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A parallel, pipelined query execution engine for multi-socket, multi-core systems with large main memories.


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Pythia is a parallel, pipelined, open-source query execution engine optimized for multi-socket, multi-core systems with large main memories. It is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license by its authors (refer to the LICENSE and AUTHORS files.)

Commercial and open source database systems typically tightly couple a query engine and a data storage engine in a single package. This allows for a number of distinctive features, such as sophisticated query optimization and transactionally-consistent updates. On the other hand, users need to go through an onerous data load process prior to querying any data, regardless of whether they desire such advanced functionality.

Pythia is a standalone query engine that decouples data analysis from data storage. The proliferation of new classes of data stores in the last few years, with vastly different design goals, consistency or availability guarantees and performance means that important data today may no longer reside in database systems. Pythia envisions to bring sophisticated query capabilities over data that are stored in a number of modern data stores or container formats. In lieu of loading an entire dataset, users need to specify how their data should be streamed into Pythia through a pull-based adaptor interface. Pythia currently provides fast adaptors for CSV and HDF5 data, and for data stored in the FastBit index format. Please refer to the section "Adding an operator in Pythia" below on how to add and invoke a custom adaptor for your data.

Pythia is an ongoing project at The Ohio State University where it serves both as a research vehicle to accelerate innovation in data management, and it is also used in education as a prototype of a modern but lean query engine to allow students to experiment with more sophisticated algorithms and data structures. Pythia has been compiled and run on power-constrained Atom netbooks, on servers with 1TB of main memory, and on supercomputers with thousands of nodes, such as the Department of Energy National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center and the Ohio Supercomputing Center. We hope you will also find it useful.

- The Pythia authors (see AUTHORS file.)

Pythia query plan specification

Each query plan in Pythia is fully described by a configuration file, which is a plain text file. Pythia currently uses libconfig for parsing, so the format of the configuration file somewhat resembles the JSON format. A simple configuration file can be found in the drivers/sample_queries/q1/ directory.

The query configuration file has three types of information:

  • Global configuration options: These apply to the entire query tree.
  • Node-specific configuration options: These apply to each specific node.
  • The tree structure: This specifies how the nodes introduced earlier are linked together to form the query plan.

Global configuration options

These affect all nodes of the query plan. For example, the following snippet specifies that the buffer that operators pass to each other is 1MB big:

buffsize: 1048576

Node-specific configuration options

Each node in the query plan is described by its own top-level object. Each object has the following form:

nodename: {
	type: "nodetype";
	(... type-specific configuration options ...)

The engine right now understands a number of types, such as:

| scan | | partitionedscan | | parallelscan | | hashjoin | | aggregate_sum | | aggregate_count | | merge | | shmwriter | | filter | | ... |

(Check the Doxygen documentation on the type-specific options for each operator.)

For example, the following snippet defines two nodes, named scanL and writeL, of types scan and shmwriter respectively:

	type: "scan";

	filetype: "text";
	separators: "|";
	file: "lineitem.tbl";
	schema: [ "int", "int", "int", "int", "decimal" ];

	type: "shmwriter";

	size: 1048576;
	paths: "/dev/shm/lineitem.";

Tree structure

Each query plan must contain a treeroot object at the top level. This object specifies the structure of the tree and contains exactly one object of type subtree. A subtree object must contain the common attribute name (a string) that refers to a nodename described in the node-specific options above. The other attributes in the subtree object are operator-specific. Currently the following additional information is expected:

Operator class Expected subtrees
join build, probe
scan or generator (nothing)
(all others) input

An example of a treenode object is the following:

treeroot :
    name : "sum";
    input :
        name : "hashjoinPO";
        build :
            name : "scanP";
        probe :
            name : "hashjoinOL";

            build :
                name : "scanO";

                name : "scanL";

Real examples

A simple complete example of a configuration file can be found in the drivers directory, in drivers/sample_queries/q1/query1.conf.

Memory allocation in Pythia

We have found that haphazard memory placement can cause data access patterns that degrade memory throughput by 20X or more. This is further exacerbated by the inherent non-determinism of highly-parallel programs, as such degradations may only happen only for a few executions of the same program.

Pythia avoids using the standard C++ allocators in performance-critical code, and implements a custom NUMA-aware memory allocator that offers a number of highly desired features automatically:

  • in addition to a NUMA-local allocation, the caller can specify a particular NUMA node for each allocation.
  • each allocation is padded to avoid cache conflicts and false sharing between cache lines
  • each returned block is word-aligned to avoid the poor performance associated with unaligned memory accesses
  • large allocations are padded with non-readable/writable pages to catch out of bounds errors early

In addition, Pythia's custom allocator employs a memory broker interface that maintains a breakdown of the memory allocated per component, query and operator. This information can be used to selectively deny memory allocation requests in case of memory pressure.

The main allocation function is numaallocate_onnode. The signature of the function is:

void* numaallocate_onnode(const char tag[4], size_t allocsize, int node, void* source);

The tag is a four-character name which describes the purpose of this allocation. allocsize is the size (in bytes) of this allocation. node is the NUMA node that the allocated region should be placed in, or -1 if the allocation is NUMA-local. source is an optional pointer to the object performing the allocation. This information can be used to differentiate between different instances of an object requesting memory (for example, at different depths of the query tree.) The memory breakdown per tag, source and NUMA node can be printed by calling the dbgPrintAllocations() function.

Internally, allocation happens through two code paths. The first path is a slow allocation, which will use mmap to grow the address space of the process. This path is preferred for large allocations. In some cases it is necessary to perform a number of small memory requests. To avoid the time and space overhead of calling mmap for each, the memory allocator statically preallocates one allocation arena per NUMA node on startup, and assigns portions on that space for any small request. Currently all allocations that are greater than 16MB are handled through the slow path.

Deallocation requests trigger an actual deallocation only when freeing pages that have been allocated with the slow mmap-based allocator. The fast lookaside-based allocator will only deallocate memory when an entire region is free; currently there is no support for memory compaction. Operators that trigger many small memory requests should allocate memory in batches using the slow allocator interface, and deallocate once when the operation is completed.

Adding an operator in Pythia

Pythia is designed to be easily extendible to support user-defined functionality. Follow the following steps to add a new operator.

  1. Append class declaration in operators/operators.h, extend any virtual methods, and declare PrettyPrintVisitor to be a friend class.
  2. Document, in Doxygen format, what the new operator does.
  3. Add a new .cpp file in folder operators/, to provide the implementation.
  4. Add the new object (.o) file that will be automatically produced by this .cpp in the Makefile.
  5. Add pretty printing for the new operator, under folder visitors/. Register the new class, at minimum, to the following files: a. visitors/visitors.h (This is the externally visible file.) a. visitors/allvisitors.h (This is the internal .h file, only included by the Visitor implementations.) a. visitors/prettyprint.cpp (This is the class that walks the tree and pretty-prints it. As you have declared this class a friend, it can pretty print private members too.)
  6. (Strongly encouraged.) Write a new test for your code, add it under unit_tests/ and add it in the Makefile. Verify it's working using make tests.
  7. Reserve a type name for your new operator. This is what the user will use in the "type" parameter in the configuration file to instantiate the new operator.
  8. Modify method constructsubtree() in query.cpp to instantiate the new object.


A parallel, pipelined query execution engine for multi-socket, multi-core systems with large main memories.







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