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chore(release): 2.0.0
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favna committed Oct 16, 2021
1 parent 36cb0d2 commit 5736f45
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Showing 2 changed files with 156 additions and 1 deletion.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,161 @@

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [2.0.0]( (2021-10-16)


- For TypeScript users only, if you were previously using `from` or `fromAsync` and you expected the error result to be of type `Error`, it will now be `unknown`. You can reset this back to `Error` by providing it as the second generic type argument.
- **command:** For TypeScript users please rename your `Command#run` methods to `Command#messageRun`
- `Awaited` type has been renamed to `Awaitable`
- Updated `@sapphire/pieces` to `3.0.0`
- Removed `Command#categories`, use `CommandStore#categories` instead
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of DateArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of FloatArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of NumberArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of IntegerArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of all arguments that must be run in a guild
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildNewsThreadChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildPrivateThreadChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildPublicThreadChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildStageVoiceChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildTextChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildThreadChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildVoiceChannelArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of GuildMemberArgument
- **arguments:** Changed the error message of UserArgument
- **arguments:** Made MessageArgumentContext private
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the ChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildCategoryChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildNewsChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildPrivateThreadArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildStageVoiceChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildTextChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildThreadChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Stop exposing the channel property in context of the GuildVoiceChannelArgument error
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentBoolean to Identifiers.ArgumentBooleanError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentCategoryChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildCategoryChannelError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentChannelError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentDate to Identifiers.ArgumentDateError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentDateTooSmall to Identifiers.ArgumentDateTooEarly
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentDateTooBig to Identifiers.ArgumentDateTooFar
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentDMChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentDMChannelError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentFloat to Identifiers.ArgumentFloatError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentFloatTooBig to Identifiers.ArgumentFloatTooLarge
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentGuildChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildChannelError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentGuildChannelMissingGuild to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildChannelMissingGuildError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentHyperlink to Identifiers.ArgumentHyperlinkError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentInteger to Identifiers.ArgumentIntegerError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentIntegerTooBig to Identifiers.ArgumentIntegerTooLarge
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentMember to Identifiers.ArgumentMemberError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentMessage to Identifiers.ArgumentMessageError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentNewsChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildNewsChannelError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentNumber to Identifiers.ArgumentNumberError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentNumberTooBig to Identifiers.ArgumentNumberTooLarge
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentRole to Identifiers.ArgumentRoleError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentTextChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildTextChannel
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentUser to Identifiers.ArgumentUserError
- **arguments:** Rename Identifiers.ArgumentVoiceChannel to Identifiers.ArgumentGuildVoiceChannel
- `Identifiers.PreconditionPermissions` has been renamed to `Identifiers.PreconditionClientPermissions`
- UserError identifier `preconditionPermissions` has been renamed to `preconditionClientPermissions`
- `Permissions` precondition has been renamed to `ClientPermissions`
- `PermissionsPrecondition` class has been renamed to `ClientPermissionsPrecondition`
- **listener:** Listeners will now be automatically unloaded if no emitter is found
- Changed `guildChannel` argument to return `GuildChannel | ThreadChannel`.
- Changed ``'s type to `Snowflake | null`.
- Changed ``'s type to `Snowflake | null`.
- Removed `Events.GuildMemberSpeaking`.
- Removed `StoreRegistry`, it is now re-exported from `@sapphire/pieces`.
- Renamed `ArgType.categoryChannel` to `guildCategoryChannel`.
- Renamed `ArgType.newsChannel` to `guildNewsChannel`.
- Renamed `ArgType.textChannel` to `guildTextChannel`.
- Renamed `ArgType.voiceChannel` to `guildVoiceChannel`.
- Renamed `CommandPreConditions.NewsOnly` to `GuildNewsOnly`.
- Renamed `CommandPreConditions.TextOnly` to `GuildTextOnly`.
- Renamed `Identifiers.PreconditionNewsOnly` to `PreconditionGuildNewsOnly`.
- Renamed `Identifiers.PreconditionTextOnly` to `PreconditionGuildTextOnly`.
- Renamed `Preconditions.NewsOnly` to `GuildNewsOnly`.
- Renamed `Preconditions.TextOnly` to `GuildTextOnly`.
- Renamed the possible values for `CommandOptionsRunType`.
- Updated `CooldownContext.delay` to not be optional.
- Updated `discord.js` requirement to v13.
- Changed `Command#preconditions` to `PreconditionContainerArray`.
- Removed `Command#resolveConstructorPreConditions`.
- Renamed `CommandOptions.cooldownBucket` to `cooldownLimit`.
- Renamed `CommandOptions.cooldownDuration` to `cooldownDelay`.
- Renamed `BucketType` to `BucketScope`.
- Changed `PreconditionSingleResolvableDetails` to take a type parameter.
- Changed `PreconditionSingleResolvable` to use `Preconditions`'s type.
- Renamed `CooldownContext.bucketType` to `scope`.
- Renamed `Event` to `Listener`
- Renamed `EventStore` to `ListenerStore`
- Changed events directory from `events` to `listeners`
- Renamed `SapphireClientOptions.loadDefaultErrorEvents` to `loadDefaultErrorListeners`
- Renamed `` to `StoreRegistryEntries.listeners`
- Refactored `Events` enum to be an object, so we can use discord.js's constants
- Renamed `Events.EventError` to `Events.ListenerError`
- Renamed `EventErrorPayload` to `ListenerErrorPayload`
- Renamed `Events.Ready` to `Events.ClientReady`
- Renamed `Events.Message` to `Events.MessageCreate`
- Flattened `CommandOptions.strategyOptions` into `CommandOptions`
- Changed `CommandOptions.preconditions` to always require an array
- Updated `@sapphire/pieces` to 2.0.0
- Renamed `PieceContextExtras` to `Container`, usage and augmentation is the same.
- Removed `Store.injectedContext`, use globally exported `container`
variable instead.
- Renamed `Store#context` to `Store#container`.
- Renamed `Piece#context` to `Piece#container`.

