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Audrey Robinel edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Rlieh wiki!

What is rlieh?

Rlieh means Remote Location Intelligent Ecosystem Handler. It is, in short, a system to control and manage a closed ecosystem such as an aquarium, a terrarium, a pond, etc.

While it's still in development (it probably will be for quite some time, as there always is something that could be added or improved), the hardware quickly converges, and the Arduino code is quite complete and stable. I've used previous versions for more than a year, and the current version is really working well. All in all, it can be deployed to reliably handle an aquarium, and as of now it is used for 4 aquariums in 2 different places without problems.

What does it do?

It does a lot of things, but the most important features as of now are the management of the lights, temperature monitoring, data logging, and providing remote control capability (through network). Previous versions included temperature control, and this functionality should be back soon (there also is a subproject for advanced temperature control, but it's not ready yet). Everything that is controlled by the Arduino can also be controlled through the network, and all parameters can be retrieved the same way.

Is it open?

Yes, it is. All the sources are available (or will be soon, if i forgot to publish one), as well as everything related to the hardware. It uses Arduino (open hardware) and Raspberry pi (sadly, not open hardware), and everything that was developed for this project is or will be published on this github, from 3D files for boxes to files for PCB realization.

Is it hackable?

It is meant to! Since everything is open source, you can look at the code and modify it as you wish, to adapt it to your needs. Everything is made with open source software too, or can be opened with free/open source software (openscad, fritzing, any good text editor, cura, etc). It is meant to be usable without much tinkering, once assembled, but it can also be altered as much as needed.

what is currently developed?

as of now, it's polishing time. A few things are added here and there, but no drastic changes for the current time. The arduino code is feature complete as of now (but it doesn't mean other features won't be added later once new ideas arise, or are submitted), but the raspberry pi side is in an active phase of the development. This part has been planed for a long time, but it's only now that the remote part of rlieh is being done. The hardware is quite stable too, and barring a few minor update/upgrades/modifications, should not change much in a near future.