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sbadame edited this page May 1, 2012 · 15 revisions

Requirements to go live

  • Need the IP/sec limit
  • Search should search answers
  • UI needs to be prettier
    • Looks too much like bootstrap
    • Doesn't really have a logo
    • The form is kinda lame
  • Cross browser tested
    • Windows
    • Mac
    • Linux
    • Might need selenium, we can probably get away with some webservice that takes SS for us.

Requirements after happy with software

  • Need a domain

Private poll (Perro)

Add a checkmark for making the poll private. This will give a special url to a special set of polls that have a long url that is not indexed for search. Have an option for a link.

Stopping Cheater (Perro)

Add a time limit to ips

Fix Poll Lists on Home Page

Newest Polls and Most Popular Polls shouldn't show expired polls, right? Or at least Newest Polls Shouldn't

Random Poll (Sandro)

  • Turn this into the poll of the day/hour/minute
  • Add voting buttons to this poll. (Look into creating a custom template tag) Perhaps something on the homepage? Like getting a random reddit. Returns a random poll for you to vote in.

Add test cases (Perro & Sandro)

  • Uncommon cases are never really tested.

Make sure poll totals add up to 100%

Had to throw that one in there =]

Combine results

  • You should be able to combine polls with stuff like /5+23+3 and that will display the results for those three polls together in one page.
  • If we start matching hashes to votes we can go as far as correlating results or creating a venndiagram typathingy :)


  • Integrate South
  • Poll Expiration
  • Merge the {id} and {id}/view pages