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Samuel Maddock edited this page Apr 3, 2020 · 46 revisions

Metastream isn't working

  1. Verify that your browser is up to date.
  2. Verify that Metastream is up to date. The version on the menu should match the latest release.
  3. (Chrome) Ensure that the extension has access "on all sites".
  4. Allow third-party cookies–needed as Metastream embeds other websites.
    1. (Chrome) Go to chrome://flags and disable #same-site-by-default-cookies. Restart the browser for the changes to take effect.
    2. (Brave) Open shield settings and set 'All cookies allowed'.
    3. Alternatively, press the 'Open in popup' button under the menu in the playback controls.
  5. Try disabling all other extensions. Check the incompatible extensions list for known conflicts.
  6. Toggle any anti-virus/network protection software (McAfee).
  7. Read the rest of the guide for more specific troubleshooting.

Known website issues

Service Description Solution
Netflix Playback stops when pressing play in popup window Use playback controls in the Metastream app window.
Hulu Can't login Use Firefox.
Allow third-party cookies, see above.
1. Copy video link from another tab.
2. Open in popup player.
3. Use Metastream playback controls to play/pause/seek.
Crunchyroll Can't login See Hulu's solution.
Amazon Video Can't login See Hulu's solution.

Incompatible extensions

Extension Problem Solution
Adblock "An error occurred" on YouTube Disable and prefer using uBlock Origin.
Dark Reader Chat scrollbar blocks content Disable usage on Metastream in extension popup.
Privacy Badger Prevents some sites from playing. Disable for Metastream.
Disable HTML5 Autoplay Prevents media from playing when joining a session. Disable/remove extension.

How do I use Metastream?

See this video on Twitter for a quick visual tutorial.

In summary:

  1. Send your session URL to friends to invite them.
    1. Private sessions (default) require allowing users to join.
  2. Open the media browser to find the media you want to share in the session.
  3. Press the "Add to Session" button.
  4. Enjoy watching with friends!

Videos without autoplay

If the video doesn't autoplay, everyone in the session will need to interact with the page to start playback. Double-clicking the screen allows you to interact with the webpage locally in case pressing a play button is necessary.

Why can't I connect to my friend?

See the Network Troubleshooting guide.

I've used Rabbit before, what are some things I should know?

  1. A Chrome/Firefox extension is needed to watch.
  2. In order to watch together, everyone must have their own account with a subscription (ie. Netflix, Hulu, etc).
  3. A universal browser/virtual desktop like Rabbit is not available. There aren't plans to add this feature either.

If you run into a "Refused to connect" error with Netflix, you may want to try using Firefox. The problem is known and documented in issue #135.

How can others watch my Netflix/Hulu/[Paid-streaming-service] stream?

Metastream works by synchronizing each user's video stream. This means everyone will need to login to an account to watch. Purchased movie streams require everyone to own the movie.

Why can't I login to Netflix/Hulu/etc?

If when you login you're returned back to the login page, this is likely caused by a browser policy disabling third-party cookies. Try the solution under Metastream isn't working.

What's the limit for how many folks can join my session?

Currently, the default option in Metastream is that an unlimited number of users can connect to a session. However, this is largely untested and could be potentially unstable. In practice, there have been sessions with over 50 users which operated smoothly.

Metastream is designed such that the host of the session manages the networking between all connected users. This means the limiting factor is the host's network. If you'd like to create a session for a large number of users (50+), it's recommended to use a wired, stable network connection.

It's worth noting that Metastream doesn't transmit any video or audio data so bandwidth costs shouldn't be expected to run very high, but again, this is largely untested.

Will Metastream become available on mobile (Android/iOS)?

Metastream is currently unsupported on these platforms. Mobile Firefox on Android is partially supported, but isn't as good of an experience as on desktops.

Is Metastream safe to use?

Metastream uses your own browser to watch videos on the web. You should check that your browser is using the latest version. For added security, consider using an adblocker—although I'd recommend disabling it for creators you'd like to support.

For concerns about the Metastream Remote browser extension, a privacy policy is available and the source code is free to be audited.

How do I end the session?

When the host leaves the session will be ended and everyone will be disconnected. To clear all media queued in the session, press the next/skip button until the queue is empty.

How can I hide the UI on top of the video?

Leave your mouse cursor idle for a few seconds and it will hide while the video is playing. The chat can be docked to the right if preferred.

How do I stream files saved on my device?

This isn't supported by Metastream and there are currently no plans to support it.

Plex is partially supported. See issue for usage.

How do I share my screen with others in the session?

This isn't supported by Metastream and there are currently no plans to support it.

Screen-sharing requires a lot of bandwidth, and money, scaling up with the number of users. If you need this functionality, you can try Discord screen sharing.

Where can I get support?

Join the Metastream Discord server.

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