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Tiny Waybar module to check Arch Linux updates from official repositories and AUR.


  • Sends notifications about updates.
  • Supports GNU gettext localization (contribute new po-files!)
  • Checks updates from AUR using Aurweb RPC, so works independently.
  • Can check for development packages upstream changes (see -d options)
  • Shows updates in the tooltip.
  • Supports two states: pending-updates and updated to use different icons or hide module.
  • Uses infinite loop to supply Waybar JSON updates.
  • Configurable interval between checks.


  1. Using AUR package waybar-updates.
  2. Manually by using make && make install.


  • pacman-contrib
  • gettext
  • curl
  • jq
  • libnotify
  • git (if using --devel option)



"modules-left": [


"custom/pacman": {
  "format": "{icon}{}",
  "return-type": "json",
  "format-icons": {
    "pending-updates": "",
    "updated": ""
  "exec-if": "which waybar-updates",
  "exec": "waybar-updates"


@keyframes blink-update {
	to {
		background-color: dodgerblue;

#custom-pacman {
	animation-timing-function: linear;
	animation-iteration-count: infinite;
	animation-direction: alternate;
#custom-pacman.pending-updates {
	animation-name: blink-update;
	animation-duration: 3s;

You can copy compiled mo-files and use TEXTDOMAINDIR="$HOME/.config/waybar/scripts" in case you want to use localization and don't want to store them in /usr/share/locale.

Command-line options

The following options are available:

  • -i, --interval: Interval between checks (default: 6 seconds)
  • -c, --cycles: Cycles between online checks (e.g. 6s * 600 cycles = 3600s = 1h between online checks) (default: 600 cycles)
  • -l, --packages-limit: Maximum number of packages to be shown in notifications and tooltip (default: 10)
  • -d, --devel: Also check for development packages upstream changes (default:disabled)
  • -n , --notify: Turns on notifications for updates.


Supported languages:

  • English
  • Russian
  • French
  • Turkish
  1. Open po/waybar-updates.pot in poedit or any alternative.
  2. Generate po-file for your language.
  3. Translate!
  4. Submit po-file by opening Pull Request!

Inspired by waybar-module-pacman-updates.