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The Jarvis project is part of my final year project at university to create a way of generating music with code.

The approach Jarvis takes is very high level. Inside note generators (explained in a moment) you can use expressive constants such as MiddleC and E2 to reference notes.

Jarvis makes use of MIDI to play notes. Because of this, Jarvis requires a MIDI synthesizer be installed and running to work. Two MIDI software synths are supported out of the box, Timidity++ and qsynth. Both are open source and likely to be in your Linux distribution's repositories.


First, make sure you have one of the two software synths listed above installed. Both should be residing in your package manager, whatever system you are using. People have reported success with Mac but I have not personally tested it. If you run into problems or would like to explain the setup process on Mac, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request modifying this README.

Jarvis itself is packaged up nicely as a RubyGem. Installation is quick and easy:

gem install jarvis

It is recommended that you use the Ruby 1.8 series to run Jarvis. The reason why is explained in the FAQ file in this directory.


Jarvis ships with a number of note generators already installed as part of the core library. The academic reason is because that was what my research was on; different ways of generating notes.

Academic talk aside, to run Jarvis you need to first make sure either Timidity or qsynth is running. One of these should suffice:

# Timidity
$ timidity -iA

# qsynth
$ qsynth

Then run Jarvis itself:

$ jarvis

By default it starts listening on port 1337. You can change this with a command line argument:

$ jarvis --port 9090

Then you run the keyboard client to connect to the server. If you listened on a different port with the server, the syntax is exactly the same to connect to a different port with the client:

$ jarvis-client --port 9090

And from here, you should get a prompt that looks like this (and if you have a good terminal environment, should appear a light blue):


By default, a MarkhovChain generator is loaded up. This was part of my research and by default it doesn't sound too bad as an attempt to generate music. Try it out with:

jarvis-client> start

If it starts to grate on you, which it might, you can stop it like so:

jarvis-client> stop

If you want to see a list of the generators that you can play with, try this command:

jarvis-client> generators

This should give you a list of the default, core generators. But what about writing your own generators? This is where the fun begins.

Custom generators

Writing custom generators is designed to be an easy process. One of the end goals of the system is that it should be easy to extend. When Jarvis boots, it scans the directory ~/.jarvis/generators/ for .rb files and loads them. Technically, they don't need to be generators but a little directory organisation never goes amiss.

If you don't have a ~/.jarvis directory don't worry, you're not supposed to have one. You can create it like so:

$ mkdir -p ~/.jarvis/generators

Here's the hello world of note generators:

class Jarvis::Generators::HelloWorld < Jarvis::Generators::NoteGenerator
    def next MiddleC

If you save that under ~/.jarvis/generators/helloworld.rb and fire up Jarvis:

$ jarvis

Then fire up a Jarvis client:

$ jarvis-client

Load up this new generator:

jarvis-client> load HelloWorld

And play:

jarvis-client> start

You should hear a middle C note played over and over again. Huzzah! We're programming music.

If you get a message about uninitialised constants it probably means you had the server running before you saved the HelloWorld generator. A simple restart of Jarvis by closing it down with ctrl + c and reopening it should do the trick.

What's happening under the hood

We're going to take a brief detour here and explain what's happening inside Jarvis when you load and start your HelloWorld generator.

When you boot the server, Jarvis uses a library called EventMachine to handle client connections. When a client connects via a socket or whatever it decides to connect via (the client libraries use sockets), EventMachine creates a new instance of an object called MusicServer, which is the object that handles sending message to the midi synth.

Each MusicServer has two very important attributes: @generator and @thread. When you load a new generator, an instance of your generator class is stored inside @generator. Then, when you run the start command, a new thread is created that gets a copy of your @generator and start repeatedly polling its next method.

Here's what the thread looks like:

@thread =, Jarvis::MIDI.instance) do |generator, output|
    loop do

Error handling code has been omitted for brevity. The Jarvis::MIDI.instance call returns a singleton of the MIDI interface to the system, so only one MIDI interface can exist at any given time. This MIDI interface knows how to play Jarvis::Note objects, which have a number of useful attributes that we can set.

