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Santhosh Kumar Tekuri edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Java comes with java.lang.ProcessBuilder to make process creation easier;
Similarly JLibs comes with jlibs.core.lang.JavaProcessBuilder to make java process creation easier;

JavaProcessBuilder simply manages collection of java process attributes and help your to create command out of it.

JavaProcessBuilder jvm = new JavaProcessBuilder();

JavaProcessBuilder is preconfigured with current java home and current working directory initialy.
you can change them as below:

jvm.javaHome(new File("c:/jdk5")); // to configure java home
jvm.workingDir(new File("c:/myProject")); // to configure working directory

to configure various attributes:

// to configure classpath
jvm.classpath("lib/jlibs-core.jar") // relative path from configured working dir
.classpath(new File("c:/myproject/lib/jlibs-xml.jar");

// to get configured classpath
List<File> classpath = jvm.classpath();

// to configure additional classpath

// to configure System Properties
jvm.systemProperty("myprop", "myvalue")

// to configure heap and vmtype
jvm.initialHeap(512); // or jvm.initialHeap("512m");
jvm.maxHeap(1024); // or jvm.maxHeap("1024m");
jvm.client(); // to use -client
jvm.server(); // to use -server

// to configure remote debugging

// to configure any additional jvm args

// to configure mainclass and its arguments

// to get the created command:
String command[] = jvm.command();

// to launch it
Process p = jvm.launch(system.out, System.err);

the two arguments to launch specify to which process output and error streams to be redirected.
These arguments can be null.

Your comments are appreciated;

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