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joe-loco edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 7 revisions

Effect.tagifyText transforms any text string contained in a specific element into a chain of span elements each one containing a character of the before mentioned string.




Tagify the text which is contained in the following div.
Go! Click on the button! Tagify me!

Source code of this demo

<style type="text/css">
  div#tagify_demo { padding:10px 0; }
  button#tagify_button { padding:3px; }
  div#tagify_element { border:1px solid #3071cc; padding:10px; margin-top:10px;}
  div#tagify_element span { border:1px solid #df7418; padding:5px; }

<div class="demo" id="tagify_demo">
  <button id="tagify_button" onclick="Effect.tagifyText('tagify_element'); return false;">Tagify the text</button> which is contained in the following <code>div</code>.
  <div id="tagify_element">Go! Click on the button! Tagify me!</div>
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