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###A category on NSString for quickly generated attributed strings from HTML-style tags.


Opening Tags: <>

Closing Tags: </>

Multiple commands can be used in a single tag. For example: <b, i, u>. These should be comma seperated. Commands are closed by listing them in a closing tag: </b, i, u>

For commands that take an arguement, an equals sign with no quotes are required. For example: <c=red, font=Georgia>

Commands are parsed linearly, and not nested. Each new command will override previous commands. For exmaple, "<c=red>Hello <c=blue>World</c>!" will result in a red "Hello", blue "World", and a black (uncolored) "!".

Fonts and colors can be described in a nil terminated list using attributedStringFromTaggedStringWithFontsAndColors. They should be of type UIFont and UIcolor. The fonts and colors can be referenced by their position by type in the list using @1, @2, etc. For example, if you pass (in order) myFont1, myColor1, myFont2, myFont3, myColor2, then those can be accessed by font=@1, c=@1, font=@2, font=@3, color=@2 respectively. For example: [@"<font=@1>Hello World</font>" attributedStringFromTaggedStringWithFontsAndColors:myFont];

####Color Commands:

  • c=, cf= - Foreground Text Color
  • cb= - Background Text Color
  • tc= - Strikethrough Color

####Font Color:

  • family= - Set the family name for a font. Use family= to set a font that can be bolded, italicized, or bold ital. Bold, italic, and bold italic are only availiable if a family has been set. The default family is HelveticaNeue. This must match a family name in the project.
  • face= - Set Font Face. This must match a font name in the project.
  • b - Bold (must have set a family).
  • i - Italic (must have set a family).
  • s= - Size (float value).


  • a= - Options: left, right, center, justified, natural.


  • u - Underlines text


  • t - Strikethrough text. The line will be the same color as the current text color, unless the strikethrough color has been specified (see above).


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