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A simple application that deletes a randomly chosen pod from a given Kubernetes namespace on given schedule


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Pod Chaos Monkey

A simple application that deletes a randomly chosen pod from a given Kubernetes namespace on given schedule


  • Install Docker desktop
  • A Kubernetes cluster ex. minikube
  • Install kubectl
  • An application running in workloads namespace
    • For ex. start an nginx deployment with kubectl apply -f workload


Kubernetes Python client is used to access Kube API


  • Build image with docker build -t <repository>/pod-chaos-monkey:<tag> .
  • docker login to the repository. For ex. for dockerhub docker login -u <username>
  • Push it to your registry docker push <repository>/pod-chaos-monkey:<tag>
  • Create secret for Docker registry kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json>
  • Update the image repository, tag and SHA256 in Deployment Yaml (for given environment) ./kustomize/overlay/dev/cronjob.yaml
  • schedule field in the cronjob.yaml is used to specify the Cron expression. For ex. schedule: "* * * * *" runs a job every minute.
  • More info on Cronjobs :
  • Create namespace kubectl create ns pod-chaos-monkey
  • Apply Kustomize Yamls (for given environment) kubectl apply -k ./kustomize/overlay/dev/
  • Verify the cronjob kubectl get cronjob -n pod-chaos-monkey
  • Verify the jobs (executed by the cronjob) kubectl get job -n pod-chaos-monkey
  • Wait for the Pod to become Completed kubectl get po -n pod-chaos-monkey
  • Check Pod logs kubectl logs <pod-id> -n pod-chaos-monkey
  • Verify random Pod is getting deleted (based on AGE) in the given namespace kubectl get po -n workloads

Below are pod_chaos_monkey application options (injected as environment variables to the K8s cronjob) :

Key Type Default Description
LOGLEVEL string INFO log verbosity
NAMESPACE string workloads watched namespace

Run tests and linter

Unit tests

  • Install coverage with pip install coverage
  • Run unittests with coverage python -m coverage run --source=app/ -m unittest discover
  • Generate unit tests coverage report python -m coverage report --fail-under=90 --rcfile=./.coveragerc
  • Write coverage to XML report python -m coverage xml -o ./coverage.xml --rcfile=./.coveragerc


  • Install pylint with pip install pylint
  • Run linter with python -m pylint ./app

Future Improvements

Implement CI/CD pipeline (using Jenkins or similar) which includes :

  • Python Code scan (with Sonarqube or similar)
  • Docker image scan for vulnerabilities (Ex. 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests)
  • Unit tests and coverage
  • Pylint
  • Kustomization deployment


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A simple application that deletes a randomly chosen pod from a given Kubernetes namespace on given schedule







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