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Add -quickfix compiler option to apply quick fixes to source files
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With 2.13.12 the compiler starts providing quick fixes with certain
warnings and errors. Typically these are presented in IDEs, however
it can also be practical to have the compiler directly patch the source

From `-quickfix:help`:

Apply quick fixes provided by the compiler for warnings and errors to source files.
Syntax: -quickfix:<filter>,...,<filter>

<filter> syntax is the same as for configurable warnings, see `-Wconf:help`. Examples:
  -quickfix:any                    apply all available quick fixes
  -quickfix:msg=Auto-application   apply quick fixes where the message contains "Auto-application"

Use `-Wconf:any:warning-verbose` to display applicable message filters with each warning.
  • Loading branch information
lrytz committed Aug 3, 2023
1 parent 98a4234 commit 3505209
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Showing 27 changed files with 323 additions and 72 deletions.
168 changes: 159 additions & 9 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Reporting.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ package scala
package tools
package nsc

import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, tailrec}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.countElementsAsString
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{CodeAction, NoSourceFile, Position, SourceFile}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{CodeAction, NoSourceFile, Position, SourceFile, TextEdit}
import{NonParseableVersion, ParseableVersion}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,13 +65,50 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio
else conf

private lazy val quickfixFilters = {
if (settings.quickfix.isSetByUser && settings.quickfix.value.isEmpty) {
globalError(s"Missing message filter for `-quickfix`; see `-quickfix:help` or use `-quickfix:any` to apply all available quick fixes.")
} else {
val parsed =, rootDirPrefix))
val msgs = parsed.collect { case Left(msg) => msg }
if (msgs.nonEmpty) {
globalError(s"Failed to parse `-quickfix` filters: ${settings.quickfix.value.mkString(",")}\n${msgs.mkString("\n")}")
} else parsed.collect { case Right(f) => f }

private val skipRewriteAction = Set(Action.WarningSummary, Action.InfoSummary, Action.Silent)

private def registerTextEdit(m: Message): Boolean =
if (quickfixFilters.exists(f => f.matches(m))) {
else false

private def registerErrorTextEdit(pos: Position, msg: String, actions: List[CodeAction]): Boolean = {
val matches = quickfixFilters.exists({
case MessageFilter.Any => true
case mp: MessageFilter.MessagePattern => mp.check(msg)
case sp: MessageFilter.SourcePattern => sp.check(pos)
case _ => false
if (matches)

private val summarizedWarnings: mutable.Map[WarningCategory, mutable.LinkedHashMap[Position, Message]] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private val summarizedInfos: mutable.Map[WarningCategory, mutable.LinkedHashMap[Position, Message]] = mutable.HashMap.empty

private val suppressions: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.ListBuffer[Suppression]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty
private val suppressionsComplete: mutable.Set[SourceFile] = mutable.Set.empty
private val suspendedMessages: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.LinkedHashSet[Message]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty

private val textEdits: mutable.Set[TextEdit] = mutable.Set.empty

// Used in REPL. The old run is used for parsing. Don't discard its suspended warnings.
def initFrom(old: PerRunReporting): Unit = {
suspendedMessages ++= old.suspendedMessages
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +140,10 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio
sups <- suppressions.remove(source)
sup <- sups.reverse
} if (!sup.used && !sup.synthetic) issueWarning(Message.Plain(sup.annotPos, "@nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings", WarningCategory.UnusedNowarn, "", Nil))

// apply quick fixes

def reportSuspendedMessages(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
Expand All @@ -119,6 +163,14 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio

private def issueWarning(warning: Message): Unit = {
val action = wconf.action(warning)

val quickfixed = {
if (!skipRewriteAction(action) && registerTextEdit(warning)) s"[rewritten by -quickfix] ${warning.msg}"
else if (warning.actions.exists(_.edits.nonEmpty)) s"[quick fix available] ${warning.msg}"
else warning.msg

def ifNonEmpty(kind: String, filter: String) = if (filter.nonEmpty) s", $kind=$filter" else ""
def filterHelp =
s"msg=<part of the message>, cat=${}" +
Expand All @@ -133,12 +185,13 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio
"\nScala 3 migration messages are errors under -Xsource:3. Use -Wconf / @nowarn to filter them or add -Xmigration to demote them to warnings."
else ""
def helpMsg(kind: String, isError: Boolean = false) =
s"${warning.msg}${scala3migration(isError)}\nApplicable -Wconf / @nowarn filters for this $kind: $filterHelp"
wconf.action(warning) match {
s"$quickfixed${scala3migration(isError)}\nApplicable -Wconf / @nowarn filters for this $kind: $filterHelp"

