch September 1, 2018 16:56
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