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Merge pull request #10287 from som-snytt/partest/toolargs-caching
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SethTisue committed Mar 13, 2023
2 parents f3bfc05 + b333865 commit 122de8d
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 43 deletions.
104 changes: 61 additions & 43 deletions src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ package nest
import{Console => _, _}
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption}
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption}

import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader, ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger}
import{isWin, propOrEmpty}
import{CompilerCommand, Global, Settings}
import ClassPath.join
import TestState.{Crash, Fail, Pass, Skip, Updated}
import FileManager.{compareContents, joinPaths, withTempFile}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try, Using}
import scala.util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast
import scala.util.chaining._
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import ClassPath.join
import FileManager.{compareContents, joinPaths, withTempFile}
import TestState.{Crash, Fail, Pass, Skip, Updated}

/** pos/t1234.scala or pos/t1234 if dir */
case class TestInfo(testFile: File) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {
joinPaths(outDir :: testClassPath),
) ++ (toolArgsFor(files)("javac")
) ++ (toolArgsFor(files)(ToolName.javac)
) ++ (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,17 +352,15 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {
* any Windows backslashes with the one true file separator char.
def normalizeLog(): Unit = {
import scala.util.matching.Regex

// Apply judiciously; there are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.
val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes.replaceAllIn(s, "/")

// this string identifies a path and is also snipped from log output.
val elided = parentFile.getAbsolutePath
val elided = parentFile.getAbsolutePath

// something to mark the elision in the log file (disabled)
val ellipsis = "" //".../" // using * looks like a comment
val ellipsis = "" //".../" // using * looks like a comment

// no spaces in test file paths below root, because otherwise how to detect end of path string?
val pathFinder = raw"""(?i)\Q${elided}${File.separator}\E([\${File.separator}\S]*)""".r
Expand All @@ -375,20 +373,18 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {

def masters = {
def masters = {
val files = List(new File(parentFile, "filters"), new File(suiteRunner.pathSettings.srcDir.path, "filters"))
val filters = toolArgs("filter", split = false) ++ masters
val elisions = ListBuffer[String]()
//def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = !(filters exists (s contains _))
def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = (
filters map (_.r) forall { r =>
val res = (r findFirstIn s).isEmpty
if (!res) elisions += s
val filters = toolArgs(ToolName.filter) ++ masters
lazy val elisions = ListBuffer[String]()
def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = { r =>
val unfiltered = r.findFirstIn(s).isEmpty
if (!unfiltered && suiteRunner.verbose) elisions += s

if (suiteRunner.verbose && elisions.nonEmpty) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,37 +448,46 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {
// under --realeasy, if a javaVersion isn't specified, require the minimum viable using -release 8
// to avoid accidentally committing a test that requires a later JVM.
def flagsForCompilation(sources: List[File]): List[String] = {
var perFile = toolArgsFor(sources)("scalac")
var perFile = toolArgsFor(sources)(ToolName.scalac)
if (parentFile.getParentFile.getName == "macro-annot")
perFile ::= "-Ymacro-annotations"
if (realeasy && isJavaAtLeast(9) && !perFile.exists(releaseFlag.matches) && toolArgsFor(sources)("javaVersion", split = false).isEmpty)
if (realeasy && isJavaAtLeast(9) && !perFile.exists(releaseFlag.matches) && toolArgsFor(sources)(ToolName.javaVersion).isEmpty)
perFile ::= "-release:8"
private val releaseFlag = raw"--?release(?::\d+)?".r

// inspect sources for tool args
def toolArgs(tool: String, split: Boolean = true): List[String] =
toolArgsFor(sources(testFile))(tool, split)
def toolArgs(tool: ToolName): List[String] = toolArgsFor(sources(testFile))(tool)

// for each file, cache the args for each tool
private val fileToolArgs = new mutable.HashMap[Path, Map[ToolName, List[String]]]

