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(Use to achieve Abstraction)


  • It will allow only abstract methods.
  • It cannot be instantiated.
  • Variables are public static final
  • Methods are public and abstract
  • No constructor in interface
  • It achieve through implements keyword.


interface Computer {
    void compileCode();


interface Computer {
    void compileCode();

class Laptop implements Computer {
    public void compileCode() {
        System.out.println(" Laptop :Slower than Desktop");

class Desktop implements Computer {
    public void compileCode() {
        System.out.println("Computer : Faster than Laptop");

class Developer {
    public void buildApp(Computer obj) {

public class demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Computer obj = new Desktop();
        Developer dev = new Developer();

Types of Interfaces

  • Single Abstract Method : It is same as Functional Interface
  • Normal Interface : More than one methods used in Interface
  • Marker Interface : Zero methods used in Interface

Java 8 Features over Interface

  • Default methods in Interface
  • Static methods in Interface
  • Functional Interface / Single Abstract Method Interface

Default and Static Methods in Interface

interface Computer {
    void compileCode();

    default void runCode() { // default methods in interface
        System.out.println("Code is running from default method ");

    static void output() { // static methods in interface
        System.out.println("output from static method");

class Laptop implements Computer {
    public void compileCode() {
        System.out.println(" Laptop :Slower than Desktop");

public class demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Computer c = new Laptop();


Functional Interface

  • If any Java Interface allow only one abstract method then it is called a Functional Interface.
  • To make any interface as Functional Interface then we have to use the following annotation just above of the interface @FunctionalInterface
  • Example
    • java.lang.Runnable
    • java.lang.Comparable
class A {
    public void show() {
        System.out.println("In Show");

    class B {
        public void display() {
            System.out.println("In display");

public class demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        A obj = new A();
        A.B obj2 = B();;

Lambda Expression Syntax

  • Java lambda expression is consisted of three components.

Argument-List: It can be empty or non-empty as well. Arrow-Token: It is used to link arguments-list and body of expression. Body: It contains expression and statements for Lambda Expression.

interface Car {
    void drive();

public class demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Car obj = new Car() {
        // public void drive() {
        // System.out.println("driving");
        // }
        // };
        Car obj = () -> System.out.println("driving"); // lambda expression;

Abstract vs Interface

Abstract Interface
If we are talking about implementation but not completely(partial implementation) then we should go for abstract class If we don't know anything about implementation just we have requirement specification then we should go for an Interface
Every method present inside abstract class need not to be public and abstract Every method present inside the interface is always public and abstract whether we are declaring or not
There are no restrictions on abstract class method modifiers We can't declare interface methods with the modifiers private, protected, final , static , synchronized, native.
Every absract class variables need not be a public static final Every interface variable is always a public static final whether we are declaring or not following modifiers private , protected , final , transient , volatile
Inside the abstract class we can take constructor Inside the interface we can't take constructor

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