action match {
case Action.Error => reporter.error(warning.pos, helpMsg("fatal warning", isError = true), warning.actions)
case Action.Warning => reporter.warning(warning.pos, warning.msg, warning.actions)
case Action.Warning => reporter.warning(warning.pos, quickfixed, warning.actions)
case Action.WarningVerbose => reporter.warning(warning.pos, helpMsg("warning"), warning.actions)
case Action.Info => reporter.echo(warning.pos, warning.msg, warning.actions)
case Action.Info => reporter.echo(warning.pos, quickfixed, warning.actions)
case Action.InfoVerbose => reporter.echo(warning.pos, helpMsg("message"), warning.actions)
case a @ (Action.WarningSummary | Action.InfoSummary) =>
val m = summaryMap(a, warning.category.summaryCategory)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +352,16 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio
def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, category: WarningCategory, site: Symbol, origin: String): Unit =
issueIfNotSuppressed(Message.Origin(pos, msg, category, siteName(site), origin, actions = Nil))

// Remember CodeActions that match `-quickfix` and report the error through the reporter
def error(pos: Position, msg: String, actions: List[CodeAction]): Unit = {
val quickfixed = {
if (registerErrorTextEdit(pos, msg, actions)) s"[rewritten by -quickfix] $msg"
else if (actions.exists(_.edits.nonEmpty)) s"[quick fix available] $msg"
else msg
reporter.error(pos, quickfixed, actions)

// used by Global.deprecationWarnings, which is used by sbt
def deprecationWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = summaryMap(Action.WarningSummary, WarningCategory.Deprecation) => (p._1, p._2.msg))
def uncheckedWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = summaryMap(Action.WarningSummary, WarningCategory.Unchecked) => (p._1, p._2.msg))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,6 +393,91 @@ trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with Compilatio
if (settings.fatalWarnings.value && reporter.hasWarnings)
reporter.error(NoPosition, "No warnings can be incurred under -Werror.")

private object quickfix {
/** Source code at a position. Either a line with caret (offset), else the code at the range position. */
def codeOf(pos: Position, source: SourceFile): String =
if (pos.start < pos.end) new String(source.content.slice(pos.start, pos.end))
else {
val line = source.offsetToLine(pos.point)
val code = source.lines(line).next()
val caret = " " * (pos.point - source.lineToOffset(line)) + "^"

def checkNoOverlap(patches: List[TextEdit], source: SourceFile): Boolean = {
var ok = true
for (List(p1, p2) <- patches.sliding(2) if p1.position.end > p2.position.start) {
ok = false
val msg =
s"""overlapping quick fixes in ${source.file.file.getAbsolutePath}:
|add `${p1.newText}` at
|${codeOf(p1.position, source)}
|add `${p2.newText}` at
|${codeOf(p2.position, source)}""".stripMargin.trim
issueWarning(Message.Plain(p1.position, msg, WarningCategory.Other, "", Nil))

def underlyingFile(source: SourceFile): Option[Path] = {
val fileClass = source.file.getClass.getName
val p = if (fileClass.endsWith("xsbt.ZincVirtualFile")) {
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
val path = source.file.asInstanceOf[ {def underlying(): {def id(): String}}].underlying().id()
} else
val r = p.filter(Files.exists(_))
if (r.isEmpty)
issueWarning(Message.Plain(NoPosition, s"Failed to apply quick fixes, file does not exist: ${source.file}", WarningCategory.Other, "", Nil))

val encoding = Charset.forName(settings.encoding.value)

def insertEdits(sourceChars: Array[Char], edits: List[TextEdit], file: Path): Array[Byte] = {
val patchedChars = new Array[Char](sourceChars.length +
@tailrec def loop(edits: List[TextEdit], inIdx: Int, outIdx: Int): Unit = {
def copy(upTo: Int): Int = {
val untouched = upTo - inIdx
System.arraycopy(sourceChars, inIdx, patchedChars, outIdx, untouched)
outIdx + untouched
edits match {
case e :: es =>
val outNew = copy(e.position.start)
e.newText.copyToArray(patchedChars, outNew)
loop(es, e.position.end, outNew + e.newText.length)
case _ =>
val outNew = copy(sourceChars.length)
if (outNew != patchedChars.length)
issueWarning(Message.Plain(NoPosition, s"Unexpected content length when applying quick fixes; verify the changes to ${file.toFile.getAbsolutePath}", WarningCategory.Other, "", Nil))

loop(edits, 0, 0)
new String(patchedChars).getBytes(encoding)

