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Bwoken build status

Runs your UIAutomation tests from the command line for both iPhone and iPad, in the simulator or on your device.

Supports coffeescript and javascript.


On the Command Line

Running tests

Make sure bwoken is properly installed. Then, build your project and run all your tests via:

# will build and run all of your tests
$ bwoken test

# will run one file, relative to integration/coffeescript/{iphone,ipad}/
#  (note: no file extension)
$ bwoken test --focus some_test # runs this test on (iphone and ipad) OR (connected iDevice)
$ bwoken test --focus some_test --family iphone

structuring your test files

To add new coffeescript test, add those file to the /integration/coffeescript/iphone or /integration/coffeescript/ipad folder. To add new javascript test, if the iphone and ipad folder don't exist in the /integration/javascript forlder, create them. Then copy your test file inside those folder depending on your target. Your file hierarchy should look something like this

| integration
	| coffeescript
		| iphone
		| ipad
	| javascript
		| iphone
			| myTest.js
		| ipad
			| myiPadtest.js

Note that your test scripts inside the coffeescript and javascript folder will be copied to their equivalent folder in the /tmp folder(ie: /tmp/javascript/iphone/myTest.js), so all your import statement should be relative to that location (ie: #import "../filetoImport.js" for file in the javascript folder)

Simulator or Device?

To run bwoken tests on your device, just plug it in! And if you want to run tests in the simulator, just unplug it!

# without a device connected, will run on the simulator:
$ bwoken test

# with a device connected, will run on the device:
$ bwoken test

# with a device connected, will run on the simulator:
$ bwoken test --simulator

Your tests will look something like this:

$ bwoken test
Build Successful!

iphone  favorites.js
Start:  Favoriting a repository
Debug:  tap tableViews["Repositories"].cells["CITravis by Travis-ci"]
Debug:  tap navigationBar.rightButton
Debug:  tap actionSheet.elements["Add"]
Debug:  tap navigationBar.leftButton
Debug:  tap navigationBar.elements["Favorites"]
Debug:  navigationBar.elements["Favorites"].scrollToVisible
Debug:  tap navigationBar.elements["All"]
Pass:   Favoriting a repository
Start:  Unfavoriting a repository
Debug:  tap navigationBar.elements["Favorites"]
Debug:  tap tableViews["Repositories"].cells["CITravis by Travis-ci"]
Debug:  tap navigationBar.rightButton
Debug:  tap actionSheet.elements["Remove"]
Debug:  tap navigationBar.leftButton
Debug:  should be true null
Debug:  tap navigationBar.elements["All"]
Pass:   Unfavoriting a repository

 Duration: 23.419741s

All the switches

Here's a list of all the switches that bwoken takes for the test command:

$ bwoken test -h
        --simulator             Use simulator, even when an iDevice is connected
        --family                Test only one device type, either ipad or iphone. Default is to test on both
        --scheme                Specify a custom scheme
        --product-name          Specify a custom product name (e.g. --product-name="My Product"). Default is the name of of the xcodeproj file
        --integration-path      Specify a custom directory to store your test scripts in (e.g. --integration-path=uiautomation/path/dir). Note that this folder still expects the same directory structure as the one create by `bwoken init`.
        --formatter             Specify a custom formatter (e.g., --formatter=passthru)
        --focus                 Specify particular tests to run
        --clobber               Remove any generated file
        --skip-build            Do not build the iOS binary
        --verbose               Be verbose
    -h, --help                  Display this help message.

In Your Code

Like Javascript?

Sometimes we'd like to have some javascript help us out. For example, what if you'd like Underscore.js in your test suite? Simple! Just put it in integration/javascript and import it in your test:

#import "../underscore.js"

Bring in Libraries!

Wanna bring in tuneup.js, mechanic, or underscore without manually downloading them first? Just use #github instead of #import:

#github "jashkenas/underscore/underscore.js"
#github "alexvollmer/tuneup_js/tuneup.js"
#github "jaykz52/mechanic/src/mechanic-core.js"


Create an iOS project

If you don't have an iOS project already, go ahead and create it. If you already have a project, no worries: you can install bwoken at any point.

Ensure your project is in a workspace rather than simply a project:

  • In Xcode, select File -> Save as workspace...
  • Save the workspace in the same directory as your .xcodeproj file

Note: This is done automatically if you use CocoaPods. I highly suggest you do!


Ensure Xcode is up-to-date.

Install rvm via the instructions. Ensure your after_cd_bundler rvm hook is enabled:

$ chmod u+x ~/.rvm/hooks/after_cd_bundler


In the terminal, inside the directory of your project (e.g., you should see a ProjectName.xcodeproj file), create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files and trigger their use:

$ echo '2.0.0' > .ruby-version
$ echo 'my_project' > .ruby-gemset
$ cd .

Install bundler (a ruby library dependency manager) and init:

$ gem install bundler # idempotent; might already be installed and that's ok
$ bundle init

This will create a Gemfile. Add bwoken to it and bundle:

$ echo "gem 'bwoken', '2.0.0.beta.1'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle

The last installation step is to initialize the bwoken file structure:

$ bwoken init

Now, you can start using it!

The Dirty Little Installation Method

Technically, you can skip this entire Installation section and just run sudo gem install bwoken && bwoken init. This is listed here for completeness, but you really shouldn't install gems this way.


Special thank you goes out to everyone who's helped with bwoken. Here's a (probably incomplete) list of those folks:


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request