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In this project we have clone the Out Net is a e-commerce company .This Was group project of Unit-3 in Masai, We were six members in our group. In this project we use HTML,Css,JavaScipt to complete our project.

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Hello everyone hope you are doing well, Today i will write about our construct week project. In our costruct week we are clone the website of The for clonig out net we had use Html to make structure of our project CSS for styling and JavaScript for function like get data from database, serach function, sorting, filtter and many more function we have use

HTML: 18%, CSS: 6.3%, JavaScript:78%

For making this project we have alloted a group by

Masai School

Medieum Link:-

in our group we are five members Satyam Kumar Jha, Faisal Khan, Mahesh Raut, Sanjay Kushwaha and Lakhan Yadav. My team members are very supportive. If anyone face any problem durring making the project they call anyone to ask help and they are always stand to help and support each other If they are not in my group i think it difficult to complete our work in given time span.

For Making this project whatever technology we used all of those teach by our teacher and mentor of

Masai School

Swnanad Kadam, Chandrashekhar, Varun Bhat, Lohit, Ankush, Aishwarya shivchandara we are thanks to our teacher for masaive support and speical thanks to

Masai School

to give us such a great platform to learn new and trending things .

This is deployed link: The clone

This is our Github Repo link: Github Repo The outnet.ocm

Now i will Show you interface and some functionlity of our project

Landing page,navbar and cart page made by Satyam Kumar Jha, In Navbar you can find a dropdown menu form navbar you can search products by there name.

This is Landing page of our project

Here you find two sectio Male and Female after clicking on any section we will go to there respective page lets take example if i click on Men. You will go to Men page

Men Page desgin and functionlity done by Faisal Khan, and Faisal also make footer for all wepage. In Men page we see Products Related to Men Here you will find a image slider in image slider we have use some trending products image

If you click on Women section you will go on Women page and Women Page Dsgin and functionlity done By Mahesh Raut. In women page you will find products related to Women and here also slider is availalble in slider we will find some trendign products.

After clicking of Any Products you will go to Clothign page and Clothing page desgin and functionlity done by Sanjay Kushwaha here you can find various type of products Here you can also apply filters to chose the produts according to your needs

Clothing Page

When you come to clothing page and if you want to buy any products you have to just click on any products and you will redirect to produtcs page this page is desgin and functionlity done by sanjay kushwaha here you can selct size color and desgin of any products and you can Add those produts in your bag if you want to buy latter you can add those products in your wishlist

After add to bag you can go to cart page and cart page desgin by me(satyam kumar jha) here you will find all the details of all those products which you have added to cart form here you can increase the number of products decrease the number of products and remove and if you want to buy latter you can add those products in you wishlist here you can also apply coupan for discount.

Cart page

If you add those products in you wishlist you can see those products in your wishlist page and this page is desgin page


From cart you if you want to buy those products First you need to login or signup and login and Signup page desgin and functionlity done by Lakhan Yadav. For sigin or singup you will see a button in Navbar on clicking the sigin button you will redirect to login or signup page here you will enter your details.



After createing an Account Now you can click on proceed to checkout button in cart page for buying those products which you have added in cart after clicking on this you will redirect to payemnt page here you have to enter your payment details and this page is desgin by Mahes Raut

Payment Page

After filling all details you have to click on submit buttons to Conform your orders

We have make all of our page Resposive(easy to open in mobile) here you can see some images


In this project we have clone the Out Net is a e-commerce company .This Was group project of Unit-3 in Masai, We were six members in our group. In this project we use HTML,Css,JavaScipt to complete our project.







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Contributors 4
