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Command Line Tool

Simon Braconnier edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 9 revisions

The command line tool provides a good way to check that everything is working, i.e. that you have the right OOo version installed etc. To convert a document, just use the provided batch file, located in the bin directory of the cli module distribution.


jodconverter-cli [options] infile outfile [infile outfile ...]


jodconverter-cli [options] -f output-format infile [infile ...]



The input file to convert (required). When used with the -f switch, infile may contain wildcards to match multiple files to convert. Thus, it is possible with the jodconverter-cli tool to convert more than 1 file at the time.


The target file which is the result of the conversion.

-a, --application-context

Application context file (optional).

-c, --connection-url

Remote LibreOffice Online server URL for conversion (optional).

-d, --output-directory

Output directory (optional; defaults to input directory).

-f, --output-format

Output format (e.g. pdf).

-g, --disable-opengl

Disable OpenGL (optional).

-h, --help

Displays help at the command prompt.

-i, --office-home

OOo home directory (optional; defaults to auto-detect). See Configuration.

-k, --kill-process

Kill existing office process (optional). See Configuration.

-m, --process-manager

Class name of the process manager to use (optional; defaults to auto-detect). See Configuration.

-o, --overwrite

Overwrite existing output file (optional; defaults to false).

-p, --port

Office socket port (optional; defaults to 2002). See Configuration.

-r, --registry

Document formats registry configuration file (optional).

-t, --timeout

Maximum conversion time in seconds (optional; defaults to 120). See Configuration.

-u, --user-profile

Use settings from the given OOo user installation directory (optional). See Configuration.

-v, --version

Displays version information and exit.


  • Using -a

    An application context configuration file is really a Spring configuration file, so a configuration file will start with the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
      <!-- Configuration goes here! -->

    A configuration file can be used to initialize the filter chain that will be applied to the loaded document before it is saved to the desired format. Here's an example of a configuration to create a filter chain that will first insert a given text to the document, then will insert a graphic into it, and finally will apply the configured text strings replacement:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
      <!-- Creation of all the required filters we want to add to the filter chain. -->
      <bean id="textInserterFilter" class="org.jodconverter.filter.text.TextInserterFilter">
        <!-- Text to insert -->
        <constructor-arg value="text to insert" />
        <!-- Arguments related to the added box size and position -->
        <constructor-arg value="100" /> <!-- Width, 10 CM -->
        <constructor-arg value="10" />  <!-- Height, 1 CM -->
        <constructor-arg value="50" />  <!-- Horizontal Position, 5 CM -->
        <constructor-arg value="100" /> <!-- Vertical Position, 10 CM -->
      <bean id="graphicInserterFilter" class="org.jodconverter.filter.text.GraphicInserterFilter">
        <!-- Path to the image -->
        <constructor-arg value="src/integTest/resources/images/sample-1.jpg" />
        <!-- Arguments related to the added box size and position -->
        <constructor-arg value="50" />  <!-- Horizontal Position, 5 CM -->
        <constructor-arg value="111" /> <!-- Vertical Position, 11.1 CM (just under text box) -->
      <bean id="textReplacerFilter" class="org.jodconverter.filter.text.TextReplacerFilter">
        <constructor-arg name="searchList">
            <value>to insert</value>
        <constructor-arg name="replacementList">
            <value>describing the image below</value>
      <!-- Configure the filter chain that will be used while converting a document. -->
      <bean id="filterChain" class="org.jodconverter.filter.DefaultFilterChain">
            <ref bean="textInserterFilter" />
            <ref bean="graphicInserterFilter" />
            <ref bean="textReplacerFilter" />

    Combine with the -c switch, a configuration file can be used to initialize the SSL Context of the connection to the Libre Office Online server:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
      <!-- Configure the SSL to secure communication with a Libre Office Online server. -->
      <bean class="org.jodconverter.ssl.SslConfig">
        <!-- Indicates whether SSL support is enabled or not. -->
        <property name="enabled" value="true" />
        <!-- Comma separated values of the supported SSL ciphers. Defaults to the JVM default values. -->
        <property name="ciphers" value="ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" />
        <!-- Comma separated values of the enabled SSL protocols. Defaults to the JVM default values. -->
        <property name="enabledProtocols" value="enabledProtocols" />
        <!-- The alias that identifies the key in the key store. -->
        <property name="keyAlias" value="keyalias" />
        <!-- The password used to access the key in the key store. -->
        <property name="keyPassword" value="keypassword" />
        <!-- The path to the key store. -->
        <property name="keyStore" value="/path/to/the/keystore.jks" />
        <!-- The password used to load the key store. -->
        <property name="keyStorePassword" value="keystorepassword" />
        <!-- The type of key store. -->
        <property name="keyStoreType" value="JKS" />
        <!-- The provider for the key store. -->
        <property name="keyStoreProvider" value="BC" />
        <!-- The path to the trust store. -->
        <property name="trustStore" value="/path/to/the/truststore.p12" />
        <!-- The password used to load the trust store . -->
        <property name="trustStorePassword" value="truststorepassword" />
        <!-- The type of trust store. -->
        <property name="trustStoreType" value="PKCS12" />
        <!-- The provider for the trust store. -->
        <property name="trustStoreProvider" value="SUN" />
        <!-- The SSL protocol to use. Default to TLS. -->
        <property name="protocol" value="TLS" />
        <!-- Indicates whether hostname should be verify during SSL handshake. Defaults to true. -->
        <property name="verifyHostname" value="true" />
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