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A loyalty program is a marketing strategy designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of a business associated with the program.


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A loyalty program is a marketing strategy designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of a business associated with the program.

Enterprise Loyality

Hello πŸ‘‹, New Dashboard

What is a dashboard? A complete overview

In this day and age, understanding data is the key to making the best decisions for any business. However, the amount of information that’s available at any time can be overwhelming for the most data-savvy person.

A dashboard is a way of displaying various types of visual data in one place. Usually, a dashboard is intended to convey different, but related information in an easy-to-digest form. And oftentimes, this includes things like key performance indicators (KPI)s or other important business metrics that stakeholders need to see and understand at a glance.

Dashboards are useful across different industries and verticals because they’re highly customizable. They can include data of all sorts with varying date ranges to help you understand: what happened, why it happened, what may happen, and what action you should take. And since dashboards use visualizations like tables, graphs, and charts, others who aren’t as close to the data can quickly and easily understand the story it tells or the insights it reveals

πŸ‘‹, New UI for Customer Reports and Points and Transaction Reports

Loyalty Program Dashboard

Customer Reports

Customer Overview

Total Customers:

{Total Customers}

Active Customers:

{Active Customers}

Inactive Customers:

{Inactive Customers}

Points Overview

Total Points Issued:

{Total Points Issued}

Redeemed Points:

{Redeemed Points}

Remaining Points:

{Remaining Points}

Transaction Reports

Recent Transactions

Transaction ID Customer Name Points Earned Points Redeemed Date
T1234 John Doe 50 20 2023-03-01
T1235 Jane Smith 30 15 2023-03-02
T1236 Bob Johnson 40 25 2023-03-03
T1237 Alice Brown 20 10 2023-03-04

Customer Details

Customer: John Doe

  • Total Points: {John Doe Total Points}
  • Points Earned: {John Doe Points Earned}
  • Points Redeemed: {John Doe Points Redeemed}
  • Last Transaction Date: {John Doe Last Transaction Date}

Customer: Jane Smith

  • Total Points: {Jane Smith Total Points}
  • Points Earned: {Jane Smith Points Earned}
  • Points Redeemed: {Jane Smith Points Redeemed}
  • Last Transaction Date: {Jane Smith Last Transaction Date}

... (Repeat for each customer)

after Submit

πŸ‘‹, New Monthky Reports and Sales

Monthly Sales Report


Total Sales: $ {Total Sales Amount}

Top Products

Product Name Units Sold Revenue
Product A {Units Sold A} ${Revenue A}
Product B {Units Sold B} ${Revenue B}
Product C {Units Sold C} ${Revenue C}
... ... ...

Monthly Performance

Monthly Sales Trend

Monthly Sales Trend Chart

Sales Channels

Online Sales

  • Total Online Sales: $ {Online Sales Amount}
  • Percentage of Total Sales: {Percentage Online Sales}

In-Store Sales

  • Total In-Store Sales: $ {In-Store Sales Amount}
  • Percentage of Total Sales: {Percentage In-Store Sales}

Product Performance

Best-Selling Products

Rank Product Name Units Sold Revenue
1 Product A {Units Sold A} ${Revenue A}
2 Product B {Units Sold B} ${Revenue B}
3 Product C {Units Sold C} ${Revenue C}
... ... ... ...

Low-Performing Products

Rank Product Name Units Sold Revenue
1 Product X {Units Sold X} ${Revenue X}
2 Product Y {Units Sold Y} ${Revenue Y}
3 Product Z {Units Sold Z} ${Revenue Z}
... ... ... ...


  • Identify and promote top-selling products.
  • Analyze low-performing products for potential improvements.
  • Enhance marketing strategies for online and in-store sales channels.

πŸ‘‹, UI for Custom reports and Top purchase customer top sale day etc

Custom Reports

Top Purchase Customers


Rank Customer Name Total Purchases Total Amount
1 Customer A {Total Purchases A} ${Total Amount A}
2 Customer B {Total Purchases B} ${Total Amount B}
3 Customer C {Total Purchases C} ${Total Amount C}
... ... ... ...


  • Identify and appreciate top customers.
  • Tailor special promotions or loyalty rewards for top customers.

Top Sales Day


Rank Date Total Sales Total Transactions
1 {Top Sales Day} ${Total Sales on Top Day} {Total Transactions on Top Day}
2 {Second Top Day} ${Total Sales on Second Top Day} {Total Transactions on Second Top Day}
3 {Third Top Day} ${Total Sales on Third Top Day} {Total Transactions on Third Top Day}
... ... ... ...


  • Analyze factors contributing to the top sales day.
  • Optimize marketing or promotional strategies around peak sales days.

Custom Analysis


Metric Value
Custom Metric 1 {Value 1}
Custom Metric 2 {Value 2}
Custom Metric 3 {Value 3}
... ...


  • Define custom metrics based on specific business goals.
  • Use custom metrics for in-depth analysis and decision-making.

πŸ‘‹, New UI for Coupan creation and deletion and expiry and assigning and more Customers & Vender Party

Coupon Management

Create Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}
  • Discount Type: {Percentage / Amount}
  • Discount Value: {Value}
  • Expiry Date: {Expiry Date}

Usage Restrictions

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: {Minimum Amount}
  • Usage Limit per Customer: {Limit per Customer}
  • Usage Limit Overall: {Overall Limit}

Additional Information

  • Description: {Coupon Description}
  • Applicable Products: {Product Categories / Specific Products}


  • [Create Coupon]

Delete Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Delete Coupon]

Expire Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Expire Coupon]

Assign Coupon to Customer

Customer Details

  • Customer Name: {Customer Name}
  • Customer Email: {Customer Email}

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Assign Coupon]

View Coupon Usage Report

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


Customer Name Email Order ID Discount Amount Usage Date
Customer A {Order ID A} ${Discount Amount A} {Usage Date A}
Customer B {Order ID B} ${Discount Amount B} {Usage Date B}
... ... ... ... ...

Custom Actions


Action Description
[Generate Bulk Coupons] Create multiple coupons in one go for promotions.
[Email Coupons] Send generated coupons to customers via email.
[Export Coupon Data] Download coupon data for further analysis.

πŸ‘‹, New Closing btton in every options & Features

Coupon Management

Create Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}
  • Discount Type: {Percentage / Amount}
  • Discount Value: {Value}
  • Expiry Date: {Expiry Date}

Usage Restrictions

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: {Minimum Amount}
  • Usage Limit per Customer: {Limit per Customer}
  • Usage Limit Overall: {Overall Limit}

Additional Information

  • Description: {Coupon Description}
  • Applicable Products: {Product Categories / Specific Products}


  • [Create Coupon]
  • [Close]

Delete Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Delete Coupon]
  • [Close]

Expire Coupon

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Expire Coupon]
  • [Close]

Assign Coupon to Customer

Customer Details

  • Customer Name: {Customer Name}
  • Customer Email: {Customer Email}

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


  • [Assign Coupon]
  • [Close]

View Coupon Usage Report

Coupon Details

  • Coupon Code: {Coupon Code}


Customer Name Email Order ID Discount Amount Usage Date
Customer A {Order ID A} ${Discount Amount A} {Usage Date A}
Customer B {Order ID B} ${Discount Amount B} {Usage Date B}
... ... ... ... ...


  • [Close]

Custom Actions


Action Description
[Generate Bulk Coupons] Create multiple coupons in one go for promotions.
[Email Coupons] Send generated coupons to customers via email.
[Export Coupon Data] Download coupon data for further analysis.


  • [Close]

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A loyalty program is a marketing strategy designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of a business associated with the program.







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