Anatomy of a Jarvis::Note

A Jarvis::Note has the following attributes:

note =
#=> By default, an empty array. Add notes to this array to form chords.

#=> By default, Jarvis::Note::QUARTER. Can be any floating point value.

#=> By default 100. Volume, basically.
#=> By default 0. Advanced use, you won't need to worry about it.

So we can control the key aspects of a note very easily through this object and the MIDI interface knows exactly how to deal with it.

Note that while a note is playing, the thread sleeps. MIDI notes are "played" by a pair of note on and note off signals. The MIDI interface will fire a note on event, then sleep for the note.duration and then fire a note off event.

What is a note under the hood?

It's an integer, plain and simple. In the MIDIator library by Ben Bleything, there was a class that had constants mapping a note's name to its integer representation in MIDI. This class has been copied over to Jarvis and can be found in lib/jarvis/notes.rb if you're curious :)

Hooking into the server from a note generator

Note generators wouldn't be nearly as interesting if you couldn't interact with them. Because of this, Jarvis has a really nice way of hooking your own commands into the server. Let's see an example:

module Jarvis::Generators
    class ServerHookExample < NoteGenerator
        attr_accessor :note

        def initialize
            @note = MiddleC

        def next

        server_command "change_note" do |server, args, generator|
            note = Jarvis::Notes.const_get args[1]
            generator.note = note
            server.send_data "Note successfully changed to #{note}."

Right, there's a lot of new stuff going on here so let's take it step by step.

The first thing you might notice that is different is the call to "module" up at the top. This just makes things a little more readable in my opinion. No more fully qualified class names, we can work directly inside Jarvis::Generators.

Next, we have a constructor. There's no magic going on here. As was explained earlier, note generators get instantiated when they're loaded via the load command, so you can still do any setup you need as normal inside the constructor. In this example, the constructor simply creates a default @note attribute. Also note that @note has an attr_accessor line at the top. This is important for later.

The next method is more or less the same as it was inside the HelloWorld example, only this time we pass in the instance value @note instead of a constant. This is so we can change the note during playback.

The server_command

This is the juicy bit: the call to server_command. This is a helper method that ties a command to the server for us. It takes a command name and then a block that represents what the command does.

The block we pass in can take up to three arguments. The first argument will be the MusicServer object that handled the call to this command. The second argument will be the arguments that were passed to the command. The arguments work just like ARGV does. The first argument, args[0], will be the name of the command itself. The rest of the array is the result of a call to Shellwords on the full command string received by the server. Look up Shellwords if you are uncertain. Lastly, the generator (which you can think of as a "this" keyword) gets passed in.

Because the block gets stored elsewhere and called later on, you cannot just call instance methods as you would in a normal instance method. They need to be called via the generator block argument.

What does this command do?

Well, the first thing it does is take the first argument, which will be a string (like all of the other arguments), and try and grab a note constant with it. The const_get method looks for a constant by that name and return it if it exists.

Next, we simply set the @note attribute to the newly found note (error checking code has, again, been omitted for brevity. In a real world generator you would want to make sure the constant exists). So the next time the server thread polls the next method for a note, it will get the newly loaded one.

Lastly, the command sends a string response back to the client.

How do I call this command?

Generator commands get namespaced. The proper syntax for calling this new command is as follows:

jarvis-client> ServerHookExample.change_note E1

Arguments are delimited with a space, like at the terminal. Not a comma, like in Ruby. If you want to include a space in your single argument, that works like the terminal too: wrap it in double quotes.

Go forth!

This ends the whirlwind tour of using and extending Jarvis. Now you can go forth and generate cool music without needing to worry about interfacing with MIDI, manage threads and all that malarky :)


A generative audio project written in Ruby.







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