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Animate async functions in controllable scopes.



npm install @samuelpetersson/animate


import animate, {curve, blend} from '@samuelpetersson/animate'

//Tween background color
await animate.tween({duration: 2},, {backgroundColor:'#FF0099'}))

//Wait 1 second...
await animate.delay(1)

//Bullet time!
animate.scale = 0.1

//Tween myElement width and height
await animate.tween({duration: 2, curve: curve.smoothstep},, {width:'100%', height:'400px'}))

//Stop all animations created in the animate scope

//Create a new scope
var {tween} = animate.scope()

//Tween custom value
await tween({duration:4}, (f) => console.log('Current tween value:', f))


scope (animate)

  • pause:boolean Indicates whether the scope is paused or not.

  • scale:number Delta time multiplier. (use this to speed up or slow down an entire scope)

  • scope(scale:number = 1):Scope Returns a new scope.

  • clear() Clear all animations in current scope.

  • until(solve:(deltaTime:number) => boolean):Promise Resolves when the solve function returns true.

  • every(items:Promise[]):Promise Resolves when all promises in the items array has resolved.

  • delay(duration:number):Promise Resolves when the accumulated time has reached duration.

  • tween({duration:number, curve:(t:number) => number}, mixer:(f:number) => void):Promise Runs mixer with the accumulated time normalized (0 to 1). duration specifies duration in seconds. curve specifies a function to ease the normalized value.

  • fixed({fps:number, max:number}, update:(fixedDeltaTime:number) => boolean, render:(progress:number) => void) Runs update with a fixed delta time and render with the progress in the last time step. fps specifies update frames per seconds. max specifies an update limit.


  • smoothstep(t:number) => number
  • smootherstep(t:number) => number
  • powerIn(exp):(t:number) => number
  • powerOut(exp):(t:number) => number
  • powerInOut(exp):(t:number) => number


  • float(a:number, b:number, t:number):number Returns float between a and b.
  • color(a:number, b:number, t:number):number Returns color between a and b.
  • angle(a:number, b:number, t:number):number Returns angle between a and b.
  • mixer(target:Object, values:Object, create:(property) => (t:number) => void) Returns a new mixer function.
  • style(target:Element, values:Object) Returns a new mixer function .