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tag edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 20 revisions

Porting old wiki docs to GitHub wiki

If you have TextMate (or don’t mind some Ruby hacking), the following script will help transfer the exported HTML docs to textile format.

  • The script requires the ClothRed gem
  • For easy use, make it a command in the TextMate HTML bundle and assign it a hot-key

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'clothred'

text =
text = text.to_textile

text.sub!(/^.*?<\body.*?>\s*/im, '').sub!(/\s*<\/body>.*?$/im,'')
text.gsub!(/^\s*p\.\s/, "\n")
text.gsub!(/<\pre>@/,'<\pre><\code class="javascript">')
text.gsub!(/(.*?)<\/a>/) {|s|
  $1 == $2 ? "["+"[#{$1}]]" : "["+"[#{$1}|#{$2}]]"

print text
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