def apply(edits: mutable.Set[TextEdit]): Unit = {
for ((source, edits) <- edits.groupBy(_.position.source).view.mapValues(_.toList.sortBy(_.position.start))) {
if (checkNoOverlap(edits, source)) {
underlyingFile(source) foreach { file =>
val sourceChars = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file), encoding).toCharArray
try Files.write(file, insertEdits(sourceChars, edits, file))
catch {
case e: IOException =>
issueWarning(Message.Plain(NoPosition, s"Failed to apply quick fixes to ${file.toFile.getAbsolutePath}\n${e.getMessage}", WarningCategory.Other, "", Nil))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,7 +680,8 @@ object Reporting {

final case class MessagePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = pattern.findFirstIn(message.msg).nonEmpty
def check(msg: String) = pattern.findFirstIn(msg).nonEmpty
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = check(message.msg)

final case class SitePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
Expand All @@ -542,10 +691,11 @@ object Reporting {
final case class SourcePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
private[this] val cache = mutable.Map.empty[SourceFile, Boolean]

def matches(message: Message): Boolean = cache.getOrElseUpdate(message.pos.source, {
val sourcePath = message.pos.source.file.canonicalPath.replace("\\", "/")
def check(pos: Position) = cache.getOrElseUpdate(pos.source, {
val sourcePath = pos.source.file.canonicalPath.replace("\\", "/")
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = check(message.pos)

final case class DeprecatedOrigin(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Parsers.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ self =>
val syntaxErrors = new ListBuffer[(Int, String, List[CodeAction])]
def showSyntaxErrors() =
for ((offset, msg, actions) <- syntaxErrors)
reporter.error(o2p(offset), msg, actions)
runReporting.error(o2p(offset), msg, actions)

override def syntaxError(offset: Offset, msg: String, actions: List[CodeAction]): Unit = {
if (smartParsing) syntaxErrors += ((offset, msg, actions))
else reporter.error(o2p(offset), msg, actions)
else runReporting.error(o2p(offset), msg, actions)

override def incompleteInputError(msg: String, actions: List[CodeAction]): Unit = {
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/StandardScalaSettings.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,21 @@ trait StandardScalaSettings { _: MutableSettings =>
val nowarn = BooleanSetting ("-nowarn", "Generate no warnings.") withAbbreviation "--no-warnings" withPostSetHook { s => if (s.value) maxwarns.value = 0 }
val optimise: BooleanSetting // depends on post hook which mutates other settings
val print = BooleanSetting ("-print", "Print program with Scala-specific features removed.") withAbbreviation "--print"
val quickfix = MultiStringSetting(
"Apply quick fixes provided by the compiler for warnings and errors to source files",
helpText = Some(
"""Apply quick fixes provided by the compiler for warnings and errors to source files.
|Syntax: -quickfix:<filter>,...,<filter>
|<filter> syntax is the same as for configurable warnings, see `-Wconf:help`. Examples:
| -quickfix:any apply all available quick fixes
| -quickfix:msg=Auto-application apply quick fixes where the message contains "Auto-application"
|Use `-Wconf:any:warning-verbose` to display applicable message filters with each warning.
prepend = true)
val release =
ChoiceSetting("-release", "release", "Compile for a version of the Java API and target class file.", AllTargetVersions, normalizeTarget(javaSpecVersion))
.withPostSetHook { setting =>
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/util/CodeAction.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,4 +36,6 @@ case class CodeAction(title: String, description: Option[String], edits: List[Te
* @groupname Common Commonly used methods
* @group ReflectionAPI
case class TextEdit(position: Position, newText: String)
case class TextEdit(position: Position, newText: String) {
def delta: Int = newText.length - (position.end - position.start)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/files/neg/auto-application.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ auto-application.scala:5: error: Int does not take parameters
auto-application.scala:6: error: Int does not take parameters
("": Object).##()
auto-application.scala:9: warning: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method meth,
auto-application.scala:9: warning: [quick fix available] Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method meth,
or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
meth // warn, auto-application (of nilary methods) is deprecated
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions test/files/neg/for-comprehension-old.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
for-comprehension-old.scala:6: error: `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:6: error: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for (val x <- 1 to 5 ; y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:7: error: `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:7: error: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for (val x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:11: error: `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:11: error: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for (z <- 1 to 2 ; val x <- 1 to 5 ; y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:12: error: `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:12: error: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is unsupported: just remove `val`
for (z <- 1 to 2 ; val x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:5: warning: `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:5: warning: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for (x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:7: warning: `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:7: warning: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for (val x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:10: warning: `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:10: warning: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for (z <- 1 to 2 ; x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
for-comprehension-old.scala:12: warning: `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for-comprehension-old.scala:12: warning: [quick fix available] `val` keyword in for comprehension is deprecated: instead, bind the value without `val`
for (z <- 1 to 2 ; val x <- 1 to 5 ; val y = x) yield x+y // fail
4 warnings
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