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Confidentiality Layer for Consortium Blockchains

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Getting started for development

  1. Fork the repository and clone your fork. (See the Github Guide Forking Projects if needed.)

  2. Install Docker. (For Linux, see Manage Docker as a non-root user to run docker without sudo.)

  3. Install docker-compose.

  4. Run the tests (the first time will take longer as the image will be built):

    $ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc

    The tests should pass, and you should also see a small code coverage report output to the terminal.

If the above went all well, you should be setup for developing HoneyBadgerMPC!

Some recommendations

You may find it useful when developing to have the following 3 "windows" opened at all times:

  • your text editor or IDE
  • an ipython session for quickly trying things out
  • a shell session for running tests, debugging, and building the docs

You can run the ipython and shell session in separate containers:

IPython session:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc ipython

Shell session:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc sh

Once in the session (container) you can execute commands just as you would in a non-container session.

Running a specific test in a container (shell session) As an example, to run the tests for, which will generate and open 1000 zero-sharings, N=3 t=2 (so no fault tolerance):

Run a shell session in a container:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc sh

Run the test:

pytest -v tests/ -s


python -m honeybadgermpc.passive

About code changes and building the image

When developing, you should not need to rebuild the image nor exit running containers, unless new dependencies were added via the Dockerfile. Hence you can modify the code, add breakpoints, add new Python modules (files), and the modifications will be readily available withing the running containers.

Protocol Descriptions


An Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing protocol. Allows a dealer to share a secret with n parties such that any t+1 of the honest parties can reconstruct it. For our purposes (achieving optimal Byzantine Fault Tolerance), we will always be using n = 3t+1.

Input: One secret the size of a field element

Output: n parties will have a t-shared share of the secret


An altered version of HBAVSS that allows for the more efficient sharing of a batch of secrets. Details to be worked out soon (TM).


A protocol which allows a broadcaster to send the same message to n different recipients in a bandwidth-saving way, while being assured that every recipient eventually receives the full correct message.

Input: One message to be broadcasted

Output: n parties will eventually successfully receive the message


A protocol to reconstruct many secrets at once with fewer messages

Input: At least t+1 parties input their shares of t+1 total t-shared secrets

Output: t+1 reconstructed secrets are output to every participating party


A protocal that generates a random secret-shared value, which nobody will know until it is reconstructed


An effiecient batched version of Rand


Perform multiple shared-secret multiplications at once

Input: n t-shared pairs of secrets that one wishes to multiply and n sets of beaver triples. 2n >= t+1

Output: n t-shared secret pairs that have been successfully multiplied


Turns a set of triples into a set of co-related and secret-shared triples. This plus Polynomial Verification together can tell you if all of your input triples are multiplication triples.

Co-related triples are triples that make up points on polynomials A(), B(), and C() such that A()*B() = C(), i.e. A(i)*B(i) = C(i) for any i

Input: m independent t-shared triples, where m = 2d + 1 and d >= t.

Note the if we have d == t, then this whole process gives 1 multiplication triple, but can tolerate the most dropouts. On the other hand, if d = 3t/2, we have m = 3t + 1 and hence have the best efficiency but require all parties to provide correct input to proceed.

Output: m t-shared, co-related triples


Determine if the triples output from TripleTransformation are multiplication triples.

Input: n different t-shared outputs of TripleTransformation

Output: Knowledge of which polynomials one can extract multiplication triples from


Extract unknown random multiplication triples from a set of co-related multiplication triples.

Input: n different polynomials formed by t-shared co-related multiplication triples

Output: (d + 1 - t) t-shared random triples, where d is the degree of polynomials A() and B()


Confidentiality Layer for Consortium Blockchains






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