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Hand gesture control of a robot. Research conducted at Hochschule Fulda, Germany for fulfillment of undergraduate thesis.

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Hand Gesture Control of a Robot using Intelligent Techniques

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Research conducted at Hochschule Fulda, Germany, for the fulfillment of undergraduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Gepperth and co-supervised by Dr. V. Kalaichelvi.



This research presents a unique application of hand gestures in the robotics field, to control the movement of a mobile robot using hand gestures. It is carried out in two folds – a study on machine learning algorithms to detect four classes of hand gestures and an elaborate investigation on the implementation of Robot Operating System on the research platform, TurtleBot. The initial part of this thesis revolves around the study of both the areas and preliminary tests. In recent times, a lot of emphasis has been put on the use of Recurrent Neural Networks for applications which have a temporal dependency. A major advantage of using RNN is its ability to adapt its network with the influx of new incoming data.

Hardware Used

  • TurtleBot 2, the robot platform for this research
  • Orbecc Astra camera, onboard 3D sensor
  • Intel NUC, onboard computer

TurtleBot – Host PC Network Configuration:

Flowchart of the whole system:

Running the code

1. To read the Point-cloud data and save it in usable form

  • roslaunch softkinetic_camera softkinetic_cameraj.launch
  • roslaunch fullpkg readnsave.launch

2. Full execution

On Turtlebot

  • minimal.launch

On Offboard Computer

Terminal 1

  • cd ws
  • catkin_make
  • source devel/setup.bash
  • roslaunch fullpkg campf.launch

Terminal 2

  • source tensorflow/bin/activate
  • cd model
  • python

Terminal 3

  • roslaunch turtlebot_teleop key


Check out the final report for more information regarding the research.


Point-to-Point Autonomous Navigation

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance


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Hand gesture control of a robot. Research conducted at Hochschule Fulda, Germany for fulfillment of undergraduate thesis.







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