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Frontend Routes

saphknight edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 10 revisions

Frontend Routes

  • Root
    • App
      • Sidebar
      • (Main Component)

The main component, defined by routes in App, will be rendered next to our Sidebar

  • /
    • SplashPage
  • /get_started
    • CreateWorkspaceForm
    • JoinWorkspaceForm
  • /login
    • NewSessionForm
  • /signup
    • NewUserForm
  • /feed
    • WorkspaceIndex
      • WorkspaceIndexItem (possibly go in the sidebar component)
  • /workspace/:workspaceId
    • ChannelIndex
      • ChannelIndexItem
  • /messages/:channelId
    • ChannelMessagesIndex
      • ChannelMessagesIndexItem
    • Message Form
    • UserShowModal (upon clicking on an user)
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