### Features

- add `Result#from` and `Result#fromAsync` ([#267]( ([300f2ed](
- Add `typing` property to fire `TextChannel.sendTyping()` when a command is accepted ([#258]( ([71c1883](
- add managed role mention prefix support ([#289]( ([7846d6c](
- add partial dm channel argument ([#288]( ([c8c74de](
- add UserPermissions precondition ([#252]( ([2bb2e12](
- added auto-preconditions ([#199]( ([7e79e15](
- **arguments:** extract logic to resolvers ([#237]( ([32d591b](
- **client:** added option to set a default cooldown for all commands ([#294]( ([7734d59](
- **command:** add `command#messageRun` method and deprecation warning for `command#run` ([#299]( ([750c25c](
- **command:** add CommandOptionsRunTypeEnum ([#254]( ([2d21b03](
- **commands:** add category getters ([#244]( ([d438ac0](
- **cooldown:** add `cooldownFilteredUsers` to exempt users from the cooldown precondition ([#249]( ([8261770](
- **ILogger:** add #has method, auto-register Store#logger ([#221]( ([85bfacb](
- **member argument:** slice off Discord discriminators before performing a query search ([#301]( ([f6261ae](
- NonePrefixedMessage event ([#202]( ([a410bbf](
- **resolver:** make resolveChannel parse mentions ([#253]( ([506576e](
- **resolver:** make resolveMessage parse channelId-messageId ([#292]( ([5e915d0](
- specify missing breaking changes ([9097cf5](
- stricter types for preconditions ([#226]( ([4a3c76a](
- update @sapphire/pieces to add `ts-node` support ([7a1c5c6](
- update to DiscordJS v13.2.0 ([#295]( ([51808a5](
- updated for `pieces` v3 ([#260]( ([db6febd](

### Bug Fixes

- change `Awaited` to `Awaitable` ([189c01f](
- **docs:** it was always `info` ([3ce4d71](
- **docs:** update-tsdoc-for-vscode-may-2021 ([#213]( ([857eaba](
- explicitly type `version` as `string` ([a8c9b39](
- export `CooldownContext` and `MessageArgumentContext` ([54ba95a](
- fixed ESM bundle ([7ca08b2](
- fixed oversight in passing preconditions ([#239]( ([380a4ef](
- **index:** re-export `StoreRegistryEntries` from `@sapphire/pieces` ([#243]( ([aa78ba9](
- **listener:** add and remove maximum listeners ([#230]( ([53681ad](
- make from/fromAsync return `unknown` to match TypeScript ([#300]( ([a83f0c9](
- **NonePrefixedMessage:** rename to NonPrefixedMessage ([#205]( ([ad8adbc](
- **preconditions:** fixed TextOnly and NewsOnly ([#222]( ([8cf1c2b](
- **preconditions:** fixed UserPermissions precondition ([1848f53](
- **preconditions:** properly check for `null` in ClientPermissions and UserPermissions ([#262]( ([852ee87](
- remove peer deps, update dev deps, update READMEs ([#210]( ([7cb9e3d](
- **types:** use the correct channel parent type ([#232]( ([8307313](
- update `@sapphire/pieces` to v2.0.0 ([#198]( ([5c95c32](

- flatten command strategy options ([#220]( ([fdc4aa4](
- rename `Event` to `Listener` ([#218]( ([e7ce612](
- specify missing breaking changes ([b9c36de](
- switch to `sapphire/*[@v2](` and `discord.js@dev` ([#227]( ([cbf5d4e](

### [1.0.2]( (2021-05-02)

### Bug Fixes
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@sapphire/framework",
"version": "1.0.2",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Discord bot framework built on top of @sapphire/lib for advanced and amazing bots.",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
Expand Down

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