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BEFORE YOU START: fork this repo to your GitHub account

Ex 1 -- the basic idiom & knowing the difference between local and remote changes

PART 1 -- working with existing files

  • clone this repo to your local machine
  • look at the master branch log on your local machine
  • open and edit the cold_blooded.txt file on master
  • commit your changes to your local repo
  • look at the master branch log on your local machine
  • look at the master branch log on the remote GitHub Repo
  • what's the difference?
  • push your commit to the remote repo
  • look at the master branch log on your local machine
  • look at the master branch log on the remote GitHub Repo
  • what's the difference?

PART 2 -- working with new files

  • create a new file in local master called "lays_eggs.txt"
  • commit your changes to your local repo
  • look at the master branch log on your local machine
  • look at the master branch log on the remote GitHub Repo
  • what's the difference?
  • push your commit to the remote repo
  • look at the master branch log on your local machine
  • look at the master branch log on the remote GitHub Repo
  • what's the difference?

Ex 2 -- working with branches

PART 1 -- working with existing branches

  • from master, switch to the existing alligator branch
  • edit a file called "swims.txt" in the alligator branch
  • commit your changes to your local repo
  • push your changes to the remote repo
  • look at the alligator branch log
  • switch to the master branch
  • look at the master branch log
  • what's the difference?

PART 2 -- working with new branches

  • make a branch locally called tortoise
  • push the local branch up to your remote repo
  • create a file called "lives_on_land.txt" in the tortoise branch
  • commit your changes to your local repo
  • push your changes to the remote repo
  • look at the tortoise branch log
  • switch to the master branch
  • look at the master branch log
  • what's the difference?

PART 3 -- merging branches with master

  • switch to the master branch if you are not already there
  • look at the master branch log
  • look at directory
  • merge the alligator branch with master
  • look at the directory
  • what files now appear in the master directory?
  • look at the master branch log
  • what commits appear in the master branch log that weren't there before?
  • look at the remote directory and logs
  • push to the remote repo
  • look at the remote directory and logs
  • what has changed?

EX 3 -- playing with the timeline

  • in master branch
  • reset to before you merged the alligator branch with master
  • look at the directory
  • what files no longer appear in master?
  • look at the local master branch log
  • what commits no longer appear in the master branch log?
  • look on github
  • what commits appear in the remote master branch log?
  • what files appear in the remote master branch directory?
  • pull commits from the remote repo to your local machine
  • look at the directory
  • what files now appear in master?
  • look at the master branch log
  • what commits appear in the master branch log that weren't there before?


Resources and exercises for GDI git with GitHub class






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