// inspect given files for tool args of the form `tool: args`
// if args string ends in close comment, drop the `*` `/`
// if split, parse the args string as command line.
// if filter, return entire line as if quoted, else parse the args string as command line.
// Currently, we look for scalac, javac, java, javaVersion, filter, hide.
def toolArgsFor(files: List[File])(tool: String, split: Boolean = true): List[String] = {
def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = {
import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
import scala.sys.process.{Parser => CommandLineParser}, CommandLineParser.tokenize
val max = 10
val tag = s"$tool:"
def toolArgsFor(files: List[File])(tool: ToolName): List[String] = {
def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = fileToolArgs.getOrElseUpdate(f.toPath, readToolArgs(f)).apply(tool)
def readToolArgs(f: File): Map[ToolName, List[String]] = {
val header = readHeaderFrom(f)
.map(name => name -> fromHeader(name, header))
.toMap[ToolName, List[String]]
def fromHeader(name: ToolName, header: List[String]) = {
import scala.sys.process.Parser.tokenize
val tag = s"$name:"
val endc = "*" + "/" // be forgiving of /* scalac: ... */
def stripped(s: String) = s.substring(s.indexOf(tag) + tag.length).stripSuffix(endc)
def argsplitter(s: String) = if (split) tokenize(s) else List(s.trim())
val args = Using.resource(Files.lines(f.toPath, codec.charSet))(
val lines = header.filter(_.contains(tag)).map(line => stripped(line).trim())
if (name == ToolName.filter) lines else lines.flatMap(tokenize)
def readHeaderFrom(f: File): List[String] =
Using.resource(Files.lines(f.toPath, codec.charSet))(stream => stream.limit(10).toArray())

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,10 +520,10 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {

def compilationRounds(file: File): List[CompileRound] = {
import scala.util.Properties.javaSpecVersion
val Range = """(\d+)(?:(\+)|(?: *\- *(\d+)))?""".r
val Range = """(\d+)(?:(\+)|(?:-(\d+)))?""".r
lazy val currentJavaVersion = javaSpecVersion.stripPrefix("1.").toInt
val allFiles = sources(file)
val skipStates = toolArgsFor(allFiles)("javaVersion", split = false).flatMap({
val skipStates = toolArgsFor(allFiles)(ToolName.javaVersion).flatMap {
case v @ Range(from, plus, to) =>
val ok =
if (plus == null)
Expand All @@ -530,7 +535,7 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {
else Some(genSkip(s"skipped on Java $javaSpecVersion, only running on $v"))
case v =>
Some(genFail(s"invalid javaVersion range in test comment: $v"))
skipStates.headOption match {
case Some(state) => List(SkipRound(List(file), state))
case _ => groupedFiles(allFiles).flatMap(mixedCompileGroup)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -660,7 +665,7 @@ class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {

private def runRunTest(): TestState = {
val javaopts = toolArgs("java")
val javaopts = toolArgs(
val execInProcess = PartestDefaults.execInProcess && javaopts.isEmpty && !Set("specialized", "instrumented").contains(testFile.getParentFile.getName)
def exec() = if (execInProcess) execTestInProcess(outDir, logFile) else execTest(outDir, logFile, javaopts)
def noexec() = genSkip("no-exec: tests compiled but not run")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,3 +776,16 @@ final class TestTranscript {
def append(text: String): Unit = { val s = buf.last ; buf.dropRightInPlace(1) ; buf += (s + text) }
def toList = buf.toList

// Tool names in test file header: scalac, javac, java, javaVersion, filter, hide.
sealed trait ToolName
object ToolName {
case object scalac extends ToolName
case object javac extends ToolName
case object java extends ToolName
case object javaVersion extends ToolName
case object filter extends ToolName
case object hide extends ToolName
val values = Array(scalac, javac, java, javaVersion, filter, hide)
def named(s: String): ToolName = values.find(_.toString.equalsIgnoreCase(s)).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s))

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