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My rice on berry using gruvbox material. Simple, calm and comfy. I call it "pome". This is my daily driver.
Earlier, I had it made on 2bwm, but berry is more versatile and more power efficient. For anyone who wants to use the 2bwm version, the config and repo are still there.



here's my build of berry.


here's my build of 2bwm.

ps: if you're looking for configs of my older rices (endless on dwm, dkwm), they'd be available in my junkyard and dwm repo.

Default Keybindings

These are the basic keybindings. Read through the ~/.config/berry/sxhkdrc for more shortcuts.

Keybind Function
MOD + Enter Launch terminal (st)
MOD + Q Close window
MOD + {H,J,K,L} Move the window to {Left, Down, Up, Right}
MOD + Shift + {H,J,K,L} Resize the window
MOD + Shift + F Monocle a window
MOD + F Fullscreen a window
MOD + P Open app launcher
MOD + S List out the useful scripts in ~/.local/scipts/ in rofi
MOD + Shift + BackSpace Open powermenu
MOD + R Open lf (terminal file manager)

Note: MOD is the windows key


The installation instructions are currently in works.
I'm writing it with a fresh install of void linux in mind (even though my main device runs arch with these dots). But it is possible to follow along the intructions for any distro with slight adjustments (mainly for package names).
Also, this rice was made on a 1920x1080 monitor, so for now you'll have to edit some configs (namely berry, rofi, poybar) to fit your setup.


I manage my dotfiles using gnu stow. The way I use it is that my dotfiles (this git repo) are kept in a separate directory anywhere on the system, and then I use stow to symlink them to their original rightful paths (the the weird nesting).



log in as root

vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-1.conf

add the following lines


save and exit and run

wpa_passphrase MYSSID passphrase >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-1.conf
wpa_supplicant -B -i *interface* -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-1.conf

use ip link to identify the interface

package manager

This updates the packages after first install.

xbps-install -Su

This installs all the needed packages.

sudo xbps-install -S stow git make neovim iwd bat pkg-config libXft-devel gcc libXinerama-devel xorg-server xf86-input-libinput xauth xclip zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting lf ueberzugpp ffmpegthumbnailer xinit sxhkd wmctrl xdo xdotool xwallpaper xset xsetroot xrdb setkbmap pipewire wireplumber mpd mpc dunst libnotify ncmpcpp picom xbanish redshift polybar rofi mpv pamixer pulsemixer
# autocpu-freq not in xbps repo

Installs the graphics drivers for Intel. If you're using something else then see this.

sudo xbps-install -S xf86-video-intel mesa-dri vulkan-loader mesa-vulkan-intel intel-video-accel

enabling services

ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service/
ln -s /etc/sv/iwd /var/service/
# autocpu-freq

cloning repo

mkdir -p ~/.local/repos/savar95x
# This is where I recommend to store stuff, and where I personally keep my dots on my system.  
cd ~/.local/repos/savar95x
git clone

This clones the dotfiles to ~/.local/repos/savar95x.


berry and st.

  • Installing st
cd $HOME/.local/repos/savar95x
git clone
cd st/
sudo make install
  • Installing berry
cd $HOME/.local/repos/savar95x
git clone
cd berry/
sudo make install

backing up ~/.config and symlinking my dotfiles instead.

cd $HOME/.local/repos/savar95x/dotfiles
backup() {
    [ -d ~/.config] && mv ~/.config ~/.config.bak
    [ -d ~/.local/bin] && mv ~/.local/bin ~/.local/bin.bak
    [ -d ~/.local/scripts] && mv ~/.local/scripts ~/.local/scripts.bak

remove() {
    [ -d ~/.config] && rm -rf ~/.config
    [ -d ~/.local/bin] && rm -rf ~/.local/bin
    [ -d ~/.local/scripts] && rm -rf ~/.local/scripts
    [ -d ~/.local/run/x11] && rm -rf ~/.local/run/x11
    [ -d ~/.local/run/pipewire] && rm -rf ~/.local/run/pipewire
    [ -d ~/.local/share/spotdl] && rm -rf ~/.local/share/spotdl

create() {
    mkdir -p ~/.config
    mkdir -p ~/.local/run
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/zsh
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/spotdl
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/lyrics
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/cache/lf
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/themes
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons 
    mkdir -p ~/.local/run/x11
    mkdir -p ~/.local/run/pipewire
    mkdir ~/mus
    mkdir ~/dlds
    mkdir ~/dox
    mkdir ~/pix
    mkdir ~/vids

stow_stuff() {
    stow -t ~/ */

symlinking() {
    ln -s ~/.config/zsh/rc ~/.zshrc
    ln -s ~/.config/zsh/profile ~/.zprofile
    ln -s ~/.local/share/themes ~/.themes
    ln -s ~/.local/share/icons ~/.icons



chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh


more dependencies

For my scripts to work properly, you'll be needing the following programs:

ImageMagick xcolor simple-mtpfs xsecurelock xdotool scrot

To start the WM, type startx from the command line, or just login to tty1.
Raise an issue if something doesn't work.


  • fix spotdl directory
  • better / more sensible keybindings
  • improve zsh vi mode cursor
  • Add fonts, simp1e-cursor, gruvbox-material-gtk (via links and downloading).
  • Fix some shortcuts (like in file manager) being username dependent.
  • Add quality of life stuff like syncthing, downloader-cli, sof-firmware, spotdl (via links and downloading).
  • Port configs to 1366x768 as well. Maybe learn to use VM.
  • Check out larbs to realise how he does it.
  • Write an install script.
  • rofi -show window with hidden windows for quicknote/lofi_music to work