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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 3, 2021. It is now read-only.
reszelaz edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 18 revisions

Sardana Wiki

Welcome to the Sardana Wiki.

This wiki is intended for community-contributed documentation about Sardana. Please feel free to contribute to it. If you require writing permissions or want some document uploaded, please contact the project integrators.

Official Sardana Docs

Please find the official Sardana documentation at

Sardana Workshops

Space dedicated to the collection of the different materials generated during the Sardana Workshops.

Sardana Followup Meetings

Approximately once a month, a Sardana Followup Meeting is held. We upload the outcome of those meetings to the sardana-followup repository.

Contributed documents

How to ...


And last but not least, please visit the Recipes page to find miscellaneous useful information e.g., scripts, snippets, hints, ...